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Nurul Imma Wong
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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    Thursday, March 31, 2011

    -----unofficial start-----
    before i officially start my april fool's day post, just wanna side-track and talk abt my blog post title. i named this post "1st april fool's day in sheares hall'. suddenly dawned on me that i'm gonna run out of '1st' very soon. gosh! why does time have to pass so damn quickly. seriously. less then a month left of school. ahhh! so many things i havent done/tried. sian ttm! -.-
    -----k. end of unofficial start-----

    -----official start-----
    its 1st of april! o.O like WAD! how i wish it was a joke. urgh. anw, its 5.14am. i find this rather amusing. i dunno why. HAHAHA. ITS 5.15am and i'm awake. shitz. going crazie oready.

    k. back to point. dont digress! APRIL FOOL's!

    pranked 4 people so far: jackson, yi qiang, yap and zip. not all was successful though.

    met up with nat, kevin and zip for supper (after distributing the last issue of shaddup! YES! no more shit stirring stress! YES YES YES!) then decided to do something funny on april fool's. first victim: JACKSON!
    omg. SUPER FAIL! if there was an award for worse acting/script-writing for group, we'd probably win. jackson wasnt fooled AT ALL la. gosh. we're such bad actors. which is both bad AND good. haha. well, lets take it that jackson's "prank" was a warm-up for us.

    on, to next victim: YI QIANG!
    our original plan was to walk in and start scolding him. but *jeng jeng jeng* he wasnt in when we arrived. and his room was wide open! so.. immediate change of plans! nat and i grabbed his pillow and *poof* but wad came behind us totally shocked us! the guys freaking took his matress along! haha. damn funny! did i mention, we took his belongings too? so he was freaking uncontactable. so sad! cant even ask for help! haha. so we went to deposit his stuff at the rooftop, took a picture and posted it using HIS facebook acct. -.-

    went to find joseph and got a HUGE shock when he appeared at the door. good job of shielding his laptop jackson! haha. :) he didnt suspect us at all! HAHA. damn funny! we looked so damn suspicious la! like wth wud the sets people be in joseph room?! yi qiang damn wols la seriously! HAHA. he then went on to throw his tantrum when he found out it was us. wahh. refuse to let us touch him and all. HAHA. -.- like girl sia. omg.! :x

    while waiting for him to find his stuff, we went to search for another victim: YAP! haha. this one was the hardest. i dun think he ever feels sad. like somehow, i feel yap has eternal happiness. haha. ooo. maybe he emo-s. but i dunno! nv see b4! i'd be damn damn damn scared if that happens. he's so innocent la! totally believed what we said. like without question! haha. ok. we were damn mean! but ... IT'S APRIL FOOL'S! :( so sad. he kena damn teruk from yq. haha. kena hit for no reason. he wasnt involved in yq's incident at all. haha. kena personal attack from yiqiang for being himself. ahh. YAP! PLZ LEARN TO FIGHT BACK K!

    after that: another failed victim: ming tuan. toot was playing dota. DAMN BAD DAMN BAD. urgh. gamers *ROLLS EYE!* SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!

    last victim: zip (and maybe chan how) haha. nothing serious. just placed all his shoes into someone else's show cupboard while he was gone.

    haix. yi qiang yi qiang. suddenly so hot property. got girls fighting over him. (hint: nat and jacq.) what has happened to the worldddddddddddd. HAHA

    oh wow. look at the time! 5:37AM. k. i'm gonna sleep. i totally deserve a reward if i can wake up for 10am class tmr.

    NIGHT or shud i say... MORNING!

    2:07 PM

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    oo! i'm pretty excited about this post! i'm back with the results of my analysis of sheares hall block B pond water sample. it was a rather simple process. just dip the electrode into the water and did some simple suction filtration.

    lets go straight to the results...

    Temperature (T): 28.58 degree Celsius

    Dissolved oxygen (DO): 27.4 % (average i guess. about the same as stream water samples)

    pH: 7.12 (near neutal :D)

    Electrical conductivity (EC): 153 mS/cm (whatever that means. it was the highest among my group of friends. careful k. -.-)

    Total dissolved particles (TDS): 0.093 g/l (slightly above class average)

    Turbidity (suspended particles): 10.12 (low for general average. but high for class average)

    PO4- (phosphate is required for plant growth and source of nutrients for aquatic life): 0.15 (freaking highest in class. our water damn fertile can. )

    gosh! no wonder got so much algae floating ard la. and when i took the sample, got damn a lot of baby/tiny fishes swimming near the surface. looks like a case of euthrophication! wonder who's the culprit who's secretly been adding fertilizers into the water. hmm. wonder wad rueben (pond IC) puts inside. o.O??

    but overall, the pond water isnt as bad as you think. most of the reading falls into the acceptable range proposed by hydrologists. good job pond IC! can roughly certify that the pond is safe for er... ponding..

    so...who's gonna be the next victim?


    5:01 AM

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    i dunno wad to post oready. say hallo to my boring life. haix. i missed my LSM mass tutorial again. totally my fault. somehow i prefer to study till very late at night then it will cause me to oversleep and miss lessons the next day. -.- grr..

    had my second/second-last lab yesterday! my crystals appeared at a reasonable yield! damn. i forgot to take photo. the crytals were damn pretty! so white and shiny! :) haix. now for the lab report. i forsee more late nights.

    anw, i'm going down to take some water samples from block B pond later. yes! i'm gonna test the water quality of block B pond for geog lab tmr. damn cool rite?! haha. gosh. now i can find out what chemicals and contaminants i was exposed to when they threw me in on friday! and this will probably answer yi qiang's question of how yap manages to keep his complexion despite being ponded all the time. :) lazy to find stream/canal ar. just take pond water. -.-

    oo! i painted my nails glittery black. still not used to it. its so... dark.. and black. so not me. and i really think it doesnt suit my skin colour. oh well! there's always remover. hehe. grrr. i need to do groceries! sian. no more food le. will x.x without them! :( i miss grocery shopping. haix. how i wish i have free flow of cash!

    ok. will continue reading my geog notes. like never-ending sia. but its ok. more readable then chem definitely. -.-


    11:17 PM

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    oo.. happy 20th birthday to me! now i can sing teenage dream and really mean it. haha. gosh. i remember how i used to say people 20 years and above are old. ahhh! i'm old! hmmm. maybe its time to switch from Disney channel to CNN or something. eww. boringgg. haha.

    i had such a great time last night. i was so overwhelmed that i didnt know what to say. i was like a broken record la. 'thank u thank u' gosh. i cud just smack myself. seriously. *rolls eyes at myself*

    well, it was sure a night i wud really really love to remember forever and ever so i'm gonna try to make this as detailed as i can! from my point of view. i can forsee a long post so brace yourself or come back another time when u really have nothing to do. haha.

    hmm. where shud i start? haha. ok. so lets begin from the time yiqiang asked me to play softball. like DIE DIE must play kind of thing. at first i was like 'woah! he so onz meh?' haha. it was so hard to find people to play with ok! everyone was like. er, see first/cannot make it. bla bla. so i kept telling yq that its no use, might as well cancel. but he was so freaking insistent; even offering to play at the grass patch. o.O?? something suspicious. i told him i dun believe his enthusiasm. but when he said that he may not even stay in hall and this may be his last few times playing ball, i felt really bad so i said ok. damn sad! i really hope he gets to stay! funny guy.

    anw, my suspicions grew during the process when i was asking people out to play. like zip suddenly said he cannot make it. got something on. then natalie kinda hesitated in telling me that she was busy. then suddenly got something up. half of me, i kept thinking... 'they're gonna plan something. YAY!' but the other half was saying... 'wth! who the hell do u think u are. maybe they're just really busy! stop thinking so much!' haha. omg. i'm such a loser. hahahaha! but ok. continue.

    my suspicions were confirmed... i tell u.. CONFIRMED.. when i saw zip and choon keat at the back alley, going out TOGETHER. they knew i knew, and even I knew they knew. -.- i was oready 'omg omg' in my head. so stuuuuupiddddddd. my face showed it all la. dammit! i'm so readable (yes qianwei. i know.) i was 'omg-ing' so badly that i even forgot to ask where they were gg etc etc. thats how "natural" my acting was. my kpo nature all gone. shitz.

    ok. then went back to change, called yq and nat yap. tried to dig out stuff from yq, by saying the weather gonna rain la, i'm gonna lock my door la etc etc. haha. i am so annoying! but he still acted natural. bravo! can join uni musical le! ^.^

    softball was tiring shit. haha. k. skip.

    anw, came back. then yq was asking if i wanted to follow them out that night. so i called nat. then i cud hear like a lot of voices behind her. *suspicions lingers* then she still say... 'can i ask kevin, yap etc etc' i knew they were in my room lo! HAHA. then yi qiang still wanna act go back to his room! total failure can! haha. when i reached my room, a pair of 'asadi' slippers greeted me. like how many people do i know have asadi slippers? seriously!! haha. and qian wei looked too happy to be the normal qian wei! so by that time i was squealing oready. then qw suddenly disappeared to dunno where. so i was threatening zhiyi to tell me who was inside (oops. sorrie zy!) :p

    ooo. then mr ng yi qiang. came! BUSTED! HAHA. lousy yq! and i finally opened the door! SURPRISE! awwwww. i think the reason why i didnt dare to open the door earlier (and relieve the stuffiness and suffering of the people crammed inside) was cuz i was damn damn damn scared i will.. er, cry? haha. shitz. i'm sorrie i'm such an emotional person. haha. but deep breaths! and i didnt it! i didnt cry. but i was damn stunned still. i cud just say 'thank u x 100 time' urgh! i was damn touched la.

    my whole room was filled with colourful balloons and they pasted the happy birthday thingy and notes on my wall. so sweet! the room was dark and they lit (and re-lit. haha) the candles and they had MANGO cake! haha. :) how awesome! oo! they had sunflowers! ahh. my favourite flowers! sooooo sweeeeeettttttttt! :) and they kept singing happy birthday. i damn paiseh! like in a good way.

    anw, i knew they confirm gonna pond me. no matter wad. cannot escape one la. that was the only gross part ok! and thank liang jiun for saving my life. i bet they wud have just thrown me in ok. -.- stupid zip placed my slippers in the middle of the pond. thank u YAP for helping me get them! haha. huge sacrifice ok! haha. :)) almost everyone got wet so it was fair! :) came back dripping wet.

    and had another lovely surprise from my block mates. aww. the freshies damn sweet! they baked me this chocolate cake which was damn nice! :) then we sang again. and i pai-seh-ed again. thank god they didnt pond me another time. i wud have died. seriously. haha. :) love love! so sad. had to rush off cuz had to meet the rest at 9.

    then went to eat supper. had soup tulang at beach road and murtabak at geylang. then went to rochor to eat tauhuay. the feeling when i'm sitting together with the people i really love in a lorry. talking cock abt rebecca black, hannah montana etc. is just amazing!

    ok. i'm gonna sound like a broken record one more time..


    i feel so happy. i'm gonna bake something for u guys! haha. :) cant wait for qian wei to tell me everything IN DETAIL. she gonna die. i'm gonna crash her room on Monday! haha. i bet she's expecting it oready. -.-

    anw, my bro bought me this cheery, fruity VS perfume that makes a "pheweet" sound whenever i open the cover! how the heck am i gonna open it in public! damn embarrassing can! -.- haha.

    oh man. i love being 20! :)


    11:32 PM

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    grr! wadehell is wrong with these people. playing saboteur in the middle of the night. in the open space summore! disturb my peace only! haix. cannot use mpsh meh?!

    urgh! these few days are so ... *bleuk*

    *bluek bluek bluek bluek bluek!*

    this is so saddening.

    6:41 AM

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    woohoo! its 4.47am! and i'm awake. gosh. my sleeping time is SOOOO SCREWED! my supposed 1 HR nap turned into a 5hr long SLEEP. and now i'm awake cuz i feel damn guilty for not finishing my tutorial. its so quiet. and ... quiet. ahh. quiet.

    i swear someone turned off my alarm clock last night. freaking dumbass person! oh wait. maybe its me. must have turned it off subconsciously. so lousy.wad a... dumbass. haix.

    i missed my only lecture/mass tutorial yesterday. damn. overslept. i have to re-adjust my sleeping time!!! i remember how i used to get so annoyed when people slept in class. and now.. i'm the one who's freaking guilty of doing that ALL THE TIME. gosh.

    k. side track: i just received an email saying i won 700 pounds in some british lucky draw. hmm... i wonder if i shud respond. stupid spam.

    k. back to point. wait. there is.. NO point... from the beginning. what rubbish!

    zzZzzZ -.-

    2:36 PM

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    whee! one lab down! two to go! haix. heard the other two are gonna be hell. just hope everything turns out fine. :D was so worried over nothing. urgh. i get worked up so easily sometimes. this is sooo bad! must find a way to calm myself down in such situations.

    anw, i was soooo sleepy in class today! slept for ~4hrs last night. had a good HTHT with my mummy. so i guess the sleepiness was worth it. i love how my mum understands me. :) we talked about many things. i felt so satisfied and happy after that. like she knows when i'm "trying" to sound happy although deep down i'm like super miserable. which can be quite scary sometimes. haha. maybe thats why i wanted to be an actress so bad when i was growing up! -.- zzzz

    oo. we celebrated choon keat's birthday in advance today. it was a rather simple one. too bad the chicken wings were sold out. shud have ordered earlier but oh well! the guys (and girl. hehe) are so adaptable when it comes to food! haha. :D hmm.. i think i can just sit and talk to them forever and ever. awesome group of people :)

    anw, had to leave halfway cuz of hall-pub photoshoot. it was rather quick and i ultra love the theme! PAJAMAS PARTY! haha. so i just went with my sleeping clothes. :) convenient ttm! played with plush toys! weeeeee.

    haix. maybe i shud sleep early tonight. people keep calling me when i'm just about to sleep! how annoying! haha. twice in a day is T.T! sian. i'm gonna be a zombie soon. then nat can go kill me with her weapons from l4d or something :D


    10:40 AM

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    HAHAHAHA! i just witnessed a durian explosion! a freaking durian just EXPLODED in front of me. damn funny! my dad brought home some durians but i think the durian seller didnt open properly so it was damn hard for us to open. wud have taken a photo if i wasnt too busy eating and laughing. it went BOOM! and the skin, flesh, seed etc went flying everywhere! what a sight. definitely something u dun get to see everyday. :D

    ahh! the weekend is over! so fasttttt! next week is freaking hell week. practicals are gonna start. and i have 3 freaking tutorials, 1 bio assignment and project deadlines for my chinese and hall pub article. grr. X.X

    oh oh! one of my fishes died yesterday! T.T i was "studying" at the dining area then i heard this really loud slashing sound coming from the tank. then saw the fish jumping ard near the surface of the water. after awhile, it cudnt swim upright. it was just floating and following the direction of the current. sian! cud see grasping very hard for air. and i felt so bad and sad. like i cant do anything but just watch. as it hit the glass and the suction stuff. haiz. super sian. it was dead within 15 mins. x.x

    anw, my forever non-existent cat was showing tantrum yesterday. refused to let me pat her head. wth! sheesh. maybe i shud go home more often man. even my cat dun wanna play with me anymore. O.O!

    Adam Lambert

    Have you lost your way?
    Livin' in the shadow of the messes that you made
    And so it goes
    Everything inside your circle starts to overflow
    Take a step before you leap
    Into the colours that you seek
    You'll get back what you give away
    So don't look back on yesterday

    Wanna scream out
    No more hiding
    Don't be afraid of what's inside
    Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
    In the Aftermath
    Anytime anybody pulls you down
    Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
    Just remember you are not alone
    In the Aftermath

    You feel the weight
    Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day
    It's not too late
    Think of what can be if you rewrite the role you play
    Take a step before you leap
    Into the colours that you seek
    You give back what you give away
    So don't look back on yesterday

    Wanna scream out
    No more hiding
    Don't be afraid of what's inside
    Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
    In the Aftermath
    Anytime anybody pulls you down
    Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
    Just remember you are not alone
    In the Aftermath
    In the Aftermath

    Before you break you have to she'd your armor
    Take a trip and fall into the glitter
    Tell a stranger that they're beautiful
    So all you feel is love, love
    All you feel is love, love

    Wanna scream out
    No more hiding
    Don't be afraid of what's inside
    Wanna tell you you'll be alright
    In the Aftermath

    Wanna scream out
    No more hiding
    Don't be afraid of what's inside
    Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
    In the Aftermath

    Anytime anybody pulls you down
    Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
    Just remember you are not alone
    In the Aftermath
    In the Aftermath
    Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
    In the Aftermath
    In the Aftermath
    Just remember you are not alone
    In the Aftermath

    extremely love the acoustic version. cant wait for his glam nation album to come out! 2 more days!! :D love the message in this song. I WILL BE OK! :D

    4:47 AM

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    jintian wo yao qu da qiu! wohoo! looking forward to 4pm ;D will try to make it a point to practice at least once a week. twice wud be a bonus (considering all the lingering deadlines). shall take this non-season "break" time to improve my personal playing skills, esp in throwing. and hopefully keep my learning slope constantly on an uphill.

    these past few days have been rather monotonous. nothing too major worth mentioning.

    i felt inspired to draw/sketch all of a sudden. i realised how much i missed drawing. dunno where my stack of drawing blocks went. started with a simple sketch. wow. have lots to polish on. my strokes are so lousy. grrr. will draw to destress from now on. baking/cooking is too $$$-draining. haha. cannot afford. sian. zzz

    k. will keep it short for today.

    till then, keep smiling. :D

    10:49 AM

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    i miss u.

    ohh. follow up to yesterdays post: looks like my bad day dragged on thruout last night. how suay! it was 2:30am and i was planning to sleep but decided to update my phone to the latest iphone OS (ver 4.3). but halfway thru, it said that there was some error. and i cudnt switch on my phone after that. it kept asking me to restore my phone to the original factory setting and that it was in recovery mode. HEN SIAN! why?! cuz i dun back up my songs! i delete them after i transfer them over cuz i dun wanna corrupt or cause my com to laggg. sian! my carrie underwood, taylor swift, britney spears, backstreet boys, leona lewis! ALL GONE! have to start slowly. one artist per day. started with my fav; carrie. i feel slightly better now. hmm. seriously. HOW BAD CAN A DAY GET?! -.- zzzzz!

    anw, today, or shud i say yesterday (its 12:42 am now!) was such a tiring day! omg. lab was so energy-draining. by 5pm my brain stopped functioning. sian. how i wish i was a little stronger.

    mid-terms tmr evening. thank god no chem tut and geog lab in the morning/afternoon or i can forsee myself collapsing halfway thru the paper. haha. -.- zzz

    looking forward to rockfest. but i still dunno who i'm going with. i dun think qian wei and the rest of the girls wud wanna go. haix! how can i still think of rockfest when i have one freaking bio assignment due at 9.30am on thursday! sheesh. I HATE BIO. AND PHYSICS. dammit. i'm totally in the wrong faculty.

    well. no one to blame but me.

    sometimes in life. people make wrong choices that changes their lives forever.

    9:57 AM

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    i dunno if i shud blog about today. definitely not a day i wud want to remember. sian max. it true that bad things multiply exponentially. and all u can do is ask... why me? why now? WHATS NEXT?

    1) cramps that hurt so bad; it made me squirm in my seat and not concentrate on the lecture.

    2) freaking bank opened 2 out of their 3 counters resulting in a super ultra long line of customers waiting to be served. seriously. i tot unemployment is still a problem in singapore? cannot hire more people is it?! and u freaking ahtiong woman. who's phone just had to ring when she was the next in line and made the counter person wait for her to finish the call before proceeding. like wth! wan talk get out of the queue la. people que-ing for ~1hr and STILL waiting. sorrie. we're impatient people! OR I'M an impatient person. seriously tiong. go f off. zzz.

    3) urgh. stupid side charges. damn ex ok! why is it so freaking ex to transfer money?! and like. i still have to do it one more time when making full payment. wth wth wth. admin got so ex meh? 30 extra leh! just to transfer from sg to malaysia. WT-HELL!

    4) i cant believe i forgot my debit card signature. haha. i didnt sign it at the back of my card and have been randomly signing when i pay for stuff. seriously no one cares. paiseh ttm. haha

    5) waiting for the transaction took so long that dark clouds had already gathered when i left the bank. had to buy some stuff back for people so quickly went to NTUC and rush rush rush. but (u guessed it) cudnt make it in time. had to run across the road with two bags of fruits. looked like some crazie person. oh. just received a message to stay clear of rain cuz of the nuclear explosion thing in Japan. so ya. friends, please bring an umbrella. or risk being... like me.

    6) i was sooooo sad by the misfortunes by that time. and remembered being so happy that i can finally take the bus back but noooooo! while i was typing on the phone, the freaking 183 just whooshed by me. freaking driver didnt even stop. and i cudnt see the bus for far cuz it was a bent road. and freaking 96 kept passing by. i swear the journey by bus 96 then walking from central lib cud have saved me damn a lot of time but 96 doesnt stop at that stupid bus stop. -.- grrr. oh so.. i checked my iphone.. and it said the next bus wud arrive in 18mins. GRRRRR. and my iphone doesnt lie!

    so now. here i am. being so super thankful that i'm back in hall. in one piece.

    seriously... whats next?

    the only comfort i have now is.. the mangoes i bought from NTUC... are damn damn sweet and juicy. --> the little things in life that makes me feel soooo much better.


    8:07 PM


    2:54 AM

    i'm not tired. and i'm not feeling stressed. so why am i feeling this way?

    'this cant be happening to me. this is just a dream'

    i hope sleep helps. PLEASE help.

    1:00 AM

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    "i'm letting go so give me one more chance to save me from this road i'm on"

    stayed over in hall this weekend. my work is piling up so high it can seriously touch the sky -.- urgh. it sucks. but oh well. i'll just focus on the many little things that make life a little easier. :D

    went for an awesome steamboat buffet last night. didnt know such great food existed in NUS. yum yum!

    this ad is so freaking fake! advertise the fish until so nice but i didnt even catch a glimpse of it. T.T! miss my mum's steamed fish! :(

    i dont know wad else to say. my minds a blank. hmm.

    dunno if i shud go to parkway tonight. i really wanna meet up with the batch peeps but its like so farrrrrrr. and i still have a billion and one assignments to finish. :( :( siannnnnnn.

    "smile when u feel weak."

    2:40 PM


    11:54 AM

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    "game on"

    two mid terms down. one last paper left. so glad the week is over.

    Played ball yesterday! gosh. u have no idea how much i missed playing! soooo happy when i got to swing the bat and wear the gloves! when i think sports, i think softball. when i think academics, i also think of softball. HAHA! ^.^ had an enjoyable training yesterday with jun ghai, nat, cao yang and shaan. felt like i cud go on playing forever. if i cud, i'd make the bat my new bloster. but then again, its so hard, i'd get bruises and people will start thinking that i'm being abused again. k. softball has made me psycho.

    whee. <3 bat!

    anw, had captain's treat after training yesterday. yummy pizza and chicken! thanks juelei. it was awesome! had a great time just chilling and bonding with the team over 'wheel of fortune' and 'american gladiators'. i'm gonna miss the team soooo much when the sem is over. heart them! best sports team ever. who cares what others think. like kesha sings/says 'we are who we are'. and i extremely loveee who we are. i've learned soooo much about the sports since i started and its the enthusiasm and spirit of the team that gets me going all the time! the seniors are gonna play with some outside team later. ahhh. priorities. i still have mid-terms! and we're going out for dinner tonight! oh well... i guess its not wrong to watch (in my boots and gloves, so ever-ready to play) by the sidelines rite.................. i'll BRING my notes... reallyyyyy.. :p

    hmm. life is so awesome with great people like the softball team.

    "no regrets, just love"

    5:50 PM

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    seriously think i'm suffering from withdrawals. from what? :x HAHAHA.

    omg. this is such a stupid blog post. waste time and waste space only.
    *rolls eyes*



    11:00 PM

    HUMIDITY =99.9%

    1:10 PM

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    "why do i feel so unsecure?"

    ahh. i've been obsessed with piano covers lately. they're so nice to listen to. they're so... calm.. and soothing. no singers to distract me (haha. i love to sing along >.<) the youtubers are awesome! i wonder how they can simply play by ear! yay to carrie underwood, the band perry, taylor swift and disney piano covers!. :D contemporary country sounds so good on the piano. (the ukulele makes me jumpy! uses too much energy! haha.)

    anw, there is this TK (Tanjong Katong Secondary School) trend going on at Twitter. [#tkfact] funny ttm! its about students, past and present, twitting about their secondary school memories in TK. some of the tweets are so funny!! and so true!! i dun think i can summarize everything in 160 characters. i'd probably spam twitter! gosh. i wish i've never left TK. NOTHING can ever beat secondary school life! i love my little kampung school! Everyone knew everyone and we were all one big family (haha. see how strong their brainwashing was? it was good brainwashing though. felt so safe there). and most of all! I MISS MY BAND LIFE! boohoo!

    the laughter, the friendships, the sweat and the tears. how we would wait for each other (like 2-3hrs) EVERYDAY just to walk to the bus stop (which was like 400m away -.-) together.! instant noodles and bandung almost everyday! haha. gosh. everyone's so big now. the guys are serving their NS and the girls have gone on to UNI. i'm glad that although we're all going thru different paths, we'd still find time to meet up and the friendships never change. i love how we're so comfortable with each other. haix! how i miss them sometimes! everytime i feel stressed from work, i'd just look up at my table dashboard and yay! haha. the pics sure brings back a lot of fond memories. :D

    sooooo looking forward to the steamboat this sunday! cant wait!


    3:29 PM

    Sunday, March 6, 2011

    "i will not be affected by things that arent true." (repeat x 100000000 times)

    emotions hay-wire again tonight. wonder how i can feel sian (*dread*) and jumpy (yay!) at the same time. the weekend has gone and school starts tmr. came back to hall early this afternoon to study.

    somehow, i think my mum emo's when i go back to hall. and sometimes, i feel REALLY BAD cuz i may get over-excited when i talk about hall stuff and the friends i've made, that i'm worried she will think i dont like to go home. well, i DO like to go home. i LOVE my home. but its just different... both my brothers are married, my dad's always working.. its just me and mum. so i guess she gets pretty lonely. hmm. but no matter wad, i still love her so so much! she always makes sure i get the best... everything. haix. i just hope she doesnt get the wrong idea. i promise to spend more time with her during the holidays! :D

    haix. all i wish for right now, is for the week to pass by smoothly. cant wait for the next weekend! zzz


    9:19 AM

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    today was rather uneventful. woke up pretty late, watched a little TV and got started on my chinese revision by noon.

    tick tock tick tock!

    evening! went to the supermarket with my mum and bought some fish for dinner. yum yum! kicap fish. ;D then went to send my brother to work with my sis. damn stupid ok! my brother didnt check his schedule properly. so we went to paya lebar.. then tampines.. and had to u-turn all the way back to paya lebar! the fire post so ulu summore! grr. waste my time. i was itching to bake oready lo! haix. haha.

    came home and baked some amazing truffles? dont they look super yummy to u?!

    made 3 different types: the original (the powdered one), chocolate rice and almond. had help from my sis-in-law :D i love love love cooking/baking! so fun! it makes me happy and it makes the stomach of my friends and family happy! win-win situation rite? yum yum.what should i bake/cook next? i shud start making a list of what to make! so exciting!! :D

    somehow i look forward to tmr!


    7:54 AM

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    "My thoughts will echo your name...
    Until I see you again"

    TGIF! wohoo! i'm back home. its so quiet. my parents have gone to sleep. my brother's and sis-in-law went out. and i... am staring at the computer thinking of what to write. haha.

    i remember i felt super happy and optimistic in the morning. met many friends on my way to class. had a good laugh and story session with choon keat and natalie yap. really made my day. my friends are just awesome. love them ttm! :D

    supposed to have 4 lectures consecutively but i ponned the last one. seriously. waste of time. lessons were boring. dun even wanna talk about it. was more excited about meeting nat hong in the evening to plan for the holidays. the 'discussion' went super well! happy much! :D just hope everything else goes as smoothly. i love the crew ultra deep deepzzz! <3 cant wait!

    oo! my mum bought me a super ultra nice ring! haha. she bought the pattern i like! haha. so smart. or.. more like i keep telling her which type i like that its etched in her head. its white gold and has a round thingy in the middle made up of small diamonds shaped like a flower and small diamonds along the rim of the ring. ahh! nice nice. :D i dun wanna take it off xp so pretty!

    had indian rojak for dinner. so yummy (and fattening)! i feel so satisfied now. life's not great but its better. grr. i'm babbling. will update properly tmr.


    6:52 AM

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    had my first mid-term test today! er, i felt kinda... cheated! paper came out easier than expected. not that i'm confident of getting full marks (or anything close to it) but i tried so hard to memorize the stupid mechanisms and all they asked was to draw the final product. grrr! having learned from my previous tests, i re-read the question paper over and over again to make sure i didnt miss out any part question. had such a horrible experience last sem. kept over-looking the part-question and ended up losing precious marks. BUT!.. not this time! haha.

    the paper was 1 hr but i finished it in 20mins. i didnt wanna leave cuz i know i'd be super guilty if anything goes wrong. like i'd blame myself for not sitting there and staring at the paper. haha. so this was wad i did to spare myself from boredom!

    CHINESE! woohoo!

    i got back my quiz 2 and yay! full marks again!

    fiza's probably gonna say that i can now officially marry an ah-tiong! haha. but hey! some ah-tiong damn hot ok! well, er, cheat a bit.. those mixed-blood ones. ahhh anthony neely (stupid name but ahhh!! hot-ness!) ! HAHA.

    haha. jialin and i shud be banned from watching his music videos or we'd risk waking the entire block up with our screams. hehe :D he seriously looks like *.....* gosh! at least got singaporean substitute close-by. not perfect sub but good enough. haha. :D :D

    i still have 3 more papers but somehow it feels like my mid-terms are already over. how sad is that!! oh well,,. at least i have tonight to look forward to! its been awhile since qianwei and i "patrolled" sheares hall. haix. that must be the reason why they hired the security guard! HAHA. sheesh. -.- zzz

    i feel like re-living my twitter. its been dead for 2 months. haha. how "sweet".. they sent me an email saying they missed me!! (stupid auto-generated email!!! ~!@#$%^&*()!!!!) haha. kk. gotta get back to my geog readings! :D


    12:16 AM

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    freak my body clock la.


    9:36 AM

    had my first official geog fieldwork during hydrology practical today! glad to say it went better than expected. :D our primary objective was to collect soil samples from the hill outside LT11. i didnt do much though. the guys did most of the work. the girls didnt wanna get their hands dirty so we recorded the data instead. haha.

    recruiting potential farmers

    high-tech method

    One thing i took away from this fieldwork was.. there were freaking a lot of worms in the soil! there was one pushing its way out from the hole we dug and the other was in our soil sample! we tried to get it out but failed so its now probably being cooked in the oven (we're measuring for soil moisture by the difference in mass of wet and dry soil so we had to leave the sample in the oven for 24hrs.) hmm. geog lab is soooo much more entertaining then chem lab la! at least we're doing something that actually has a direct impact (vegetation) on our lives. grrr.

    chinese and inorganic chem lecture was a total bore and waste of time. i realized i'm lagging a lot in my chinese. so many new words every lesson. my memory is starting to fail me. zzzz

    anw, i think i cant survive without softball... not just cuz i really miss the lovely people (<3) but cuz i'm putting on damn a lot of weight without it. i used to have an excuse for snacking at night but now i realise i dont have any reason to. starting to feel really fat and guilty. so i've decided to walk to my lesson venues instead of taking the internal shuttle bus. ahh. i cant go back to how i was before. i will just gg. seriously. so fatttttttttttt :( why is it that some people can really eat like damn a lot and dont put on weight one! life is so unfair. grrr. i have to lose weighttttttt...... -.-

    oh well. i better get down to studying for my mid-term test tmr. its gonna be my first (out of four). everyone keeps saying that they'll do damn badly. but everyone forgets that i'm here too. with me ard. they dun have to be worried. i'll probably add a boost for them to climb up the bell-curve. -.-

    oo. and i am not emo. just freaking tired.


    3:57 AM

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    so... my entire tuesday is packed with life science lessons; lecture in the morning and lab in the afternoon (thank god! odd weeks only!). we had a new lecturer today. his name is Dr Lam Siew Hong. he is the most ENTHU lecturer i've ever met! he is so super enthu that he practically jumps at every sentence. and he keeps walking back and forth while making HUGE hand gestures about the nucleic acid cycle. he's so funny and nice to watch! i dun think i'll fall asleep in LSM lectures anymore. the only bad thing about him is he doesnt give us a break in-between :( his non-stop high-pitched voice can get a little irritating as the lesson progresses..Dr Lam (i do believe his hairline has receded further hehe.>.<)

    anw, for those of u non-science students (how lucky!!), its standard procedure to prepare for labs by reading thru the lab manual and attempt the math questions (although many of us still do it very last minute) but whether i attempt it early or late, it really makes no difference cuz i cant do the questions. zzz. so this is what i resort to doing...

    making my friends MMS me their workings cuz i was too lazy to walk from science lib to the canteen. :D technology saves lives! well, no one really uses MMS these days so being the 'jakun' that i am.. i just had to reply...
    how fulfilling! i learned how to MMS today! :D

    anw, these are some of the pics i took during lab. lab was so boring.. even the pictures look boring. grrr. the only nice thing is.. sometimes, i secretly pretend to be some CSI agent and my samples are of the victims! ok. so no life. cant help it. i'm a science student :(

    oh well. at least its over. anw, i had a really bad nightmare this morning. i woke up at ard 4.30am (having slept super early last night) so i decided to do some work but failed miserably. so i decided to nap but I was still pretty stressed with the amount of work waiting for me. it was like.. my body wanted to sleep so badly.. but my brain kept saying 'wake up pig!' so there was this huge mix-up in my body and i was experiencing this really weird feeling like i wanted to wake up yet i cudnt move any of my limbs and stuff. grrr. this always happens when i'm super stressed. and when i do sleep... bad thoughts just floods my brain and i end up.. er, not sleeping. or waking up with a shock so bad i need >5mins to calm myself down. grr. this is sooo not healthy. seriously. they shud just scrap mid-terms. then i'll only experience all this anxiety once during finals.

    urgh. life sucks. but u just have to make the best out of it.


    3:44 AM