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Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
National University of Singapore [10-]

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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    happy birthday mummy!!

    came home to celebrate mums birthday yesterday. nothing much. just a simple dinner as always. bought her a pair of croc sandals but they cudnt fit :( haha. not my fault. her feet grew fatter. she used to fit into size 7 shoes but now she has to get size 8. T.T imagine if my feet were to grow even more. haix. only guys shoes left. O.O

    did nothing much. just lazed around the entire day. watched tv. played phone games. ... super unproductive. i finished one geog reflection though. still have one more (which i think i will finish right after this) and anac lab report. then i'm done for the week. woah. my recess week just went past like that. so super fast!! ahhh.. i din even have time to go out and play. sian. T.T

    brother just ordered pizza: mexican fiesta and tandoori chicken. fat sia! haha. i dunno why my mum likes canadian pizza. domino's is the best!! ahh. my new york crust. havent had it in such a long time!! everytime i think of domino's i'll think of TK. haha. had domino's for one of my last few sectional dinners. >.< i wonder how the band is doing. its outdoor this year. exciting much. i will wanna go and support eh. havent lost the band spirit after all these years haha.

    okie. back to work. cant wait for pizza. hungry sia.

    piggy imma.

    12:14 AM

    Thursday, February 23, 2012

    another unproductive study day.. haizz.. i think i squeezed in too much during the first few days of recess week and as a result, i'm so sick of reading all my other notes. sian. spec 1 is really driving me crazie. >.< i just hope to get at least a double digit percentage for the midterms. haha. die.

    went for Ice Cream Art's ice cream buffet with the SP people at Bukit Merah Sports & Recreation Centre. the place is ulu ttm. haha. we stupidly din make a reservation and to our horrors, the shop was closed when we arrived. but luckily, the people working at the complex was nice enough to help us contact the owner and in about an hours time, we were all happily enjoying our waffles and ice-cream. :d the quality was so-so though. it tasted more like the supermarket tub kind of ice-cream than good quality ice-cream like b&J. hmm. but for the price ($8.90), it was still a rather good deal. played truth or dare in between. quite fun but i slumped half-way cuz i was too tired.

    haiz. i feel so lethargic these few days. i dun even know why. i get ~8 hours of sleep but still... i feel so zzz all the time. haha. oh well.

    mum's bday tmr. still havent decided what to get. ^.^ i hope my father/bro brings us to a nice restaurant ;D yay yay. may it be a good year for my mum (and me... and everyone! hehe)

    P.S.: i shud really stop thinking about food.. food food food.. *nom nom nom*

    8:54 AM

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    haha! everytime i read my old posts, i feel really stupid!!. embarrassing sia! like some lame emo momo kid back in JC. wts. haizz. this nabilah khan la! start blogging again.. (omg. her posts are all so cute and hilarious (as always). highly recommend you guys to read it!! "nabnk.wordpress.com") make me wanna start blogging again too. haha. havent had a 2012 post yet.

    hmm. 2012 has been an amazing year: IHG, SP etc

    so many things coming to an end. so thankful for everything that has happened. feeling very blessed ^.^ its oready the mid of sem 2. halfway thru recess week oready. haix. i have so many mid-terms coming up. i shud really be studying but no... here i am: PROCRASTINATING. :p

    cant believe its end feb oready. time really flies when ur (having fun :p) in uni ! seriously. i remember how i dread JC (and how i begged for time to pass quickly) but now, i really wish for the opposite. so many happy memories. i want everyday to be like my uni (or sec school) life! loving the friends/people i'm with. ^.^

    shall remember to blog more starting now. anyone know if there's an android app that allows you to update from your phone?? haha. everything every where is iphone/apple/mac... bleuk! GALAXY!!! haha. ok. siao. i better continue studying la. okie. tell me if u guys know of any..

    in the meantime, u can still access my tumblr.. i update there more often.

    www.suitesunflowers.tumblr.com (warning: contents may appear emo)

    okie. bubbye


    10:08 PM