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i'm your soul.

Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
National University of Singapore [10-]

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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
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    Saturday, August 30, 2008

    I just returned from NYP as i went there earlier to collect my mendaki award. it as fun. this is one of the things that i realli treasure- not becuz of the $$(ok, a small part of it), but becuz i feel that all my "hard work" is recognised and i'm given this opportunity to show to others that if i can do it, so can they... haha. so noble rite? can win "noble" prize -_______-"

    i'm so glad i'm able to make my parents proud just like my brothers. well, of course this isnt the first but i realli hope it wudnt be the last and just one of the many many more to come. i just wanna address something which people always say to me when i do a good job or attain a higher than average score for a test/exam. typical people will always say this...

    " wah imma! u're so smart!!! "

    well, i think that there are 4 ways to be label "smart".
    1) People who have excellent brain power (like Kyle XY) and are super hardworking. these people probably top schools or become some high government officials.

    2) People who realli dun give a damn in school yet u get straight A's (these people, plz dun talk to me. HAHA. jk jk)

    3) People who are realli realli hardworking but may not necessarily have the brain power

    4) People who spot topic ACCURATELY

    i guess when u say i'm smart, i probably fall to category 3? i realli have to go back and review my work after its tot and i do a lot, alot of practice (revision package, tys, etc). so i'm sure my friends will be able to get what they want if they just,... practice. so to everyone, dun give up hope. wait.
    NEVER give up hope. just put in LOTS of time and effort and i'm sure it will pay off, just like mine. remember, CONSISTENCY pays!! ;p

    hmm. such wise words. haha. anw, back to the award ceremony, I WAS ON TV!! but i bet most of u didnt catch it cuz i was on the malay news. so cool. i swear i was there for like 2 seconds or something. i dunno y but i was one of the 7-8 chosen to have refreshments with the ministers (Dr. Yaccob and Mr. Lim Swee Say). so cool rite?!! ok la, fine, to me it is. haha. oh well, another day well spent.!


    2:51 PM

    Thursday, August 28, 2008

    i had my last mentoring session at SAJS yesterday and i'm so sad that its over. although i noe i complain A LOTTTTTTTT on mentoring i realli do love the children there. somehow when a child comes to u and ask u how's ur day, its so much better than having someone older who dont realli wanna noe but just asks for the sake of asking.

    these children are realli so pure and innocent. i was realli touched when one of them acually came up to me and said this...

    "TEACHER!! i'm sorrie i forgot to get u a teacher's day gift. i gift u next time k?! HAPPIE TEACHERS DAY!!"

    then he ran off. i was like 'wow'. haha. i'm not even a teacher but yea. now i noe how touched a teacher is when a student wishes him/her a happie teachers day.

    which brings me to my next point.
    i have nothing to give my teachers. i didnt buy them anything. nor did i give them anything. i realli hope they dun mind. i'm seriously broke. i have some financial management problems now. i cant seem to stop spending. haix. broke broke broke. i cant wait for the hols. then at least can earn some $$$ to support myself.

    haix. still got so many things that i wanna buy...
    1) camera- like since sec 3?
    2) new labtop. i just found out that my freaking labtop space is onli 20GB. how pathetic is that? and guess wad? i onli have 1.97GB left? MF sia! haha. no wonder keep lagging. full until cannot full sia.
    3) BRACES. like since forever. dun talk to me. i'm too sad....
    4) perm my hair. like my idol leona lewis! hahaha. not the maggi mee one ok? i dun have such bad taste. the bleeding love video one. so pretty!!!! haha.
    hopefully i'd be able to buy at lest half of them b4 i end JC... -_____-" (FAT HOPE-like me)

    before i go, just wanna wish all teachers,(even if u suck) a VERY HAPPIE TEACHERS DAY!!!


    4:59 AM

    Saturday, August 23, 2008

    saturday is already over. so fast omg. i spent my whole day at yayasan mendaki today. 8hrs of volunteering. hmm. not bad ar. haha. i'm now officially part of the OSC and i love it. the people there are sooo nice. they're like my abang abang and kakak kakak. haha. so sweet. i'm quite happy i went actually. its sumthink i wun regret at all. i love volunteering at mendaki. somehow the people there are always soooo nice...

    on friday i went to watch the singapore fireworks show. it was SUPER good can? and i didnt even have to purchase a tix(which costs $25). haha. summore got special pass as an 'artise' woohooo! haha. zhafir and i were abusing our 'privilage' as artists and we went ard restricted areas pretending we were big stars. haha. but not to worrie. we didnt do anything illegal. haha. all's innocent. i managed to meet tkband agaiN! i missss them so much! i was super happie. my jrs still remember me. haha.(not like its been a v long time la) ming wei, hong wan and kenneth still as cute as ever. i just wish i had talked more to them. firza was so sweet. and so was yug han. it was such a hassle to watch in the end. as 'artise' we didnt have a ticket so we randomly go sit at the platform. then people kept chasing us away. summore the weather wasnt being v nice to us. it was raining and all the seats were wet. thank god for zhining who had trash bags. if not i'll look like i cant control my bladder. haha.

    in the end, we went up all the way to the top. and i'm thankful we did. we had the best view in the end. all the way to the top and right in the middle. woohooo! haha. having no ticket is a blessing in disguise. tk band performed. i tot it was ok ok. they were v v soft but i noe that wasnt their best and they're capable of better. i'm in no position to comment but thats just my personal opinion. the fireworks were awesome. no wonder the tickets are so ex. it was 20mins of non-stop fireworks man. SUPER nice. my jaws just dropped. i was practically speechless. haha. the fireworks looked like shooting stars man. SUPER NICE!!!! i cant stand it. i'm going again next yr, even if i have no special pass. haha.

    i'm v v tired. i still have lots of homework to do. i'm not gonna bother to do them now cuz i noe my output will be bullshit. i'm gonna sleep. good nite!


    8:29 AM

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008

    STRESSED LA. omg. so many test then maths and chem getting so hard. summore i keep getting scolded for no reason. WTH WTH WTH. 1 more year. i can do it!! wohoo!! endure. haha. so tk band.

    aiyaa. i dunno la. i dun have a life anymore. everyday i wake up, i feel so sian. sumtimes i dun even noe what i'm doing. on the bus, study... at school, study... on the bus again, study... at home study... in my dreams, also study la.... wth. my life is = study can? ok, i noe everyone out there is also the same as me. sucks rite? how i wish sometimes i can just stop time, and do whatever i want. i feel so whiny... but cannot help it.

    anw, i'm damn lame now. i'm like disturbing ppl who are trying damn hard to study. sorrieeee.

    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    u r?

    F. says:
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:

    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    my name is toot(censored) and i'm from toot(censored)...
    F. says:
    Are you trying to be funny? Hahahah.
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    i'm serious.
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:

    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    no. i'm not.
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:

    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    EH, FIZAAAAAAAAA. i'm feeling lame

    F. says:
    I can tell ah.
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:
    i need wheelchair

    F. says:
    Nurul Imma Wong Binte Mohd Imran Wong says:

    F. says:
    What's wrong with you man (:

    i apparently think its farnie but she doesnt. hmm. i need to study geog. someone plz slap me damn hard and make me study geog plz... i'm gonna fail big time. i noe yet i'm not doing anything abt it. haix. i'm such an idiot (i feel like mr tan. haha) i hate human geog like hell. sumhow in sec 4 i still can cope without doing much but now i cant. blardy hell all the economists think its damn fun to come up with jargons and some random alphabet shit and now i have to study what it means and its meaningless definitions. blardy. they all look like 'ABC' to me can. how to differentiate sia. no formula. so sad. shit.i'm damn stress la. dun disturb me. hahahahaha. LAME


    ps: sorrie. i seriously feel damn lame today.

    4:05 AM

    Friday, August 15, 2008

    hey, i just came back from my external mentoring and i'm dead tired. the children really tire me out man. haha. so much drama today. i felt so helpless. god. they're just primary 3 children and they act like their 30. seriously. there are so many conflicts between them and i'm totally caught in the middle. i'm really curious to find out what is realli on their minds.

    the malay children tend to stick more to me becuz they accept me for 'their' kind as i can speak malay. i wonder what they learn or where they learn their discipline and morals from. i'm amazed at how steriotype they are. they totally refuse to let someone of a different race teach or talk to them. i have no idea why. to them, they find the other races alien and untrustworthy. i think this is a realli serious problem becuz they'll be future young adults who will contribute to the society and at such a young age, their mindset is already wrong. i realli wonder how i can help these children. moreover, they're from low incomed families. i would realli love to see them succeed in life but with their attitude, i doubt they can go far. i feel so helpless, the more i try to help them and change their mindset, the more i feel like i'm failing becuz it onli gets worst as time goes by. haix.

    school was ok. i just hoped it would end earlier. next week got 3 tests. i'm gonna collapse!


    8:13 AM

    Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    i have a wart at the sole of my right feet and its freaking painful la! i cant walk properly. OUCH! grrr. i hope it will burst soon :) haha.

    today was supposed to be a long day but surprisingly it didnt feel like it. i feel much better thinking more positively eventhough i made a stupid careless mistake for my maths test. oh well, at least i got the differentiation part correct. manipulation shudnt carry too many marks bah.(hint : trying to be positive here).

    i lost weight!! i think mangosteen realli helps to lose weight, well, erm, maybe cuz that was wad i ate for the whole weekend. i love mangosteen!! haha. so nice and yummy. i think the teacher damn sian la to see my face every morning for morning run. today he was being very "encouraging". he called me from far just to say , "Eh Imma! 2 more times onli la. u can do it one." i was like, "woah, since when he noe my name sia.. i dun even noe his" haha. seriously, i just cant get PE teacher's name rite. one of my weaknessess since.. forever. haha.

    hmm. i got nuthing more to say bah. i wanna go do revision oready. delia, if u're reading this, u shud too. and eunice, CO does react with nitrogen products in the catalytic converter and the product formed is not lead (II) oxide but lead (II) bromide. the answers are in the binded book. we just didnt bother to read it. HAHA. omg. so nerdy.


    4:57 AM

    Saturday, August 9, 2008

    i cant believe i'm developing half of my US pictures onli now. thank god for the thumbdrive or i'll be dead. the onli thing i have left of my time in the US are the photo's, memories and soveniours. I MISS THE US. i still cant believe that i actually went there. times sq. like omg. it somehow looks different on TV. haha. but it still RAWKS.

    i cant seem to concentrate i dunno y. i keep having careless mistakes in my math revision. its always the signs-as in +, -, x, /. i dunno y. keep mixing them up. the feeling is so frustrating. its like, i was thinking of a - and i always rite +. god. someone help me. but the other subs are ok, thank god. someone must have jinx me for maths. ADMIT IT. hahaha. i'm crazie.

    i wanna go out but i cant. i will feel super guilty. haha. promo's are like so near and all my other friends are like banned from going out so i cant cuz i have no one to go out with. thats kinda sad. i dunno y but i feel so slack now. shit. IMMA DUN BE COMPLACENT. i scared complacency will kill me. haix.

    omg.there're showing HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2. i wanna go watch! hahahahaha. my ten millionth time. oh well. i seriously shud be studying!!!


    8:51 PM

    Friday, August 8, 2008

    omg i'm not gonna have babies.!! hahaha. now everywhere i go i see baby pictures. even on the blogger dashboard sia. omg omg. they're like taunting me. 'u're not gonna have me~~~' shit.

    haha. yesterday S26 tried this baby testing method to see the sex and the number of children that u will have and sadly, i'm SUPPOSED to have none. its super freaky. shud have seen the look on zenda's and sin yee's face. super farnie. its like SUPER freaky. u shud ask delia. her answer more farnie. ' i felt it gaining momentum, then it suddenly stopped!'-delia. HAHAHA

    but it became farnier and farnier. at first i was kinda believing in it. but now it's super farnie that its becoming a joke. haha seriously. omg. u shud hear the reasons vicky and aida have for me not having children. DAMN FARNIE (aida has the same results as me :( )

    1. nv get married- too independent. WTH!
    2. get married- dun wan/cannot have children
    3. die. (*scary music at the background)
    4. divorce?
    5. menopause! this was damn farnie when she said it. i was lafing like hell. hahaahahahahaha.
    (courtesy of vicky and aida)

    i'm gonna make TAU SUAN for national day. haha. its not even a national food la. but who cares. delia's mum make v nice so i wanna follow. i'm sure my parents will be v happie :)

    happie national day ppl!!


    4:39 PM

    Wednesday, August 6, 2008

    is it true that money makes the world go round? is money the onli thing that drives people nowadays? drive them to crime, suicide and murder? what is money anyway? is it more than just a value? a price that we have to pay? (so econs omg)

    the world has made it such that money = power. oh yes, i believe that. money is v powerful indeed. but to the extent that it changes/controls a person? oh yes. i see it happening. everyday. rite delia? haha. i was discussing this topic abt stereotyping the rich/poor with my brother just now. i bet everyone is guilty of this, in one way or another. hmm. i wonder how we can get rid of it. i wonder how I can get rid of it.

    i hate mood swings. sometimes i wish i can just scream, cry and throw my tantrum. haiz. I WISH.


    4:46 AM

    Saturday, August 2, 2008

    ITS AUGUST OREADY! omg omg omg omg omg. DAMN FASTTTTT. omg omg omg omg. i dun want time to pass so fast. so many things that i want to do.
    1) volunteer more
    2) go out with secondary school friends
    3) shopping
    4) study more
    5) spent more time with my family
    6) do what i enjoy doing more.

    OMG OMG OMG. 4 more months to the end of the year. and like dunno how many days to promos. time is so selfish. :((((

    today was open house. it was ok to good la. I WANT THE SHOEBAG. cheapo school. so rich but stingy. grrrrrrr. i'm damn damn damn tired. my muscles are like aching sooooooo badly. argh. i need to rest!! :( it was realli hard juggling between two CCA's just now. i was promoting both at the same time and IT WASNT easy. but i'm not complaining- just whining.

    I WANT TO CURL MY HAIR. i tried to curl just now using the plastic curlers but i figured that i bought the wrong size curlers. the curls came out too big but it kinda looked nice. haha. bhb. I WANT MY LEONA LEWIS HAIR(and george, its damn nice no matter what u think of it. idiot.!)

    i wanna go study liao. got a lot of homework.


    5:05 AM