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i'm your soul.

Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
National University of Singapore [10-]

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    hearts talking.

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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    my phone's battery is dying........ :(


    7:01 AM

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    haix. working on my personal statements again. this time for SMU. well, its good to be kiasu rite? SMU's cool. but if i do get accepted, i dunno which course i'd take! most probably econs i guess? social sciences? ouh! alternative routes. haha.

    oh. why cant all the universities and scholarships have the same essay qns. like seriously. omg. driving me crazie.

    values.achievements. contributions. dreams. -.-

    gg to orang kahwin later. yay. FOOD. still my no.1 source of happiness. :) looking forward to talking with fiza later. i miss her lots. yea we do communicate thru email almost everyday and facebook but its not the same as talking. love her lots! :)

    um. k
    catch up some other time


    9:31 PM

    i'm actually blogging. again. wow. who cares if no one reads it. haha. gosh. i'm so excited that i'm blogging i have a feeling i'd start ranting nonsense again! weee! where am i gg to start? its been such a long time and blogging seems kinda foreign to me again.

    i wun waste time re-capping what happened during the long break. too many things to say. i think i'd type till i go crazie. a lil update though. i'm now "teaching" at TK. yes. one of my dreams fulfilled. but seriously, it aint a big deal. the teaching i dreamt of isnt the teaching i'm doing now. haix. but i'm just thankful to even be given a chance to return. i love that school. yes, i love TK. very very much. and i really miss my time there. with the band peeps. how i wish i cud rewind to the times we had. :( but thats life i guess.

    my first week gone. i think i've learnt a lot. met many new people whom i'm beginning to enjoy hanging out with. they're really cool people. :) hopefully, our friendship will continue on this way. or better still, strengthen during our time there. looking forward to the many weeks to come. haha. wun elaborate a lot cuz i dun wanna get into any trouble.

    i bought a new pair of shoes! YAY. i love shoes! and clothes. but i didnt buy any clothes today. :( haha. but its orite. oh. i'm getting really FAT! i can totally feel it. i think i only lost weight when i worked as a promoter cuz had very little breaks and a lot of manual labour. -.- now when i'm lazy, i just take the lift. haix. haha. what can i do? fats love me. or rather, i love them. -.-

    kk. ranting oready. i better go now.
    i'll update soon!

    lurrve! (oh man! i miss writing this word! haha.)

    ps: whatever happens, happen for a reason so just keep on smiling :)

    4:41 AM