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i'm your soul.

Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
National University of Singapore [10-]

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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    YAY! exams are over! but i feel too exhausted to celebrate. sian.

    i wish strength and focus for those who are still having papers. the hurdles half crossed! *FIGHTING!!*

    7:23 AM

    Monday, April 25, 2011

    sometimes u make it feel like life's a never ending competition. and i'm desperately trying to catch up. i'm so exhausted. can i stop now? because u've won. u always have. cuz everyone's special in their own way.

    10:25 AM

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    ok. so i'm taking a break. from all the crazie studying. i'm glad that i've been rather disciplined this week. i tot i wudnt be able to separate myself from the computer but i actually CAN! haha. (well, this is considering my computer is gonna die any moment and the screen keeps flicking and its so freaking annoying). haix. i dunno why, but everytime i'm on one subject, i feel like i'm neglecting the other subjects. haix. how i wish i cud study ALL at the same time. sheesh. i feel annoyed.

    studying makes me cranky. just like when someone forces me to wake up when i'm in the middle of a deep sleep. so beware. haha.

    well, on the bright side, this challenging period is gonna be OVER in ONE WEEK. 7 days. I CAN DO IT! and so can ALL my friends. dear god, please bless us with strength to overcome all the challenges in this difficult period. Give us a clear mind: to focus and to absorb as much information as we can. and that we will be able to see the fruits of our labour in due time. :) ahhh. i miss the scripture reading and prayers in SAJC. really gave me a lot of motivation to get thru the day. now that there's no one to actually "pray" for us everyday, its become a habit for me to do so every night. can really feel the difference when u start believing. :)

    hmm. i wanna find the songs we used to sing at chapel but i cant remember the title. sian.


    9:15 AM

    Sunday, April 17, 2011

    ahhh. beginning of a longgggg and difficult week. sian sian sian.

    i'm back for the weekend. i cant decide when i wanna go back. half of me wants to go back early. but the other wants to stay. damn. my mum keeps giving me the 'its holiday and you dont wanna stay at home' face. make me feel damn guilty can. haha. but urgh! i really hate to do housework. i did not study so hard to go home and do housework! ok. someone shud just slap me now. so ungrateful! hmm. must have a maid next time. OR... i must find a partner like my brother! haha.

    my brother's sick today. for a short while. haha. for one moment, he was puking and rolling ard then he went out and came back all cherry and happy. -.- siao.

    anw, the weather's starting to get really really hot! my cat's not sleeping in her basket thingy anymore. everytime i come back, i see her sprawled out on the floor or on the table outside. super freaking unglam. stupid cat. REFUSED TO EAT SALMON! which cat would refuse salmon! its freaking high class ok! only want her stupid meat biscuit. no wonder so fat. STOOPID!

    9:06 AM

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    wad an enjoyable day/night! damn cute how simple things like art and crafts bring out the kid in you. i really really cant wait for may 3rd!!!!!

    12:01 PM

    urgh! i hate it when i'm so easily persuaded! everytime i vow to stick to something but the moment someone tries to talk me into doing the opposite, my brain will stupidly follow. ahhhh. no no! i still have a CHOICE.

    its time to make the RIGHT DECISION!

    to rag or not to rag?

    p.s.: why must my freaking RF be a psychologist? HAHA. the word psycho- makes me think of yap! -.-

    11:54 AM

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    i drew a retarded princess last weekend. her mouth is so cacat. i'd definitely kick her out of the castle. haix. if only today was a fairytale.

    10:18 PM

    i'm still recovering from the "amazing" results i got for my biochem graded assignment. 3/10. well done me! keep it up and i may just see myself kicked out by MOE. not only wun i have a job when i graduate (that is... if i DO graduate) but i'd be severely broke from the scholarship settlements that i have to pay for breaking the bond. urgh! T.T

    hmm. other than that, things seem to be pretty okay. had a sets steamboat gathering over at kevin's hse yesterday. it was so awesome! :D amazing food, amazing games and amazing people! yap is soooooo funny! kevin gave him a so-called "make over" but his appearance wasnt the only thing that changed. he had an ultra attitude boost and started daring people to do stuff to him. -.-! seriously yap. zZzzZz

    i'm a little worried about my summer trip. i feel uneasy cuz we havent booked all our hotels and flights. 3 more hotels and 1 more domestic flight to go. urgh! gonna cost me a bomb. but its ok. adventure of a lifetime. so excited! i cant wait for May to come! ;D

    3 more weeks. and my life starts...

    9:46 AM

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    whee! its confirmed! :/ ok. i'm supposed to be happy. and i'm supposed to say the line i've been longing to say. but haix. no mood ar.

    went to delia's hse this afternoon after chinese. its been so long since i've seen her. i miss good citizen's damn badly. although 75% of JC really sucked, the 25% that made JC super fun and bearable was the time spent with the 8 of them. haha. andrea hasnt changed a single bit. still the same ultra-laughable, happy-go-lucky girl. delia's still... delia. blur in a smart way. haha. havent seen the others in awhile. well, we're all doing different things now.

    andrina's in australia. anqi's in SIM. xunqi's in SMU. eunice... is is NUS accounting but i dont know why i dont see her ard. -.- ahaha. oo. and the two guys... joel and cheeyang.. both in army. omg.!! i miss bitching with lim cheeyang! HAHAHA. who the hell did we think we were?!. gosh!!. i feel damn guilty just thinking about the things we did/said. kk. move on move on. shud have good citz gathering soon! :D :D

    hmm. thinking abt gcitz kinda cheered me up a little. lets see how things work out...

    10:01 AM

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    omg. WE ARE SINGAPOREANS! what a show la. i totally wanna join can?! $10.8k for such easy questions! SERIOUSLY!

    I NEED THE FREAKING MONEY!! urghhhhhhh.

    6:04 AM

    Saturday, April 2, 2011

    i am one extremely happy girl.

    although nothing's officially confirmed, i have a feeling its all gonna work out.

    but then again... its no good to rely entirely on feelings.

    SIN --> LA --> SF --> PA --> W.DC --> PA --> MA (boston) --> NYC --> LA --> SIN

    in 28 days.

    beats staying back to "expose" yourself. seriously. wads there to "expose"?

    "party in the USA" i may soon be able to sing it... and MEAN IT.


    p.s: heart-felt gratitude goes out to:
    a) my parents for agreeing
    b) my brother and sis-in law for the housing offer
    c) rico; for volunteering to be our personal tour guide :D


    first, i need to find a bank that doesnt lock their safe.

    10:32 AM