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Nurul Imma Wong
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Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    first, there was the video of leona lewis and chace crawford in "I will be". and now, there's the teaming up of Katy Parry and the awesomely/absolutely charming MATT DALLAS in "thinking of you"! OMG! the producers really noe how to get me glued on videos. two super hot celebs in one video is enough to get me hooked for the whole day but there's FOUR! i wonder how i'm gonna get myself to switch off the computer.!

    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!

    the video kinda sucked though- the concept, i men. and leona kinda er, cannot act. HAHA. but her accent is soooooo sexy! love her! and him! HAHA.

    MATT DALLAS IS SOOOOO HOT! yea. he's the dude from the tv series "kyle XY" aka the guy without a bellybotton, who lost his memory and is found naked in the jungle.. i realised that i havent watched kyle XY in some time. *meltzz* the video is so pearl habour-ish. hehe.

    i'm so happie.


    5:37 AM

    before you read this post, i swear that i am NOT a lesbian. I NV WILL BE!! (i hope.)
    what do these three world famous singers have in common?!

    Darling Leona Lewis

    Lovely Beyonce Knowles

    Sweet Jordin Sparks
    they're damn good singers and they're sizzling HOT. if i cud choose to be a hollywood celeb(which i dun think i can- sadly. HAHA.), i wud definitely be one of them. some may think that my taste in girls (ok, i am SOOO NOT lesbo. just my opinion) is weird but i really dun do skinny,pale bimbo blondes (like paris hilton) and redheads (they're not many that i noe of). sorrie. i'm not being stereotype or anything but i think the fair kind of african american (or british or whatever nationality you are), are really pretty. dun u think? i LOVE their eyes and beautiful tan!!
    oh. latin american girls are damn hot too. oh, korean too!
    haha. ok ok. enough. later i have a hard time explaining y i was looking at girls. not that i was. i just happened to stumble onto this blog which was rating the sexy factor of female singers- which gave me the inspiration to write this post.

    5:12 AM

    Monday, January 26, 2009

    its officially the year of the ox. (does anyone have any idea what sound an ox makes?) although its the year of the ox, i feel like a pig. OMG. i cant believe how much i ate today. i didnt really eat eat (like a bowl of rice) but i ate so many sweet things that i'm having a headache. like fiza said, i can start walking to school tmr then i will reach just on time on wednesday morning. HAHA. yea rite. if only i can get myself out of my sty.

    anw, there was an eclipse of the sun (or is it moon?) today. not a full eclipse but a partial one which can be seen from the asian region. heard that its a bad omen- especially on asia since we're the only continent that can see it. oh no. like my horoscope is not bad enuf. i did so many horoscope tests these few weeks and the results are all BAD BAD BAD! i'm so NOT prepared to have a tough year. haix. its new year and i'm already so discouraged.

    ok. enuf negative stuff. i gotta go bathe and sleep soon. the headache's getting worse! HELP ME!


    5:48 AM

    Saturday, January 24, 2009

    yay! my four days of holiday has started and i'm so hoping it wun end. after this no more break oready. haix. so sad. i havent blog in quite awhile. not much things to say. i'm back to the monotonous life i've led for the past 10 years. school school school...

    we had cny celebrations yesterday. it was alrite. i loved fiza's cheongsam. v nice! haha. dance was great! andrea was so cute la. her super W-I-D-E smile can be seen even frm the back row. HAHA. was trying v hard to teach eunice how to listen to the different layers in the band. i think i failed cuz in the end she still cudnt differentiate between a clarinet and a tuba. ... i shall try harder during the next concert! haha. then went out with the six of us to taka to eat sushi tei. i felt so kuku. havent realli eaten in a "formal" jap restaurant (i'm sure the jap stall in banquet doesnt count). i ate some salmon ma-something. quite nice. loved the portion. it was kinda small but it made me full for the whole day. the power of fish! haha.

    in the end, there were only three of us left. we went to shaw to watch "love matters". the show is kinda gross. no wonder its NC-16. the woman at the counter didnt believe we were above 16 (which highlights our "youthness" HAHA.) it was funny. henry thia was disgustingly cute! haha. delia's ex..................... neighbour. what were u thinking people?!

    i still dunno how to spend my holidays. monday and tuesday are out cuz need to go visiting (i'm half chinese remember? i also want my hong bao ok?) then left today and tmr. i need to exercise. i'm putting on weight like nobody's business. haha. but food tastes so good. who can resist?!

    how can i forget, someone is celebrating his 19th birthday today.

    gosh! it feels like i havent spoken for him in 10 000 years. HAHA. i miss him so much! after a year, everything disappeared and appeared like it never happened. how can sia?! stupid blacky, u make me emo! :(


    9:24 AM

    Friday, January 16, 2009

    1 week of school is oready over! that was fast! i havent blogged in awhile cuz my internet connection was down and going to the school com lab was so last year.

    school is fine. i mean, nothing special and nothing un-special about it. MSA 1 has begun. like toot. y so fast.?! i have no idea myself. they're crazie and they're driving us crazie too. HAHA.
    SAJC --> crazie school
    had our second open house on wednesday. i was kinda surprised by the turn up actually. i tot it wud be a dead school open hse like last year but it was packed! and the atmosphere was really very open house-y. firza and faizah, my two darling jrs, came over and were impressed (i dunno by what). hope to see them in FEB if they realli do come to SAJC.
    suddenly i dun dread coming to school anymore. i have very good friends in class whom i really enjoy hanging out with. (and eating with). i hope this spirit lasts through the year. its the only way to make my JC life a memoriable one. oh.. just forget 2008.

    1:53 AM

    Tuesday, January 6, 2009

    i've been looking at universities again. i've stopped for quite some time. kinda free these days (i cant possibly study for 24hrs. i'll go crazie. 2 hrs in a row is already killing me.) oh. then i've been looking at universities near pennsylvania (cuz my brother stays there) then i found this super interesting name uni! its called...

    IMMACULATA university. HAHAHA. if only it was IMMACULETA. get it?

    Imma + Archuleta = IMMACULETA.

    so cool! i wanna open that university! HAHA. ok. i dun really noe where i wanna go yet. (IF I CAN.. still got RESULTS and FINANCIAL matters to deal with... this is just wishful thinking on my part. hehe.) its more troublesome to get into a US uni cuz need to sit for SAT nonsense. but studying in UK is soooo ex and i dunno anyone there. last time persuaded fiza to go with me. wth. our school must be 15 mins away from each other max. so HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! toot sia. haha. so childish. we even thought about how we're gonna live there together..

    3 months without a home - live on the streets. then after 3 months suddenly can afford to buy everything. we even went to daiso to check out stuff to put in our 'apartment'. HAHAHA. how nice if it all came true- MINUS the 3 months on the streets part of course. haix. but now still have to complete A lvls first. how nice if i have actually sat for it oready and am waiting for the results now.



    5:12 AM

    Monday, January 5, 2009

    argh! i'm suffering the effect of not having an MP3 player. i have to admit. i'm not the most gadget savy person. and it feels pathetic. i cant listen to my favourite songs anytime i want (my leona, david and BRITNEY!!! waaaaa!!!) and i noe me, i LOVE listening to songs. i have to come on to youtube/imeem (it lags like mad sometimes! so frustrating!) at inconvenient hours of the day just to listen to them. and most of the time, i listen when i'm studying. the freaking computer table is so tiny and i have to squeeze all my notes, stationaries and everything else. i'm seriously L to the L-LA-LOSER.

    to make things worse, most recently, i lost my beloved cybershot handphone. no, i didnt lose it. as in, its not lost lost. its spoilt lost. the freaking handphone can only display the letter F. like wtF-F! i really loved that phone but now, its CURSING me. toot. i only dropped it like 8-10 times?...........
    (and i did NOT spoil it by dropping it or anything. it just suddenly went... F?!)

    and tmr, i'm gonna lose my beloved DISNEY CHANNEL!! like my life isnt boring enough. no more hannah montana (i still dislike MILEY!!. but i like hannah!. HAHA), zac and cody, london tipton, alex, justin and max russo! HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL! WAAAA.

    if i lose my laptop, i mite as well live in the 60's. seriously, there wont be any difference.



    6:36 AM

    Sunday, January 4, 2009

    1 more week b4 school reopens! i'm having major mixed feelings about it. i feel...

    excited (i have no idea y i feel so excited. its just so... exciting! HAHA.)
    scared (after so long, school feels scary! haha! NAPFA!! WAAA!)
    nervous (what will people think? )
    lazy (its gonna be a bz bz year..........)
    happy (to see my friends again!)
    sad (my youtube!!!!)
    and much much more.

    anw, before school reopens, i wanna get some preparations done. so far,

    a new watch (which says love me! HAHA. link:blog address. -_-")
    a new hairband
    a new haircut (a v minah fringe! WTH!)
    a new organiser
    a new file
    a new shoe
    a new pencil box
    a new bag

    haha. now i noe why the start of a new school year is exciting! cuz need to go shopping and buy new things!


    6:55 PM

    Thursday, January 1, 2009

    my brain is slowly switching back to study mode.(i hope). i cant believe i actually stayed home the whole day on NEW YEARS DAY yesterday. one day without shopping. damn! the feeling sucks! haha.

    did a little bit of maths. basic differentiation. yay i havent realli lost touch. got quite stumped over a few qns but realised that they printed the wrong qn (and answers.) really got me pissed off. i get very hot tempered when i study so its not a very good smart thing to come near to me when i do intensive studying. trust me. it aint very nice.

    i'm gonna stay home again today. its been a slow start to my new year. trying to get over my holiday shopping addiction. i need to exercise. everytime i want to jog, it ALWAYS end up raining. the world doesnt want me to exercise. haha. ok. just excuses. i've been going to youtube- finding some aerobic steps which i can follow in the comfort of my room. i wanna join aerobics! i've been asking people to sign up with me since october or something, rite delia?! HAHA.

    so sad. the secondary and primary school students start their new term oready. all the best to them! and to me too! (haix. i cant believe its one more week to a brand new school year. so fast!)


    8:10 PM