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i'm your soul.

Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
National University of Singapore [10-]

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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    playing wii with my bro and sis. my arm hurts like hell. wii baseball is the closest thing i have to softball. gosh. i really wanna play. i miss my darling big yellow ball and strong blue bat.

    i went to perm my hair today. first time doing digital perm. (used to do the normal "korean" perm) my hair is damn freaking curly now. haha. kinda not used to it yet. gosh. slap me plz. now i think i look better with straight hair. ahhh!! oh well. the package came with hair colour so i dyed my hair too. just a lil bit lighter. i dont like light hair. i dunno why. i love darker shades. i think dark hair makes ur features look more defined/sharper. haha.

    got mendaki meeting tmr. havent seen the team in gazillion years. kinda excited. ;D

    still havent got a job. wad a loser. haha. (i kinda lazy to find le.) how i wish $$$ wud just drop from the sky. oh well.. MUMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

    urgh. somethings bugging me. no. someone's bugging me. the more i try to distract myself, the more the person appears. like everywhere. seriously. FO!

    10:20 AM

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    i think i'm getting a hang of tumblr. but no, i'm not gonna swtich... yet. have been fiddling around with it this evening cuz i had nothing better to do and i must say that some of the pictures/quotes are really pretty :) but i dont know why. i just dont feel safe enough to blog there. tumblr feels more "open" than blogger. somehow.

    anw, i made spinach quiche today. well.. it er, tasted spinach-y and egg-y. nothing too unusual. in my opinion, it needed a lil more salt. but other than that it was fine.

    my mum took an MC to visit the dentist cuz her tooth was hurting. the dentist gave her an extra day off so she's gonna be in tmr. i dunno if thats good or bad news. maybe i like having people around the house or maybe i'd prefer to be away from her nagging and asking me to do housework all the time. grr. no matter wad, i'm gonna put aside some money to hire a domestic helper next time. i can cook, i can (try to) sew but i really really hate housework. so dusty and everything. ALLERGIES GO AWAYYYYYY.

    haix. and i dunno if hiding u is a good thing. i wish i cud hide my thoughts as easily.

    and oo. i actually walked 6km to buy spinach to make the quiche. *proud* yay!

    10:44 AM

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Yoz! I'm back from my short trip to Malaysia. The 5 days flew past so quickly it feels like i hadn't even gone. happy times (my perspective). :)

    Day #1
    supposed to meet CK at the budget terminal at 4pm but it was raining and my dad was caught in a jam. funny how i was still AT HOME on FB CHAT with natalie at 4. JOKE. lame MT tried to make me panic but FAIL. -.- ultra joke was that he reached the airport earlier than me although he had a paper that ended at 3pm. picked the guys up and headed straight for check in. had to walk in the rain to board the plane. sian. aha. zip and nat were waiting for us at the terminal when we arrived. they brought us to this food place (like lau pa sat) where we ate bbq fish, mee sua and satay. i almost died when they said they wanted to play LAN. seriously! o.o!! haha.

    we ended up settling for pool, foosball and air hockey. we totally sucked at pool la. haha. 4 people vs zip and the score was still so close. -.- haha. foosball was damn fun! air hockey was scary and tiring. nat was exceptionally good at it :)

    nat's family (esp her mum) were extremely welcoming. warm cosy house. i fell asleep almost immediately. haha.

    Day #2
    woke up super early cuz i was damn excited. 7.30am and i was already disturbing nat. haha. oops. washed up and went to pick up the guys. was damn funny cuz nat and i were circling round and round zip's estate trying to find his house. we were sortta trying to figure out where his house was on our own but super FAIL. thank god for zip's directions, we managed to find his house.

    ROTI CANAI for breakfast! k. i ordered a bit too much. so muak. bluek. must remind myself that malaysia has a bigger serving size than singapore. :/ so used to all the "mini" meals here. haha. cheat $$$.

    we took a train to KL sentral from subang. the train ride was super drama sia! they have this "females-only" train which we didnt know about and this cranky old woman was complaining damn loudly when the guys came in. -.- relax ar. haha. was so scared that i didnt even take photo. sian lo. it was crowded on the way back so i never got to take my picture. :( transferred to an LRT and arrived at KLCC/twin towers. poor ck hurt his foot (and my cam!) but both were strong and we continued our journey around town. fulfilled my goal of taking photos with buildings. so nice!

    dont ask me how but we suddenly landed at the foot of this really steep hill leading us to the KL tower. had no choice but to climb us the steep steps. so freaking hot. was dying ok! haha. but we made it! thank god the end results weren't disappointing. they had some cultural exhibition thingy then managed to take photo with kampung houses! :) we didnt go up the tower though. super ex.

    went to pertaling street next. surprisingly, i didnt get anything. WOW. achievement (self-restrain) ttm k! wasnt as scary as i tot it wud be. people told me some horrid stories about that place but it looked ok wad. -.- exactly like bugis street lo. from there we went to the central market where ck bought his painting. haha. then waited almost 30mins for the train back to subang. which ended up being so full that the guys didnt get to go in. then found out we had some faulty ticket that didnt allow us to exit the station. suay. :/

    zip brought us to the ampang view point for dinner. omg. more steps but it had a breath-taking view of KL city. the lights were soooo beautiful. i lovveeeeee view points! and the food was good too. SOOOOO AMAZING.. :D :D :D

    Day #3
    started our day later today. all of us were drained from the day before. had brunch before going to sunway pyramid shopping centre. MT went to shop for tshirts, played arcade then watched the last bladesman. which had such confusing characters. i was wondering throughout the entire movie about the motives of the characters. they happy happy good, then happy happy bad. er... dots. k. nvm. then suddenly had donut craving. ;) yum. donutssss. haha. yay!

    nat then dropped me off at zip's house where i lepak-ed with ck and mt while they went to fetch yq and yap. had dinner ard his place where yap played a very good KL spokesperson. everyone was so eager to treat everyone so we ended up ordering a lil bit too much. haha. damn funny!! oyster omelet, bak kut teh, prawn mee, satay, dumplings, hokkien mee etc O.O!

    after the fulfilling dinner, headed straight to the bus station to catch our ride to terengganu. had a hard time trying to find the bus station so we ended up circling the place a couple of times. dont u find it frustrating that something which seem so near was in fact, damn far? -.-

    arrived at the KT bus station at ~5am. hanged around the bus station until 6am where we were all expecting the "driver" to take us to a rest house but this mysterious "driver" who was DRINKING WATER when we called was actually a "walker" who walked us to the rest area that was freaking ACROSS the road. wow. x.x

    they brought us to the jetty promptly at 7.30am where we took the ferry to the island. omgggg. the sea was SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! can cross out one of my life-long goal of seeing clear water beaches. ;D we were kinda lucky to be given the sea view room! had lunch then went on out first snorkeling trip. we didnt get bread so the fish didnt come close to us. the corals werent that colourful either. but we went to better areas the next day. saw some interesting fishes. took pretty photos of fishes and corals.

    played some games and rolled around at night. yq got a spray tatoo of a dragon. super act macho can! HAHA. but it was well done. quite nice :)

    3D2N passed by damn quickly. at the end, all i remember was being damn happy on the speed boat. super fast and the wind was damn nice. just like the movies! HAHA. spent the freaking 3rd day travelling from redang back to singapore. slept almost 3/4 of the journey. shag sia. -.-

    haix. i'm gonna miss these people SOOO MUCHHHH during the holidays. haix haix haix. sometimes i find myself wanting to rewind back to december. (all the stuff minus the work part) haix haix haix.

    now.. what i really need to do is.... to get a job.

    10:18 PM