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Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Wednesday, December 31, 2008

    i survived my last day at work! haha. felt so sian the whole day. everyone out partying during the last day of the year and there i was.. stuck at work. oh well. its over. i got a free log cake!(worth $40) crunchy hazelnut summore. wohoo! more calories!

    i dunno y i'm making an effort to come up with a new year's resolution when i noe that i wun follow them. i never did and dont think i ever will. to me, NY's resolution is something i WANT but (usually) CANNOT get. haha.

    who can guess my number one resolution? i've been wishing for this since i was in kindergarden.
    so freaking easy. omg. i dun even have to say it.

    1) LOSE WEIGHT! make sense. HAHA. ok. i plan to lose 8kg in 2009. i lost 4-5kg in 2008 (from 2007) so little. toot sia. if i remember correctly, i wanted to lose 10kg. so stupid. half only. told u i dun keep my resolutions. this is a perfect example. I AM SO FAT!

    2) FOCUS ON MY STUDIES! this is something i havent done for 2 months and its gonna be hard to start over. 2009 is a very crucial year for the education part of my life. i cant afford to stray (like i AM during the holidays.). i aim to get a good scholarship in something i like and leave Singapore. yes. i'm an unloyal bitch.

    3) SAVE MONEY! a lot of the horoscope thingy have predicted that i will run into a lot of financial problems in 2009. oh yes i will if i continue spending the way i'm doing now. i've come up with an accounts/diet book where i have to save a minimum $3 a day (why $3? cuz if u multiply by 365 days, it'll add up to more than $1000). the diet part is where i will have to weigh myself everyday and record every single thing i eat so i can keep track on my calories. HAHA. lets see how long it will last. i'd be happie if it can last for 1 week. -_-"

    4) LOVE MY FAMILY, FRIENDS AND MYSELF! especially the myself part. oh god. plz help me accept ME. i'm my biggest critisizer. i dunno y i hate myself so much. it didnt use to be like this. plz help me be less concious about myself. help me accept who i really am and help me understand that everyone is unique and no one is perfect. and god, please help me be patient with my friends and family. help me accept them for who they are and to treat everyone fairly. there're many people whom i wish to start afresh with so please give me the courage and endurance to do so. and please bless them with good health, happiness and wealth!

    these are all i ask for in 2009. nothing much realli. i'd be content if i can accomplish them. please please please give me the perserverance and strength to do so. i realli need it (i'm not exactly the strongest and most patient person on earth. HAHA.) oh well. i hope the new year will be blessed with many happy moments.


    7:32 AM

    Tuesday, December 30, 2008

    i cant remember the last time i stepped into a movie theater. wait. i do. if i'm not wrong, the last movie i saw was high school musical 3: seniour year with delia, eunice, chee yang and gang. october 24th. wow. thats a long time. HAHA.

    nonetheless, i went to the cinema again today to watch disney's bedtime stories. went with my cousin, diana to watch it at GV PS. the cinema was so freaking tiny. the movie was good but not fantastic. i'd give it a 3/5. the movie starred adam sandler and courtney cox but i had to admit that i wasnt as great as the other adam sandler shows like big daddy, little nicky and CLICK!. but i enjoyed myself (and thats the most important thing! HAHA). guess today's gonna be my last enjoy day before school reopens on the 12th. gosh. whats up with the time?! its going faster than a speeding bullet. haha. its got to S-L-O-W-D-O-W-N!

    tmr's gonna be my last day at work. i'm so thankful for that. gonna be bz tmr. haiz. i seriously dun feel like going back anymore. i feel like my work is OVER. but sadly, it isnt. well, on the bright side, after tmr it will be. FINALLY. i dunno y i'm dreading it. just totally lost my working mood. I WANNA GO SHOPPING. as always. HAHA.

    PS: i wish, i pray that i will be able to feel this happie (like yest and today) for the whole of next year. :)

    7:08 AM

    Monday, December 29, 2008

    just got back from 08S26 christmas party. it was great! i enjoyed every minute of it. the best part (surprisingly is not the food this time) is that i get to meet my classmates again. gosh. its been ages since i saw some of them. many of them in fact. it made me happie just thinking that i will be spending another year with this group of people. SAJC would be totally different without them.

    i arrived very earlie (at about 3pm) with my hands full of things. ms hon went to pick sin yee and i up from the bus stop. it was surprisingly easy to get to her hse as it was near the bus stop. it was the only apartment surrounded by a sea of terrace houses. her hse was very empty! haha. but cosy, considering only two people stay there. we were quite worried about the food. then we found out that jannah wasnt bringing the pasta so ms hon and i went out to buy the ingredients. pasta is so easy to cook! and fun too! oh, thanks so much zenda for wrapping my present!

    the party began officially at 7pm. there were LOTS of food in the end. haha. we had two bowls of curry (which i was realli tempted to eat cuz it looked super nice but i was lazy to use my fingers.) and we had pasta, potato salad, nuggets, sausages, fries, sardine puffs, sausages, fondue, sushi, ice cream, chocolate cake etc! so much food! it was so hard to control myself. haha.

    after dinner, we proceeded to gift enchange. there was a weird twist in the end (courtesy of ms hon) but i think everyone ended up happie. (except for jannah who wanted the borders voulcher. HAHA) then to chin tau's video. OMG. so embaressing. to think they wanted us to perform the dance again. haha. sorrie. but its realli realli embaressing. we're still trying to get over the trauma! HAHA. ms hon gave a motivating speech after that. :)

    then played taboo. so fun! and then saboteur? i think its lame. oopz. haha. sit so long waiting for your turn. just not my kind of game. haha. then take photo's. poor sam. the photographer. haha. wanted to follow the class to clark quey but my mum dun allow. ok fine. i'm still 17. wait till i'm 18. i dun care anymore. HAHA. jk jk. i wanna try.............................................................

    anw, thanks so much to
    1) ms hon- for organising this party.
    2) sin yee and zenda for coming earlie to cook and prepare for the party
    3) the person who bough the haraku (or something. the penguin looking thing) for the christmas gift exchange (plz tell me who u are!)
    4) eunice- for the present. walao. we got same taste sia. HAHA. i dun believe it.
    5) andrea- omg. the bag is so super cute. i didnt wanna stop "modelling" with it in front of the mirror.
    6) delia- for the wonderful cookies!

    nite nite all. hope to see u soon!



    8:14 AM

    Sunday, December 28, 2008

    i have to do this real quickie. my main purpose of being online at like 8.30am in the morning (like who wakes up at this time?!) is to check out the food for the party. ok. i dunno y i always end up organising something. its fun. i enjoy it. SERIOUSLY. (as in serious serious.. ok. lets not get serious. what the hell am i talking? must be the 8.30am syndrome) however, it would be nice if someday i can a party which i'm not involved in the planning. but i think thats kinda impossible rite now, considering how i always get involved. haha. KPO me. but no complains/regrets.

    i wonder how the party's gonna turn out. i havent seen some of my classmates for 2 months. thats a pretty long time. haha. i'm so not wearing something christmas related. not that i dont want to, cant find anything suitable. its just gonna be me and my signature "trying-very-hard-to-look-like-vanessa-hudgens" dress. haiz. ok ok. gotta go to the supermarket. IN THIS RAIN. yea. i pity myself too. HAHA.


    4:27 PM

    Saturday, December 27, 2008

    today's another lazing around day. i have to get started on my holiday homework man. but no motivation to do so. so LAZY.

    i actually studied chemistry a bit during this past few days. got some practice papers from my cousin. i must be crazie but i felt happie receiving the papers from her. see la. nv receive presents, receive chemistry/maths practice paper also happie. siao oready.

    i'm so glad work's finally over. ok. not OFFICIALLY. but almost. i have no more work till the 31st so whoever thats free and wanna go shopping, PLEASE call me. there's a great metro and popular sale at the expo. i think i'll go tmr. i have this weird habit of shopping alone. sad life. seriously. haha. but i dun mind. seeing clothes, shoes and accessories makes me happie. i dun care abt anything else. oh well.

    its the time of the year where we have to make our new year's resolutions again. i seriously dun think one page is enuf. i gotta revamp my thinking and perspective on things. i hate to admit it but i'm getting super materialistic. dun blame me. 1 year in a new environment can really change a person. hey, i used to really HATE shopping. now i shop even more than some shopping queens. haix. i miss being "me". i wish i cud stop being so competitive.


    6:26 AM

    Friday, December 26, 2008

    i am so tired but I CANT SLEEP. its affecting my mood badly. i totally just let time past without doing anything useful today.

    happie boxing day to me.

    yea. i deserve a box on my face. a very very hard one.
    i've been stuffing my face and body with food. so much for losing weight during the holidays. i'm doing just the opposite. congratulations.

    i really need to do something new next year. if i continue this way, i'll die. seriously. i feel like there're dementors ard me always. somehow my expecto petronum doesnt seem to work. oh please. leave me alone.


    ps: this is what happens when someone is sleep deprived. HAHA.

    7:42 AM

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008



    7:54 AM

    Thursday, December 18, 2008

    its his new single called "a little too not over you". I LOVE THE LYRICS. and most importantly, the guy who sang it!!

    I SWEAR I HATE THE GIRL PLAYING HIS GIRLFRIEND IN THE VIDEO! WTH! if i ever get to take a picture with him, i'll blow it up and make it my room wallpaper or something. i'll probably paste it on my eye so it will be the only thing i'll see. OMG OMG. SUPER CUTE.
    he's hair is longer. and the way he smile and look at the camera. IS. OMG. PRICELESS.



    7:02 AM

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    oh no! i'm having weird cravings again. haha. i dunno y i always get that. i'm so easily influenced!! (which is a very bad thing)

    this "want" is super farnie. it reminds me of what happened in secondary school.
    Fiza was so "WTF!!!!!!!" about it! HAHA. can ask her. she'll give u the animated version of what happened.

    (Mr Kang and the other maths teachers were busy returing our Prelim's Amaths papers.)
    *Fiza, who was EXTREMELY anxious about her results felt her hp vibrate*
    *nervously, she went to check the message*
    it read: (highlight to read. its too stupid. SUPER FARNIE.)

    "Hey Fiza, u wanna go London Weight Management with me? got promotion!"

    omg. i cant believe i sent her that. at the time that we were getting back our Amaths Prelim papers in the auditorium summore. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. a london weight management ad nv look the same to us anymore. HAHA.

    and now, they have this other promotion which i have no idea y, i am damn tempted to go. so, anyone, ("first time female customers with weight problems") who wanna go, call me BEFORE christmas! HAHA. JK JK. i dun even have $$$. -_________-"


    7:43 PM

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    damn. i'm realli not feeling well. felt like vomitting the whole day at work. since last nite. i shudnt have eaten rice. i cant seem to digest rice anymore. everytime i eat rice, i will have this super ultra bloated feeling. it makes me wanna puke. but i dun mind. i dun realli like rice anyway. i prefer bread/breakfast bars 100% more.

    since i started working back at montreux, i've been eating A LOT of bread. ok la. lets not exaggerate. maybe abt 2 buns a day? the tot of this is making me super hungry. haha.


    YUMMY!!!! hahaha.

    i miss my friends lots. i wish to see them soon!


    5:40 AM

    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    i'm not feeling too well right now. i'm having a bad sore throat. haix. past few days have been very hectic. my work (even though it may be boring sometimes) is draining a lot of my energy. haha. this shows how weak my body is. i cant wait for my off day.!!

    wasnt feeling too good yesterday too. have u ever experienced a feeling where u dont feel like talking to anyone.?

    its not that i'm sad or emo or anything. i just dont feel like talking. my collugues reaction to that were SUPER FUNNY! they were so worried (which is very sweet! haha) one by one came out to ask me to tell them "what happenend?" and "what problem" i have. LAME. damn farnie. i went out, they went out, and when i went in, they did too. HAHA. gosh.

    I'M NOT SAD.!!


    5:38 PM

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008

    i have this crazie idea of getting straight bangs. i'll look super weird. i think. haha. this urge to have one is so sudden i have no idea what influenced me in the first place. haha.


    i bet i'll look super different. haha. i wanna trim my hair a lil too. dun wanna wait until it gets too heavy then all drop out. scared sia. :x i'm secretly (OK. OBVIOUSLY) in love with my hair. thats the only thing that i'm proud of about my body. the others... i try to minimise talking abt them. :x nuthing nice to say abt them anyway.

    i hate britney spears. i hate her for making me LOVE her sooooo much that i am so hooked to imeem and youtube. gosh. i need to do something with my life. HAHA.


    6:38 PM

    Sunday, December 7, 2008

    Britney Spears totally RAWKS!

    her new album is AWESOME beyond AWESOME. go listen to it. NO. buy it (or dl :x) its damn good.! i'm totally addicted to it.!

    gosh. this reminds me of my primary school days when britney was the most "IN" thing. i loved her like "crazy". i just has to memorise all her lyrics.

    "baby one more time"
    "from the bottom of my broken heart"
    "opps.. i did it again"
    and many many more. HAHA. AWESOME!

    congratulations on the GREAT/FABULOUS/AWESOME/JAW DROPPING comeback. u deserve it.


    7:07 AM

    Wednesday, December 3, 2008

    went for tk band concert yesterday. i havent seen my jrs for so long. sometimes i feel damn guilty that i nv go back. i miss them so much. they're so "grown up" now!(or maybe just tall cuz they have definitely NOT matured). haha. the guys are still taller than me even though i wore my wedges. -_-"

    the concert was entertaining. no regrets. i get to see my lovely friends and jrs. deep purple medley was way COOL. trombones u guys rawk. totally blew me away. SO OUTDOOR!!
    ahhhh. *memories!

    i went with zhiyi and fiza. stupid zhiyi was late. still can say he will be earlie. bodo. ex-major triple punishment. !!! he's so round la. OMG. like a ball. hahaha. i'll try get the pix from fa and zhafir soon.

    talking abt pics, i still havent gotten the wedding pix from last weekend yet. i'm so bored. cant wait to try something new.

    call me peeps.

    oh ya.
    but i lost almost everyone's number. except for (of all people) MY PRIMARY SCHOOL FRIENDS and some of my secondary school friends. dumb. so. call me... cuz.... i cant call u.
    so lame

    7:11 PM