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Nurul Imma Wong
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    Friday, May 29, 2009

    GP PAPER IS OVER. and so is my A,B,C,D,E,S. haha. ok la. a bit exagerating cuz i dont think i'd do that badly. haha. BHB sia. omg. maybe E la. i hope. my paper II is like screwed but who's isnt rite? actually i dun really care. over means over so no use fretting over it cuz i (with my outmost guilt) didnt touch GP at all except before assembly. i did math the whole day (well, half day actually. the other half i went out. HAHA.) yesterday. so ya, whatever. still got like 10000 million papers to go after the june hols. GRRR!.

    i'll be flying off in two days? omg. i will miss my friends- WHO WILL ALL BE GOING OUT WITHOUT ME!!! haha. u guys enjoy yourselves k. and i will enjoy too! HAHAHA. although i'm like super duper excited (ultra mega-ly excited), i'm kinda scared too. i mean, no matter how much people say if u take care and stuff u wun get swine flu bla bla bla.. but deep down inside you still have this doubts like... what happens if i get swine flu? and will i die? omg omg. choy! but i'm sure u guys get what i mean. i'd try to remember to wash my hands frequently and i'll take my temperature everyday too. well, i noe its a bit kiasu but better safe than sorrie rite?

    quick update: the number of people in singapore with swine flu has increased to er, 4 if i'm not wrong and all of them contracted the disease in the US. dammit. so suay eh the timing. wanna enjoy also got this "fear". i'd probably not go back to school for like 3-4 days when i come back. i really dun wanna put anyone at risk. (wah! so good citizen right? HAHAHA) if not later kena cursed then get DRAGGED TO HELL (lim chee yang, u better wait for me to come back to watch ar. if not i drag u to hell also. hahaha) . i'll try and post on my trip everyday here so if u're interested can read abt it here. haha. i'll upload photos too. :)

    I WILL MISS YOU GUYS SOOOOOOO MUCH! haha. good citizens rawk!!! YAY!!


    10:47 PM

    Thursday, May 28, 2009

    i went to cut my hair today and it was HORRIBLE. as usual i went to the shop at pasir ris central but this time, it just so happened that they had a new worker and she just had to cut my hair. she was so super rough. i'mso thankful i still have hair on my head la. she kept pulling and tugging my hair like a child playing with a doll's hair or something. and my FRINGE! omg. nuthink to say except... HORRIBLE! its so short now. but that god its not like bangs. haha. if not i'll look super minah sia (no offence!). and! she didnt layer my hair properly. now it looks like i only have two layers to my hair. one shoulder length and the other one's long. shit. so uglie! and its only three days to US!! shit shit. major hair issues plz.

    and i cant wait for A lvls to be OVER. so i can dye my hair BLUE!. and plz, i have always wanted blue even BEFORE I KNEW ADAM LAMBERT EXISTED. and his existance only helped me want it even more badly. haha. i think red and blue is cool.!!

    i'm probably gonna go for midnight blue? cuz i wun dare step out of the hse with like electric blue. i think the only person that will look nice with striking electric blue hair is lily truscott (from Hannah Montana.) her hairstyles (more like hair colour cuz she always uses the bob hairstyle) are so super cool! haha. geez! somehow i think blue only looks good when u're emo. HAHA. its orite. i'll be emo after A lvls! HAHA. watch out!


    ps: now u guys know what i do the night before a GP paper.

    5:20 AM

    Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    i'm kinda freaked out now. i dun think i'm in the right mind to post. i just saw........... many many pictures of adam lambert and they're super freaky. in a scary freaky kind of way. it started out quite ok cuz i was watching his theater performances (which were brilliant.) but then i went on to see his photo's on youtube and its kinda erm, disturbing.

    he's makeup is like .......... wth. super drag queen. i have no idea where the acct person got all his pics but omg. i saw him with like, green, blue, blonde (WHICH IS FREAKY), orange, red and every other single coloured hair and with every single eye shadow colour. he's poses are so....... erm, lets just say, children shud not be shown the pics. shit. i'm kinda traumatised. haha.

    he looked hot like in 70% of the pics but i never wanna see the other 30% again. i'm scared. haha. but i still love him! AT NO BOUNDARIES BABY! haha.

    anw, can someone explain to me the difference between bisexual and gay? thanks. HAHA

    (editted) wait. i noe oready. bi means like both gender and gay means guy like guy only! yay. i've just expanded my vocab.


    4:11 AM

    Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    we technically had our last PE lesson today. why technically cuz i dunno if i have to re-take in term 3. like obviously i didnt pass my NAPFA. i hadnt since sec 4. wait. the ONLY time i pass was in sec 4. HAHA. but apparently TAF people can be excused like last year if we really really tried hard. i did ok!. i huffed and puffed my way throughout 2.4 la.

    the day started with 'team SAJC' and 'saints on stage' season closing ceremony? practically half the school was on stage. thank god the principle didnt give a long speech if not i wud have died from the heat (i had morning run in the morning and mr. chua was taking weight so i had to run.). our school didnt do too badly i guess. congrats to all team SAJC and saints on stage.!

    yay. i bought a magazine with david archuleta on the cover. shit. he is damn cute! it came with a giant pull out poster summore. i'm gonna paste it on my wall and look at it every single day! haha. damn cute! and he DOES NOT look like mr bean or rowan atkinson. omg. plz la. u guys cocked eye ar?!!

    after school, went to eat the 99cents sushi at tampines sports hall. i still cant differentiate between good and bad sushi and all food tastes good to me so i kinda enjoyed my meal. at least the soya sauce wasnt as salty as the cathay one. i used to hate sushi sooo much but now, i'm like so in love with it. haha. i cant wait for another sushi outing! actually, i have no idea what sushi i'm eating eh. as long as it looks good, then ok lo. haha. i have special preference for unagi though! SO YUMMY!

    my mum just mopped the floor and i cant leave the room cuz the floors wet and she wun let me step on it. haix. STUDY!!!


    1:36 AM

    Monday, May 25, 2009

    i cant think of anything to blog today.

    came to sch, took temperature... bla bla bla.
    oh! i fell asleep during geog. haha. not something to show off la. but i think its damn cool! haha. siao. went to take a lot of photos in the girls toilet with the, er, girls? haha. it was super stuffy and my legs hurt while squatting. -___-" but it was fun!

    went straight home today to watch more david cook videos. omg. he is damn farnie! he's jokes are like super duper lamao ttm!! and he's so freaking cuttttteeeeee! gosh. so in love with him! a bit lag ar. but still!!! *MELTZ* but to show my loyalty to david a, i went to learn a new song of his. haha. its quite nice eh. its called waiting for yesterday. go listen if u have time.

    hmm. basically, thats how my day went.

    its better that to act like nothing happened. seriously. i shudnt trouble myself.


    4:29 AM

    Sunday, May 24, 2009

    PERMANENT IS THE BEST SONG EVER. its so nice! I LOVE DAVID COOK! omg omg. cant stop listening. i think i'll listen to sleep. his voice is sooooo. i dunno. its indescribable! summore i the video that i'm watching on youtube has sooooo many nice photo's of him! MELTZZZZZZZz.

    Is this the moment where i look you in the eye?
    Forgive my broken promise that you`ll never see me cry
    And everything, it will surely change even if i tell you i won`t go away today
    Will you think that you`re all alone
    When no one`s there to hold your hand?
    And all you know seems so far away and everything is temporary rest your head
    I`m permanent
    I know he`s living in hell every single day
    And so i ask oh god is there some way for me to take his place
    And when they say it`s all touch and go i wish i could make it go away
    But still you say
    Will you think that you`re all alone when no one`s there to hold your hand?
    When all you know seems so far away and everything is temporary, rest your head
    I`m permanent
    I`m permanent
    Is the moment where i look you in the eye?
    Forgive my promise that you`ll never see me cry
    i still love david archuleta! really! but with songs like er, touch my hand? er, what? seriously. no meaning to the song at all. maybe when he comes up with better songs like 'a little too not over you' then i'll start becoming crazie over him again. if not. RIP. i love david cook and adam lambert!!
    damn! i'm suffering from idol burn-out.

    7:49 AM

    Saturday, May 23, 2009

    this weekend wud probably be one of my most happening and happiest i had since like forever. it was amazing how i managed to meet so many people at one go. happiness! if it were a song, i'd press play till the music player cant replay anymore.

    Friday, May 22nd
    I ran freaking 7 rounds. more than 2.4km eh! tootsies! super tired. then played captains ball with donavan's class. that ass. so enthu eh. siao. cant remember what happened for the rest of the day in school. oh! ms su didnt come so mr ong took over for chem. nerd alert la! look at his hair! HAHAHA. his lesson was soooo boring. i was fighting to stay awake.
    CIP. was super physically demanding. my arms are still aching and its been two days oready. had to carry 7 unusually heavy tables from the church to the kindergarden. i was drenched from head to toe. it was a super ugly sight; i looked like i was crying with sweat. haha. then left early. cant be bothered. rushed home to change.
    went to meet zhafir at ehub to eat. last min cudnt watch movie. anw, i wasnt interested in watching angels and demons. i noe i'd probably wudnt understand the movie. pasta mania's apple crumble was damn nice! wanted to eat more but was super full. felt like a pig. i ate so much. haha. it was so fun catching up! no awkward silences :) gosh. i miss that blackie so much. so long nv meet him then suddenly become so mature oready ar. haha. ok. i'll stay true to who i am. haha. i'll stop being a poser in school. but if i lose all my friends watch out. i'll haunt u everyday. haha. :)

    Saturday, May 23rd
    continued my CIP at the kindergarden. boring to the ultimum la. just stood there like a statue. thank god it ended at 10.30 and i didnt have to stay till i rot. rushed all the way to mendaki cuz got orientation that day. there were like 6 of us? gosh. the grp is getting smaller every single session. i guess i'm quite quiet over there. haha. so it felt kinda boring too. but... I'M STILL THE YOUNGEST! HAHA. take that oldies! -x- the whole thing dragged quite a bit. ended quite late. i was super late for my meeting with my sec sch band friends. they were all gg for tjband concert at vjc but a thousand apologies yea? i'm really really not interested in band music. it bores me. very very badly. and yes. i WAS in band. so happie! i havent met them in such a long time! jj, px, yx, cherie and joan! love ya guys! even though the meeting was super short. managed to get some photos. then went home. tired but happie.!

    Today, Sunday, May 24th
    no plans yet. dun plan to have any. (ironic) wanna study today. while i still have some energy. I'm so happie! i can do anything. haha. omg. i'm going bonkers.


    7:25 PM

    Thursday, May 21, 2009

    today is a sad sad day.

    yes, mr adam lambert didnt win american idol. mr kris allen did. go on fans of kris.. cummon, start mocking. whatever.

    i'm (trying my best) not to be bias here. but, adam deserves the title so much more than kris. in terms of style, stage presence and even, vocal wise... i think adam did so much better in the competition. he was the one singer who was so consistent throughout. although i admit that he may be shouting a lil bit too much sometimes, its like almost impossible for anyone to do what he can. he's so freaking unique. i noe there were many singers like him in the past.. but not many are able to create such a big hu-ha like he did in idol TODAY, IN THIS PRESENT DAY AND AGE. my heart goes out to adam. who cares what his status is. gay,homo,straight, whatever. i still love him.

    omg. this is wayyyyy less drama than last year la. last yr was the ultimate. cudnt decide cuz i loved both. haha. no matter what, i'll still love david archuleta! haha. his autograph will be forever guarded as one of my most prized possession. haha. so freaking childish sia. if i look back, i think i'll feel super stupid.

    anw, i'm getting busier as the days pass. trying to meet so many people with the little time i have. went to eat sushi tei with the girls just now. i loved my fish even though it was... fishy. haha. i need to save money. broke like crazie. i want a safe that wud never run out of money. haix. sian-ness. like i said... bad bad day.



    5:20 AM

    Wednesday, May 20, 2009

    i think for one week starting today, my title will have adam's name on it. haha. :x i'm so nervous. just watched the finals on star world. i tot adam's performances were superb! even the first song. and i'm not being bias. he sung it so perfectly. kris was good in his own way but he really doesnt have the american idol quality/x factor. he's has more of the "i'm just a regular singer" face. but adam. is. just. the.bomb. omg. i cant wait for the results tmr. during GP summore. last yr was damn embarressing la. cant believe i cried during geog cuz david archuleta didnt win. i was so freaking sad yo! i hope this yr's different. ADAM LAMBERT, no matter what happens, ROCK ON DUDE!

    CARRIE UNDERWOOD PERFORMED HOME SWEET HOME. omg! the bombz! she rocks! damn pretty! i love her TTM! so happie!

    anw, enough american idol drama. I just got a new phone!!!! MUAHAHA. i bought samsung pixon. full touch screen phone. just as i wanted. and i got it $100 bucks off too! cuz my aunt helped me pay. so freaking nice of her la! lurrve!! the phone's really cool! well, at least for now. i'm so happie.

    omg. i'm going to study now. happy-ness!!


    ps: my GC ran out of batt completely just now. so retarded. i cudnt do my math la!

    6:23 AM

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    i actually kinda enjoyed today. everything seemed to be going at the right pace. :)

    school was slack as usual. the academic planner was a total waste of my 1.5 hrs la. firstly, cuz i didnt even know there was gonna be math (wth. my grp damn sad. we planned to go out liao.). so i didnt bring my book and had to copy everything on fullscap (omg. chemistry was screwed too. i realised i copied a lot of things today). and thirdly, i dun have a freaking clue about probability. even in sec sch. omg. i'm so not born to do statistics la. i swear all the answers in the tutorial i anyhow press calculator then get answer one eh. -____-"

    OH OH! MY GC's BATTERY IS ALMOST FLAT! hahaha. like how many of you can boast about that la. HAHA. i damn proud eh. now everytime i on my GC, they show this msg which asks me to change my batt. haha. cool-ness! i bet u all nv see b4 lo! yay. so happie. ok fine. i'm siao

    going home was the bomb. first went to eat tau huay cuz anqi had a sudden craving for it. craving my head la. she doesnt even eat tau huay. i damn sad eh. i ended up being the only one who ate the REAL tau huay while the rest just drank soya bean. lame-ness right?!!

    then left me, andrea and chee yang cuz we wanted to take mrt from potong pasir. so we were happily (i cant remember why but i noe we were laughing quite badly) going to the train then suddenly this person announced through the PA system that the train going to punggol (which is where andrea and i are heading) will be delayed.. FOR 1/2 HOUR. Still can see the train stuck in the tunnel eh. i pity those inside la. haha.

    then the person repeated the announcement again but got interrupted by something then andrea started laughing damn loudly. so i also cannot tahan. then me and chee yang also started laughing cuz the person announced the thing wrongly for the THIRD time. so embarressing la. everyone was looking at us like idiots eh. so andrea and i decided to be smart and take the train to outram park instead (so we can change to take train to pasir ris). i just had to open my mouth and say "if the train gets stuck ah, i will laugh". and guess what? the train stopped moving at boon keng la. lucky the train doors were open at that time so we decided to take a bus instead.

    THEN!. CHEE YANG BROUGHT US TO THE WRONG BUS STOP!! he brought us to the opposite side. but me and andrea cudnt be bothered to walk to the opposite side and decided to take 23 instead. i was so sleepy. i slept in the bus. lucky the bus travelled by expressway la. but that didnt stop me from hitting my head on the side of the bus. yes chee yang. i bumped my head on the side of the bus BUT it was soft. haha. so i dun think anyone noticed cuz we were seating right at the back.

    so ya. my eventful day. omg. horror-ness la.


    4:39 AM

    Monday, May 18, 2009

    i want an LG arena. or if not at LEAST an LG cookie. oh wth. i want a new freaking phone dammit. i'm so sick of my antique nokia phone which only has one side to its ear piece. sucks ok. i look like some ahmah/taxi driver on the bus listening to one side. haha.

    went to tampines mall after school with mum to check out the phones. all the phones i wanted were super expensive. so forget it. i'll endure. like i always do.

    i think i did something very terrible today. i feel so guilty now. my stupid mouth always cannot control eh!. i think my mum's upset now. dammit. on the other hand, i seriously think its not my fault. oh. whatever.

    i wanna be allison! GRRRR!


    5:03 AM

    Sunday, May 17, 2009

    Short Term Goal:
    memorise chem spa
    revise economic aims and big 5
    differentiation revision worksheet (minus max/min pt)

    GP SAJC comprehension (left AQ)
    econs case study (in progress)
    maths P&C (in progress- 3/4 done)
    electrochem II tutorial

    Long Term Goal:
    Organic Chem Revision ( Elucidation )
    Maths Revision Booklet/package
    Physical Chem Revision Booklet

    my wonderful studying plan. so not working. :(
    too many distractions.


    twin evils: facebook and youtube.
    sometimes i wish my com cant work. but touch wood.

    my weekend was horrible. stuck in the house for 48hrs. yes. i didnt get to meet them. and i'm still recovering from it. stuck in my own world. singing. haha.
    i'm gonna go write a new song now.


    5:53 AM

    Saturday, May 16, 2009

    i will not cry. i promise. at least for today. i will convince myself to stay happie and wait.


    i hate waiting. especially for something that i know will never come/happen. oh. there's another thing i hate too.


    there is just too little of it. why care about things like friendships and love when there is NO time? no freaking time for your friends and loved ones. everyone shud just forget about them. do something that will please yourself with the freaking little time that you have and forget all about everyone else. so next time, you dun have to bother MAKING TIME to meet up or keep in touch with them anymore. life wud be so much easier dont you think?

    so yea, i'll just stop making new friends now. cuz i know i wun have time for them. at least i'll spare them of this agony.

    no lurrve for today till i feel better.

    7:11 PM

    Friday, May 15, 2009

    this may sound really stupid but i'm so happie that:
    my MSN and facebook can FINALLY work together!

    before this, it was either:
    1) MSN without facebook OR
    2) facebook without MSN

    obviously i chose the 2nd option. -_-" BUT now, I HAVE BOTH!! haha. luqman will probably say i have cheap thrill very easily again. but YAY.

    gosh. i'm super hooked to online shopping now. thanks to influences from andrea and anqi. i cudnt get myself off the victoria secret's website la! all the dresses damn nice. and CHEAP summore. omg omg. I WANT!!! and last night i was damn happie when i saw my clubbing clothes on the taiwan spree thing. HAHA.

    i'm so neglecting my studies. i want my nerd-ness back. well, at least until A lvls. cuz... I DONT WANNA FAIL MY A LVLS (haha. somehow this line sounds super familliar.)

    and toot. i'm addicted to lady gaga.


    11:25 PM

    wanna watch a boring movie with a lame story line? watch UNINVITED.
    omg. the movie is totally different from the trailer la. stupid producers. make the trailer so interesting then trick me. !!! i am damn angry ok!! haha. jk.
    1) anqi fell asleep. (i swear she's freaking cute!)
    2) i cudnt wait for the movie to end (so freaking badly)
    3) chee yang didnt "scream" as much as he wanted to
    andrea and eunice were the more, erm, faint-hearted one but we all agreed that the show was a total waste of money. NOT MY FAULT! (refer to 2nd sentence above. haha)

    chee yang was so facinated cuz he got to sit in a rolce royce. super farnie la! everyone was staring at us being squashed in the car. but fun fun. got to take pictures. we went to great world to have lunch at kenny rogers. the food was quite ok la. i needed to puke badly after eating the grilled fish cuz the smell was quite strong and it tasted quite fishy. but i managed to hold it in. haha. kinda gross. anw, the golden village there is super pathetic. they only showed like 3 movies. so we decided to go to shaw to watch uninvited (NOT MY FAULT! refer to 2nd sentence above).

    after the movie, we walked around abit. went to taka to er, buy food? haha. pigs. i was super sad la. cuz the show turned out so bad and i was all confused and tired at the same time. SORRIE. i cant get over the fact that the show was so bad.!!!! haha.

    i'm looking forward to this weekend. i cant wait for this sunday! i really pray everything happens as planned and i can finally go out with zhafir and linda. i'm sure i wud be beaming from top to bottom the whole week next week if that were to come true. :) so please..... LET IT BE!!!!

    ps: pictures of today is already on facebook.

    5:26 AM

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009

    i changed my blogskin! happiness. :)

    stupid school computer cannot go facebook :(
    so bored. i'm super wasting my life.

    [from andrina. so lame]


    10:58 PM

    got major mood swings today. maybe cuz i'm damn tired.
    stupid math test. drained all my energy. make me super high then plunge to super low.
    its not as though i'm gonna do well anw. but heck, no one's gonna believe me when i say i really didnt study so i shall save my breath on that.
    (told u i having mood swings didnt i?)
    i keep feeling so worried. at... i dont know what. haha.
    so random. i keep thinking of stupid stuff these days.
    nuthing better to do with my life (not that i actually really have one)

    just watched american idol. it cheered me up a little bit.
    adam was brilliant as usually. i still hate danny. kris was ok.
    cant wait for tmr.! the judges all said adam wud be in the finals. but i dunno.
    america's voting is getting crazier and more unpredictable.
    i wish i was born in america and had a great voice like allison. haha.

    mentoring is a freaking waste of time. like wth...
    we stayed back for an hour just for balloon sculpturing.
    how stupid is that? and to think they wanna push the farewell party/stepping down to END JULY!

    my life is so screwed.
    i need to scream.
    and.. sleep.

    ps: when i'm tired, i become weird. haha.

    4:49 AM

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    yes, i'm blogging again. surprised? haha. me too.
    well, i realised i had to do this post after what happened to andrea and i at the bus stop today. super embarressing la. (and yes, i find joy in highlighting our stupidity. -___-")
    well, us being us, talking all the way from the train to the bus stop
    (we take 81 home from kovan)
    first bad incident: when we came out of the mrt station, 81 was at the bus stop but we were afraid of being embarressed if we cudnt catch the bus after running so we just let it go. i mean, can u imagine what people will think if we missed it? super loser la.
    so yea, the next 81 usually will take very long to come so we continued our conversation and sat down cuz there were alot of empty seats.
    *talk talk talk*
    "OMG ANDREA!! LOOK!!!"
    by the time she turned right, an 81 just went past us la. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE.
    can u imagine how loser we felt. HAHAHA. totally speechless from the shock.
    i cant imagine how we cud do such stupid things eh. omg!!

    anw, actually cant really blame us. what we were talking about really made us quite engrossed bah.
    i seriously pray and hope it will come true! yea, u guys can go on thinking what it is about. haha
    i'm such a bitch but whatever. i'm not the worst.

    i really shud be studying for my math test tmr. cant believe i can still watch fighting spiders.
    omg. its seriously damn farnie!! i have this secret crush on soon lee. he's damn cute!!! (er, not really a secret anymore)
    the chubby guy is cute but gross and the british boy cant act!
    i think ezann lee is damn cute too! haha. oh, and tony seriously look like chee yang!!
    ok shit. redundant stuff. i better go study now. but confirm do damn badly one.
    hate area and volume! hate vectors! hate complex no! HATE MATHS!!


    7:00 AM

    Thursday, May 7, 2009

    after two months, i'm finally back..... i'm kinda shocked thats its still here and that blogger hasnt deleted it or something. school is so sian.! slacking all the way. like whatever man. learning to enjoy life now. HAHAHA.

    cant wait for tonite. seriously pray that it wun SUDDENLY be cancelled!!! cant wait. cant wait cant wait. wonder how is it like....... what shud i do? show shud i dress????????? omg. so satanz.

    i need more $$$. damn u rich people. i'm gonna be freaking broke after today. if i nv reply any msgs or dun return a call, nt my fault k? probably the phone line kena cut off. HAHA. shit. so loser.

    i need motivation to study.! omg. what is happening to me?!!!


    5:26 PM