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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Saturday, September 27, 2008

    GEOGRAPHY! !@#$%^&*)!!!! loser loser loser loser. dammit. i cant seem to study anymore. i totally lost the mood to. its been forever (HAHA. this is super exxagerated) since i've went to school and the holiday mood is seriously kicking in. haha. i havent felt this free and happie since a long time and when it finally comes, still have stupid geog to study for. and the thing is, its NOT easy. blardy. H2 econs is soooo much easier as compared to some shit economic geography crap! who, as students in the right frame of mind, cares abt GDP, GNI shit anyway?! geog sucks la. its sooooo different from secondary school pure geog can? its realli realli bad.

    unlike secondary school geog, u can still memorise word for word and get a freaking A and score top in class (haha. action terror sia. -___-" i miss those days where people come up to me saying that they will beat me for geog) but now, HUMAN GEOG REALLY STINKS. i dunno if i shud just give up on it(FOR NOW) and enjoy first. hahaha. shit. IMMA *slap* wrong attitude. haha.

    aiyaa. i dunno la. i just hope i can get above S. thats my aim. my hair so distracting. i keep looking at it in the mirror. cannot study sia. hahahahahA!. anw, it still stinks of the chemical!! omg. and the chemical i paid for is supposed to be the better one. sial ar. I SHAMPOOED LIKE SIAO the smell still refused to go away. now i have to put moisturizer everyday just so that the smell wun be so bad.

    "smell, smell go away,
    far away from me.
    go away, go away, go away, go away,
    never come back to me"
    (to be sung with the row ur boat rhythm.)
    haha. seriously, it wud be better if i had used this time to read my geog notes. haix! SOMEBODY SLAP ME (one the FACE. not on anywhere else. thank u v much ^.^)

    10:14 PM

    Friday, September 26, 2008

    I FINALLY PERMED MY HAIR. and I LIKE IT. haha. i'll try posting up some pics below. my com always got sumthink wrong whenever i wanna post pics. i think i too pretty. HAHAHA.

    i'm soooo happie. i've had this "dream inside of me" since last yr and i've finally did it! woohooO! i was damn scared to perm actually. the salon that i go to rite, the hairstylist looks like a freaking beng ok? i mean like walao... i damn scared la. what if he suddenly angry than take the scissors and attack me or something.?! hahaha. so i actually went there quite earlie in the day (abt 11) but when i walked past the shop, i saw the beng doing some tai tai hair and got a lot of ppl inside(not sure if they waiting or doing their hair. i too scared to look longer) so i freaked out la. i didnt dare go in. mission 1 failed. i went home after that cuz my mum said she wud accompany me there after work. yay mom! (unlike someone who kept scolding me.! :( hahaha. jk. i love u all the same fiza!)
    then at 3, we went again. this time, no chance to be scared cuz b4 i knew it, my mum already went inside. dun even have any time to prepare. i tot i was damn lucky when the woman approach me BUT THEN!!!... when she heard i wanted to perm, she asked the man/beng to do for me. i was damn scared. but he's actually not that bad. u're rite fa, he's very gentle. haha. he's also damn smart. he kept giving me tips like every 1 min. haha. but he's english/malay damn bad. i cant understand what he's saying most of the time. hmmp, so people, if u think its uglie, its the beng's fault. haha. no la. i like that beng. he's a careful (soft sounds wrong) and smart beng.

    i actually like my hair. but i dun think its curly enuf(haha. when i say curly enuf, i was comparing it to leona lewis's hair, which is more like a mane. but a damn beautiful mane.) my hair now looks like my hair then just like its more wavy. i wished it was more curly though. oh well, i paid like $150 for it so i better be happie.


    my hair was went when i took these so if its dry, it'd be puffy-er i guess. oh well.. :)

    i think real life look nicer.................... i suck in pictures. HAHAHA. (trying to make myself feel better. but seriously. its looks better real life.)


    5:29 AM

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008

    ONE MORE DAY (not that its gonna be over la, still got stupid geog. LIC (stands for Like-I-Care)!) i feel so happie. dunno y. its not even over yet la. summore tmr got chem and MATHS! shit. i'm damn scared la. its like, the past yr papers that i try are so difficult. gonna die sia. hmm. but who cares man?! I CANT WAIT FOR FRIDAY!! OH YEAH!! haha.

    anw, i'm like realli realli dumb la! i noe i'm dumb but i didnt think i was THAT dumb. HAHAHA. its super farnie. i almost burst out lafing all by myself when i found out. let me tell u what happened this morning...

    i woke up brite (it was very dark actually) and earlie for sahur. so happie then. dunno y. maybe cuz i tot that in a few hours econs will be over then can go hm and sleep. so i quickly got ready for school la. when i reached school, i excitedly called fiza to tell her that i was damn earlie cuz i was damn happie i was one of the earliest there. so this was what i said.

    " Eh fiza! guess what? i'm oready in school!!! so earlie rite? HAHAHA(proud lafter) "

    then got a long, awkward silence.. her reply was

    " its onli 6.40.. what are u doing in school so earlie? econs starts at 12!!"

    i was like WTF!!! i tot she lying sia. then she told me that she had lit in the morning from 8 to 10. WTH! DAMN DUMB LA! i conveniently assumed that all my exam starts at 8am. wth. then i tried to call jannah. but she also got lit. damn boring can? all i did was roll around the bench b4 going to the library to play the com. DAMN LOSER sia. haha. but I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE OK?!! samuel also. HAHAHAHA.

    ECONS IS OVER. oh yes. i didnt think i did very well(as usual) but i did give my best so there's nuthink to be upset abt cuz its over. haha. i just want to maintain my C can oready. :) honestly, i shud go study for my chem and maths. but u noe what? i think i'm gonna sleep. if not no use. i wun be able to concentrate. my body all aching. haha. i sound so old.

    bye everyone see u on FRIDAY.


    1:34 AM

    Thursday, September 18, 2008

    hey people! to everyone feeling low.. remember.. its JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGER before we take a well deserved break. maybe this song by the jonas bro's can inspire u :) its so touching (the song is actually written by nick jonas who is suffering from diabetes.).

    Title: A little bit longer
    Artist: Jonas Brothers
    Got the news today
    Doctors said I had to stay
    A little bit longer and I'll be fine
    When I thought it'd all been done
    When I thought it'd all been said
    A little bit longer and I'll be fine
    But you don't know what you got until it's gone
    And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
    And every time you smile you laugh, you glow
    You don't even know (x2)
    All this time goes by
    Still no reason why
    A little bit longer and I'll be fine
    Waiting on a cure
    But none of them are sure
    A little bit longer and I'll be fine
    You don't even know (no, no) [x3]
    ou don't even know
    So I'll wait until kingdom come
    All the highs and lows are gone
    A little bit longer and I'll be fine
    I'll be fine

    tmrs kinda the "official" last day of school BEFORE PROMOS. does time pass by so fast or what? three weeks of fasting gone liao. i feel so distracted. i keep thinking of my hair and hari raya instead of promos. gosh. y must all of them come so close together? these things just dont go well together. HAHA.

    yesterday i said i'll talk abt my raya clothes today. hmmp. its nuthink special la. its just a long black dress with half black/gold lace lining. its damn ex considering i'm gonna wear it like once or twice onli? super high average cost sia. (haha. i just had to add that in. :x)

    i think i too burnt out and stressed that i'm damn high. i feel so happie everyday eventhough i keep looking down on myself. see... JC makes u mental... HAHAHA. <-- signs of high-ness. somehow being super stressed/tired yet high/happie, if much better then being sad, depressed and lonely all at once. oh well.

    i feel like ponning school tmr. HAHAHAHA.


    4:50 AM

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbzM4qvLdD8--> SO CUTE SIA! he keep blushing. and everytime he does, i do toooooooooooo!! :) :) :) i'm so happie his song is top downloaded song in itunes. :) :) i didnt cry in vain when he didnt win..................... I LOVE U DAVID ARCHULETA!

    haha. let me tell u a dream i had last nite, it was after a lvls and i went to america oready (for holiday to visit my bro). then i was walking along times sq. suddenly i tumble over this place where people can stand on it (like a platform) and perform something ar. then when i went there, got this realli horrible guy singing so everyone was boo-ing him. then i super clumsy one wad.. so when someone accidentally pushed me, i accidentally fall on the platform (like high school musical 1). so people all tot i wanna sing, then they started cheering. then, i started singing... 'bleeding love' from leona lewis summore. somehow i sang it PERFECTLY (in my dream, it was better than leona. WTH.. HAHAHA). then out of no where... DAVID ARCHULETA CAME ON STAGE. i was trembling like siao. my legs were like jelly la. then he said i sang very well!!! hahaha. then he asked me to sing his latest single with him! i was melting even though it was snowing (i went there after A lvls--> december?--> snowing- my dreams damn detailed one). after we finished singing rite, got this record label ask me to join them then i become superstar sia! WHOOOOO!! thats how the dream ended. HAHAHA. i noe it will come true no matter what u guys say la. so erm, ya. wait for my album to be released ok? HAHAHAHAHA

    i bought my baju rayer today. i shall elaborate more on that tmr. i'm super tired.

    lurrve!DAVID ARCHULETA! hehe

    5:12 AM

    Monday, September 15, 2008

    to everyone who is feeling stressed (or worst, depressed), cheer up ok? i noe the feeling realli sucks when u study VERY hard for a test and u do badly in it. it realli sucks. but we have to press on ok? no matter what. trust me, i will all be paid off in the end. i dun think that there is anyone in this world who works so blardy hard and so not get repaid in the end. (even thomas edison succeeded) and WE ALL WILL. especially to my friends in S26, WE ALL CAN! :) :) JIA YOU PEOPLE!

    (xun qi, my dear angel, please cheer up ok? dun be soo sad. (even though ur mortal likes to tease u), I'm behind u all the way so dun give up ok?!! JIA YOU XQ!!

    to delia too. hey girl, u're not stupid ok?! we can do it together. remember ok. u must accompany me in england. hahaha. so jia you! eunice and i promise to help u at the best that we can. we love u lots (and we hope u love us too :> )

    to jannah, joel, and chee yang, (i dun realli see anqi sad. haha. sorrie). u guys cheer up too. lets study more together too ok? JOEL, CHEER UP! YOU CAN DO IT! even if u feel like giving up now, DONT. eunice and i will help u too :) stay happie ok? when u feel stressed, i feel stressed too! so SMILE! Jannah, remember what u told me abt the power of a smile? i hope u keep smiling too....

    to the others, continue working hard too. :) just DONT GIVE ME. JIA YOU!


    10:44 PM

    Saturday, September 13, 2008

    yes fiza, i LOVE my face. i LOVE it VERY VERY much. so perfectly hexagonal. :) PERFECT FACE.

    ok dah- stop. i think god heard me saying stupidly that i hated my face so he actually made the vice-principle (whom i have no idea what her name is) show us a video of this guys called joel (pronounced jewel) who got badly burnt in a car accident when he was a baby and grew up with a badly disfigured face. it was really bad- he had no nose, no ears, no fingers, no toes and badly wrinkled skin. and yet, he still had the courage to face up to the world, who saw him like an alien. he selflessly forgave the man who had deliberately drove the trailer into the car he was in. something which he said realli made me reflect on what i had said to fiza and my mom that day... ' even if i have fingers and toes, will that change who i am inside? ' i was blown away. i mean, he is so strong.

    if u ask me what i dun like abt my appearence, i can list u a list so long it wun be able to fit into this page. (eg, my face- which includes my high forehead, snubbled nose, thick lips, stained and unproperly arranged teeth & my weight- flabby arms and thighs, bluging tummy & my big feet! etc) [haha. so unhappie rite? -__-"] then i ask myself, what DO i like abt myself? erm, i can onli think of my hair and complextion. how has my appearence actually affect the way i live? A LOT. i am soooo not confident of myself. OFTEN, i see myself as a freaking fat bitch who shud just vanish from this face of earth. but then, it made me think also, then what if i were what i wanted to be? slim, pretty, sexy? omg. i realised that i'll be queen bitch. HAHAHA. i'd probably end up being sharpay or something.

    so, actually, appearance has a lot to play in one's life. especially for me since i'm overweight.(which is super hard to accept). well, people (especially me. haha) should seriously appreciate what we've been given. look on the brite side, at least i'm not as evil as sharpay... what do u think? haha


    ps: this is NOT an emo post. this is a personal reflective post. i have a feeling the people who come to my blog always think that i'm emo or depressed or something. -____-"

    1:00 AM

    Friday, September 12, 2008

    haha. dun worrie. this wun be another emo post like the previous post despite the title. haha. its actually my darling david archuleta's lastest single and i cant get it out of my head! haha. dammn. i cant separate myself from the computer cuz i dun have the mp3 and have to pathetically go to youtube everytime i want to listen to it. haix. i give up sia. i tried so many ways and means to get leona's album but no one seems to love her the way i do so i have no choice, i think i'm gonna buy her album this weekend. haha. i mite consider camp rock too. :)

    wah. i talk like as though got so much money like that. anw, todays PE was fun! we played dodge ball and we had a whole load of time trying to dodge it-literally. so fun! i love Mr Chua, he always come up with nice games for us to play.! well, besides NAPFA which is compulsary la. i think if it wasnt, he wudnt make us run so much la. :)

    i have to study. i hope i can concentrate.


    2:01 AM

    Wednesday, September 10, 2008

    i've managed to remain cheerful the whole of the fasting month UNTIL yesterday. omg. i got super demoralised when i was studying yesterday. i cant believe i cried myself to sleep. haha. i was so stupid. i dunno y i did that. i'm a teenager... RAGING HORMONES maybe. haha.

    school is ok- nothing great. i passed my GP. like omg omg omg. hahaha. so unbelievable. believe it! i dunno whether its just me but the insecurities are all coming back. i'm realli sorrie if i just leave u guys during breaks to go study or go com lab/library or something. today i felt v v v lost. everything that was talked at i have no clue. i'm so sorrie. i hope i didnt do anything wrong. if i did then i'm realli sorrie but the feeling of not knowing anything that is happening between my closest friends sucks. but i'm sure its just me cuz it was alrite by the end of the day.

    i dunno what i'm doing now.instead of studying, i'm like chatting with this unknown guy who added me in msn. ya la, i noe i v hot. thanks thanks. i'm Amy the supermodel(according to chee yang.) hahahaha.

    I NEED TO CONCENTRATE. my concentration lvl is below zero. NEGATIVE. omg. i'm so dead. I NEED A MOTIVATION. (hot guys are my greatest motivation- HAHAHAHA!!! jk jk) i dun wan my dream to remain a dream. LONDON! i'm coming no matter wad........................... hahahaha. see- dreaming again.

    i cant wait for another day.


    2:49 AM

    Saturday, September 6, 2008

    its amazing that there are so many flavours in the world but we find that we're always getting the same one. what makes us do so anyway? maybe its our personal taste and preference? or maybe its cuz we're afraid to try... for me, i think its more of the 'i'm scared to try' feeling rather than the 'oh, i like that flavour' feeling. haha.

    sometimes i wonder y i'm so afraid of everything. like everything around me is sooo much better than me. u noe that feeling? erm, any pw grp doing on building self-esteem in youths? i wanna sign up!! haha. i dunno. i just find it farnie. like i have no guts or something. :( i realli wish i had more courage sometimes.

    wah! so emo. well, maybe becuz the week is over oready. thats sad. my one week 'holiday' is actually coming to a close. i dun want it to endddddddd. i mean, i dun mind studying at home starting from 9 in the morning with many 15 min break in the middle and drags all the way till nite. i find that i can concentrate better like that and it realli helps in my understanding as i feel more alert. i totally hate the singapore education system where they try to squeeze everything within a short span of time and we have teachers who are dying to finish topics eventhough students dun have the slightest idea of what is going on. it kinda sucks cuz when we look at the tutorial, and dun have a clue what the question is talking abt. it realli demoralises u. or at least, me.

    thats y... LONDON 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.


    ps: WARNING! this post may sound realli emo to u. but i think i'm just sleepy. haha. i had a hearty meal during break fast today thats y. :)

    5:07 AM

    Thursday, September 4, 2008

    To everyone like me, this song is super inspirational. i cant believe i actually cried listening to it. haha. emo seh! those not interested scroll down to see post of service learning.

    Song: Here I Am (from Disney Channel's Camp Rock)
    Performer: Peggy / Jasmine Richards
    Singer: Renee Sandstrom
    They tell you a good girl is quiet
    And that you should never ask why
    Cause it only makes it harder to fit in
    And you should be happy, excited
    Even if you're just invited
    Cause the winners need someone to clap for them
    It's so hard just waiting
    In a line that never moves
    It's time you started making
    Your own rules
    You gotta scream until there's nothing left
    With your last breath
    Say here I am
    Here I am
    Make em listen
    Cause there is no way you'll be ignored
    Not anymore
    Say here I am
    Here I am
    Here I am
    Here I am
    You only get one life to work it
    So who cares if it's not perfect
    Say "it's close enough to perfect for me"
    Why should you hide from the thunder
    And the lightening that your under
    Cause there ain't nobody else you want to be
    If how your living isn't working
    There's one thing that`ll help
    You got to finally just stop searching
    To find yourself
    The world better make some room
    Yeah move over, over
    Cause your coming through
    Cause your coming through
    service learning went great. (dammit. i noe i'm an ungreatful shit who onli says its great after it turned out great but in the beginning dun wanna go.) the class was realli cooperative yesterday and it went very smoothly except that we always dragged the time. yay to grp c [andrina, jeg & xunqi (who werent suppose to be there but appeared and started calling each other monster infront of the kids.), luqman and me!! :) and the 3 kids that we had- laurette, jia jun and elton(erm, this one a bit +00+ la. )] i think the children had a lot of fun yesterday and we kinda under estimated their ability and hyperness. haha. but they played and they enjoyed. so, great! haha.
    the icebreaker was kinda the 'hardest' cuz everyone was v v v shy and we, mentors were trying super hard to make them feel as comfortable with each other as possible. JEG IS V V V GOOD WITH KIDS! haha. realli. great papa. haha. so is luqman. :) xun qi so sad sia. everytime kena bullied. one of the first thing the child said to her was 'i want to pull ur head' haha. then she tried making fun of jeg... but she herself kena jagged! hahaha. example, she tried making the boys say that jeg is uglie. then when jeg ask them, they will say he's cool! HAHAHAHAHA. loser la xunqi.
    i was damn tired la but mid-day. i felt like all my energy had been sucked out. good luck to fiza with her 10 million children. hahaha! it was a v fulfilling day and another one i shall remember. :)
    oh, thanks chee and jo for letting me tompang in ur cab!
    I CHANGED MY BLOGSKIN! but got so many pop-ups. i feel like using the blogger one back.

    7:07 PM

    Wednesday, September 3, 2008

    i'm a blardy slacker sia. i practically did onli one maths practice paper yesterday and some vocab qns when i have like the whole day to study. haix. instead i went to back cookies (which i still can figure out how to make the chocolate coating -____-). the cookies turned out soft and nice though. much much better than my rock cookies that time. :) haha.

    tmr is service learning and i'm kinda dreading it. sorrie. but ya, i mean, the DAS ppl... wth. its like jannah they all took so long to plan and make sure everything runs smoothly but they dun wanna attend. i kinda feel so jannah (even though i did nothing much- opps.. sorrie sorrie sorrie). hopefully i will be a success la. then everyone will be happie. yay!

    hey, not i nv do anything ok? i already came up with the list of the budget from the logistics team ok. the hamper com still havent given me the receipt so i cant do. :( bad zenda! bad ic! hahaha jk jk. i dun wanna bother jannah oready. oready got some people or maybe some ONE who nv do the task allocated to him/her and she has to do everything... i absolutely noe how she feel. onli that i was stupid to let them still address the class when we had (insert event) discussions and they noe.. erm, nuthing. OUCH.

    haix. i've made so many sins in my life. what have i done?


    3:39 PM

    Tuesday, September 2, 2008

    somehow my computer hates me. now that i've learnt how to successfully change a blogskin in the new blogger, my computer wun let me revert it to the basic format. it will just keep closing automatically. so tootz sia.

    i cant seem to sleep after sahur. and it definitely doesnt help to have lessons at 10 when i want it at 8. cuz i usually wanna sleep back at 10 after waking up at 4 and not have, what? have lessons? aiyaa.. for maths, i shall sacrifise. mr. tan so nice. yesterday he called me just to say that he uploaded the answers at his page oready. haha. ya ya, i'm a nerd la hello?! how can i not do the practice papers rite? haha.

    i hate fasting. i think it makes me doubly fat even though i realli "try" to control what i eat at buker. haiz. i have a bulging tummy now. and my weight has gone up by 1kg! omg omg omg. i'm super sad. i feel damn fat sia. haha. (signs of aneroxia?) hahaha. dun worrie la. i will nv be aneroxic (i hope). food will still tempt me no matter what. especially chocolate!!!!!! yummmm!

    i dun wan the holidays to end. i actually like the idea of going later to school (if we're not fasting) and going back slightly later. it kinda feels like a job then. eh NO!!! then the mrt will be even more packed and we'll all get squeezed until our juices come out. NO NO NO WAY!! seriously, singapore's population now is way too big for our resources to handle. someone shud seriously do something abt it.

    haix. i dunno if i shud join the national youth forum. it will look realli good on my portfolio. like seriously. some of the "highlights" are attending policy making classes with ministers, having tea with the president, having a dialogue with the prime minister, learn abt globalisation, crime, teenage sex, terrorism in singapore............. OMG!. its like too attractive to not take part. but, BUT(!), i scared i cant commit myself. it starts from october and ends in december. than what abt PW and MT Alvls....... u noe what? i'm gonna sign up. HECK PW! <--- i've learnt alot abt this from my grp members :>


    3:18 PM