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Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Tuesday, June 30, 2009

    1) A student will be having his/her maths paper 1 exams tmr. how shud she spend her time the day before?

    a) do last minute revision/study like crazie
    b) read through the last time and try to memorise some formulas
    c) watch tv
    d) sleep
    e) play with make-up?

    if the student were me, the answer wud be c and e. i am totally wasting my time. shit. i'm gonna fail math. for real. i dun care if u guys dun believe me. but i noe me. so yea. me will fail math tmr. wait till paper 2. hahahaha. gg. thats it. i hate math.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT YOU FREAKING AP/GP AND COMPLEX NUMBERS AND DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION. i hope someone drags them to hell.


    1:16 AM

    Monday, June 29, 2009



    here's the ironic part... chem is only the FIRST paper. i have no idea why i feel so lethargic today. somehow the exam, and the heat and everything else just sucked out all my energy and i have NO mood/strength to study at all. I AM SO DEAD.
    1) interventionist ssp: one where government intervene
    eg 1: retraining/re-skilling of workers: SPUR (skills programme for upgrading and resillience) + CDC (community development council) + SDF (Skills development fund)
    eg 2: spending on capital goods (infrastructure etc --> increase I)

    2) market-oriented
    eg 1: deregulation- increase competition
    eg 2: change tax burden- decrease DT--> increase FDI (sg tax low at 17-18%)
    eg 3: R & D

    LINKS of BIG 5

    ok. i shud not stress myself out. i will leave u guys alone and not stress u guys out too..


    6:32 AM

    Friday, June 26, 2009

    Did anyone ever tell you
    you had such beautiful eyes?
    So mysterious, mesmerizing
    big brown eyes
    I'm trapped in those pupils
    cant bear to lose sight
    fighting a losing battle
    let my soul take flight
    the gaze so captivating
    the feeling so unreal
    dun ever wanna stop, sigh,
    looking in those eyes.

    I AM STILL LEARNING. i cant believe i have such poor song writing abilities. haha. but everyone has to start somewhere right? today's oready the last weekend of the holidays. the only real holiday i had was back in america. since i came back, its been kinda hellish. didnt go out at all. sucks man. i cant wait for this to be over. 4 more months is it? yay yay yay, well, at least on the bright side. on the bad/dim side, 4 more months of hell. y cant it be only 3? trust me. the torment of going thru 4 mths of a lvl preparations is a billion times worst than 3 days of the lamiya ok!


    7:01 PM

    mum says i'm big-boned
    friends called me jumbo
    cant i be a normal kid?
    i got tired of excuses and
    went to the doctor
    they all said the same old shit

    well, i took their advise;
    diet and exercised
    till it made me sick
    its frustrating to see
    other girls fit into a six
    when i cant, no i cant
    because i'm too big

    hey everybody,
    who's that fat girl?
    doesnt she know she's wasting space
    in this superficial world?
    there's no room for her to fit in
    everywhere she goes she's judged
    she must be eating too much fudge
    no one understands her but i do
    cuz i
    the fat girl.

    this is shit.


    1:38 AM

    Thursday, June 25, 2009

    I HAVE A PURPLE blogskin! how cool is that? haha. my previous one was getting dull so i decided to change to something more refreshing and i managed to get this one. do u like it? I DO! purple rocks! :)

    ITS FRIDAY. can u believe it?

    work up with some sad and shocking news abt the passing on of pop king; michael jackson and lovely farrah fawcett. RIP. u noe its amazing how we managed to live in their lifetime? like how our parents lived during elvis's time etc. i wasnt a great fan of the two but who doesnt feel sad when MJ passed away? he's a freaking legend. of course he's death left many questions unanswered but give him a break. he truly deserves all the great and glamness for his contribution in the music scene. my heart goes out to their families and loved ones..

    hmm. what am i going to do today? well, firstly, i promised that i'll start on equilibria, WHICH, I WILL... after i bathe. then maybe get cooped up again for the rest of the day. GSS is gonna be over when i didnt even noe it started. GREAT. just leave even without saying hi. -_-"


    7:38 PM

    my blog title has nothing to do with my post. it was the first thing i saw when i opened this page so.. yea. explains alot. haha. i FINALLY started on chemistry. i'm so proud of myself. :) stuck at kinetics. anything to do with graphs and chemistry; i dun like v much. i can find the gradient. i tried million and millions of time but i cant. i dun like tangents. they always tend to be off! grr. life's man to be flexible. not stuck on a stupid tangent.

    i bought mangosteens today! so sweet! i'm buying all the different kinds of fruit i can find. but not durian. i have to protect my throat. it had never been the same since i returned from america. but its orite! the lychees yesterday were soooo sweet! i feel like buying summore. haha. anyone knows if lychee has any side effects? oh well. wadever tastes nice i'll pop in my mouth.

    taking a short break now to blog a lil bit. tmrs already friday. time flies. even when you are NOT having fun. haiz. well, at least i TRIED to have fun apart from studying and being caged up at home all day. i experimented with my make up! love love! i better get it off before my mum comes home. happie weekend!


    ps: on the bright side, at least i'd be able to see my friends again soon! :)

    2:29 AM

    Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    i'm lagging way way behind for my revision. i'm feel like i'm super slow. no, I AM super slow. i have to change my revision style oready. no more doing every qn. i have to be selective. gosh. i'm stressed for nothing. well, actually, i'm nt that stressed- just worried. just a few more days and i'm still stuck with so many more topics.

    no more wasting time i have to start NOW.


    5:33 AM

    Tuesday, June 23, 2009

    i've been spending so much on magazines lately. i bought, 2 seventeens (one US and one SG), rolling stones(ADAM!), 2 8days and 1 cleo for this month oready. i love reading mags.! omg. this reminds me of the time when i used to buy 'lime' magazine (which has since stopped its production due to low readership). it was the super IN thing in primary/sch school man! haha. cuz that time cant buy cleo/seventeen yet. i remember reading and supporting bands like A1, N'sync, BSB, Blue and the other million and one boybands which are all gone now. oh well, maybe in the next 10 years, i can re-read about how much i'm spending on fashion mags that i dun even (more like cant) follow.

    i went to school in the morning. which was a great relief to me. at least i noe i'm on the right track for econs. revision for math isnt going too well and there's nuthink to talk abt chem cuz i havent touched it yet. hmmp. seriously, where has time gone too?!

    i kinda miss my friends. i dunno. just have this sudden feeling. i have a qn. but i think i'll skip.


    6:36 AM

    Monday, June 22, 2009

    i want a phone with internet! or those that comes with wifi! like an iphone or a blackberry. haha. now i realise how important the net is to me. i cant imagine life without it. it wud really suck if anything were to happen to it. haix. have to wait for another 21 mths b4 i can change my phone. or maybe i'll just trade in my pixon while the value's still high. i dunno. i'll do something about it.

    i went back to montreux just now. so many changes. the most obvious one, the optical shop next to the cafe is gone. and it makes the place so super empty! haha. the optical's sales hasnt been very good during the time i was working there so its kinda understood. kinda sad though. i didnt get to see the optical uncle. he's really nice. always talk to me about singapore's politics and stuff. haha. everytime i talk to him, it reminds me of my dad. :) i'm glad i went back today. kenny will be leaving soon so i went there to visit him before he leaves. about time right? wee keng and hua jun was working too so it really felt like "old times". yea, its a very guy-dominated workplace but its fun cuz they're sooo brother-ly. wk made me his specialty mocha drink which was great! and i tried some new raspberry tart. omg. the butter was so overwhelming. no comments man. haha. i kinda miss that place. but with the pay, i dun think i'll ever work there again. :x

    i need more clothes! :(


    3:33 AM

    Sunday, June 21, 2009

    hi hi! how's everyone's weekend? mine was so super boring and a total waste of time. either i was out, or i was at the computer- doing nothing. life's BORING. i need something to spice it up! haha.

    my seven days of supposed 'quarenteen' is OVER. OVER PEOPLE! NO FEVER. NO FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS. I AM FREE TO GO WHERE EVER I WANT TO. haha. enough of the discrimination man. not everyone that comes back from the affected countries have swine you noe. so kiasu! this cannot, that cannot. omg! enjoy life while you can la!

    gosh. i'm like so inspired by katy perry. i'm determined to change my mentality (slowly). i'll do what i want/like, i'll dress the way i like, i'll think the way i want etc... no more trend following. i'll follow MY OWN trend. haha. everytime i come back from america (which is twice only. HAHA.), i feel so inspired to have my own everything. people there are so free. they can be whatever they wanna be unlike here. where everything is so freaking judgemental. u cant walk a single step without being judged. ohh. whatever, the freaking society can freaking judge all they want. i dun give a shit anymore. fat or thin, i'll do whatever I WANT. hahaha. sheesh. i love lady gaga and katy perry so much (its ironic that i'm actually following their trend BUT its what I WANT and LIKE. haha.)

    and, why isnt anyone using twitter? its like the coolest shit in town. seriously. and its not STALKER-ish! u guys shud seriously consider getting one!! :)


    5:23 AM

    Thursday, June 18, 2009

    i cant go to sch! as in, i cant ENTER school. which is STUPID. not that its a bad thing but still. i dun wanna miss out on stuff. i've missed out like so much oready. reason? i cant enter sch cuz i have to wait 7 days after returning from a swine flu hit area. grr. these stupid pigs are out to distroy my life! hmm! so i guess i'm gonna get cooped up at home the whole day-studying by myself when i can be with my friends. i miss them oready. fine! i shall be a socially responsible kid and isolate myself from people.

    anw, to my friends, if anyone of you gets sick or anything, GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.


    6:34 PM

    Thursday, June 11, 2009

    hey, i noe i've like MIA for pretty long but i'm trying so hard to keep in touch with you guys in sg ok. i wake up like 7am and sleep at like 1am everynight just to catch u guys online. am i super nice or what? haha

    i'm still in america, philly to be exact. over the last week, i've been enjoying myself- guility (NO SUCH WORD). i've been to boston and washington dc. and now i'm back in philly. enjoying my last few days here before i return to sunny (and super hot) singapore. but i really miss u guys so much! i'm having a bad sore throat but NO FEVER OK! my temperature is 35.4 degrees. SUPER LOW. SO DUN SCARE ME! haha.

    we went to attend my sister-in-law's graduation at MIT. boston was super crowded that day cuz MIT and harvard was having their graduation on the same day and there were many students and parents at harvard sq. we stayed in this really really nice apartment which had a fabulous view of FENWAY PARK (home of the boston red socks!) i actually took a video there but i'm shy to upload. haha. wanna act like celebrity la. HAHAHA. went to my future sch-harvard. like durh! HAHAHAHA. so after the graduation, we went to downtown boston where we SHOPPED. i took the subway (THE TRAIN. NOT THE SANDWHICH)! then at night, my brother had a small wedding dinner party which resulted in trays and trays of left over food. I LOVE BOSTON. its so clean and safe and VERY touristy! so when i take photos, i wun be so paiseh. HAHAHA

    Washington DC
    Went to washington on tuesday. i went there last year but its alright. it's a nice place. went to the white house (which was surrounded with protesters). they were chanting something like "president obama, president obama, we need food and medicine, and 250000 people die in one day etc" or something like that. in singapore right, the second time u shout the presidents name, u kena handcuffed oready la plz. then went to see the washington monument, smithsonian, lincoln memorial, US capitol (where obama got sworn in as president) etc. all the tourist place la. we just stop to take photo. but it was super tiring. i slept the whole 2 1/2 hr journey. HAHA. dun blame me! everywhere is so far cuz they got so much space!!!!

    then yesterday, we had bbq at my brother's new house. i ate 2 LAMB CHOP, 1 CHICKEN WING, 2 SAUSAGES and 1 POTATO followed by 1 GIANT WATERMELON. dats it. i think i gained ALOT ALOT of weight. u guys are not gonna recognise me when i get back. haha. jk jk. i hope that doesnt happen. if not i'll refuse to go back.

    yeap. thats all for me. hope u guys update your blogs and keep in touch. hope to see u guys soon!!!!!!!!!! I MISS U!!! esp GOOD CITIZEN! I OWN ALL OF YOU GUYS IN FRIENDS FOR SALE. HAHAHAHAA.

    lots of LURRVE!

    6:00 AM

    Tuesday, June 2, 2009

    hey guys. i'm still in philly. did a lot of shopping lately. its been so great here. the weathers getting warmer by the day but its still cool... as in, not as hot as singapore. we hardly sweat here and thats really great. my body's still getting used to the time and environment change. i get tired very easily during the day but when i see clothes, bags and everything else, i get my energy back up again. hahaha. i went to the factory outlets yesterday. it was the best thing ever. didnt really get a lot of things for myself but the things that i bought were at a really good price. i kinda miss singapore a bit although its been only two days? haha. but america's really great. so many pretty ang mohs eh. oh, and did i mention hot guys too? haha.

    anw, the street in which i'm staying now is supposedly the gay street. haha. its called rainbow club or something. if adam lambert was really gay, i hope he'd come here. oh! i'm going to watch a play/musical! so cool! hopefully i can spot a future american idol contestant like adam. that wud be soooo coo000000000000o! haha. i'll end off with some photos again. see ya soon!

    the directory for the factory outlets. sadly, i didnt go to all cuz there was no time. rushing like mad la. hopefully i'll be able to go again when i'm free. too many shops, too little time!!
    HAHAHA. this shop reminds me of andrea sooooo much! i had to take a picture of it. the clothes were still ex though.
    This shop reminds me of andrea too!! haha. omg. only step into this shop if u have $$$. trust me. its not cheap! and the design isnt that fantastic too. seriously over-rated.
    after shopping! haha. did get as many stuff as i wanted. but oh well, i still have like 12 days here. later cannot fit into luggage i die.

    if u see carefully, each shop is divided into the different huts so actually one shop is quite big. and banana republic is super popular here.
    some concert hall. super big ar. got garden inside. haha
    i almost died of fright while taking this photo. we were at the road divider la. see the cars? the effect quite cool ar? haha. the tower behind is the philly city hall. like infinity times better that the singapore's. -_-"
    philly's CHINATOWN.
    hard rock cafe.
    went to take a break at this chocolate cafe. its called naked chocolate cafe and the serve the best chocolates in the WORLD. i mean it. my hot chocolate drink isnt even a drink la. its literally HOT melted PURE chocolate. damn rich sia. i think i gained like 10kg from it. haha. but its the bomb.
    the chocolate freeze was a killer too! damn nice!! yummy!

    so yea. thats abt it. i bought lots of makeup! yay! haha. its damn cheap. now resting at home. there're two children here (4 and 2 yrs) who are really adorable and sooo super active. everytime have to entertain them. hmm. talk to u soon!


    10:49 AM

    Monday, June 1, 2009

    hey guys! i'm here in philly. touched down at abt 9.30pm last night (9.30am sg time) but by the time we cleared customs it was like 11.30pm. my butt hurt like hell. 15 hrs eh! then took a 2hr drive to philly from new york. i'm adapting kinda well. dun have any serious jetlag or whatever.

    i'll be going to the factory outlets today. i'll keep a looking on the sales there for u guys. haha. the weather's really nice. its like the whole place is airconditioned. nothing much to say yet. will update again soon. just leave some pictures here.

    all ready for take-off at changi. destination: Hong Kong. (transit)

    At hong kong. transit there for 2 hrs? nice airport. ;)

    i was so bored. nuthing to do seriously so cam whore. but lazy to upload all. haha. i think u guys will get bored looking at my face. i look so horrible without make up la. did wanna wear cuz if not have to leave it on for 24 hrs then spoil my face.

    i admit i posed for the pictures. haha. i studied like 1.5hr out of my 15 hrs? HAHA. maths sia.

    omg! the airplane had really nice songs. there was taylor swift, leona lewis, lady gaga, kelly clarkson, the list goes on. haha.

    stoik face. 15 hrs eh! haha
    haha. gtg la. got baby disturbing me. bb

    6:09 AM