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Nurul Imma Wong
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Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
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    Monday, June 30, 2008

    HOLIDAYS ARE OVER. and i have to accept it. omg. i cant believe that half a year has already passed. its like too quick to be possible. haha. now its back to reality ppl. back to the mugging, back to the proposals, back to the busy busy lifestyles. haix. i'm so tired....

    My paternal grandma passed away peacefully on Friday evening. I'm glad she didnt suffer when she passed on. All her loved ones will miss her... I will miss her and she will forever be in my heart. I hope that she has moved on to a better place with god. I will miss her, dearly.

    Hmm. Some of my results are out. at least the better ones are. i dun think i will do well in the other 'unrealeased' subject. honestly, i'm super screwed for econs. i'm like super scared to face miss hon now. as in, not scared scared but i noe that she's very disappointed with our class.its like she tries so hard to give her best but we always end up giving her the opposite. i realli hope i wun disappoint her and myself the next time.

    i got so many things to do!! i hope college day will be over soon!! omg. giving me additional work load sia. haix. SUCKS MAN! but what can i do? haha. once its over at least i will have less on my mind. project work is starting again. sumtimes i just dunno what to do for project work. seriously, its super one sided like, some people are doing so much for their grp and some are just, not doing anything-in other words, USELESS. i hope these ppl will get their retribution someday. i pray for that seriously. if u think u can enjoy the good grades that other ppl slog for, think again.


    3:26 AM

    Friday, June 27, 2008

    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    2/3 cup white sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 cup mashed bananas
    1 egg
    1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
    1/4 cup milk
    3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.
    In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
    In a separate bowl, combine bananas, egg, melted butter and milk.
    Stir banana mixture into flour mixture until blended. Be careful not to over mix.
    Stir in chocolate chips.
    Pour batter into 9x13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) 30 to 35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean. (It will have some melted chocolate, but no crumbs.)

    this recipe is quite good. i tried baking it just now. haha. ALONE. haha. it turned out realli moist although i think that i shud have left it longer. its slightly golden but the picture that the person put on the net is like super dark brown but mine tastes okie la. so no difference. it actually tastes like 'jemput-jemput' which is a malay desert of fried mashed banana but the onli difference is mine is baked(not fried) and it has melted chocolate chips in it. maybe next time i shall bake it longer. haha. but its still edible. so i'm very happie.

    FA! u better eat yours or i will stuff it in your mouth. hahahahaha. i already take the effort to bake for u. and let ur parents try okie? oh, another way u can eat the cake is to heat it using the microwave and put ice cream on it. OMG!. heavenly sinful. haha. enjoy!!!

    anw, today is the last day of common tests!! WOHOO!! and i figured i wun realli fail geog even though i realli didnt study. there wasnt any essay and the questions were so secondary school. i was so shocked that i cud remember everything and wrote it all smoothly. haha. that was how much i love geog in secondary school. mrs. poh was a very good teacher. she had this element in her that can capture a students attention and make them interested in the subject. something that i realli admire and hope to achieve. haha. i cant believe she's tk vice principle now. congrats mrs. poh. u deserve it.

    haix. i so dun wan next week to come. back to the normal school life. haha. project work, college day, mentoring. haiyoo. and PE is gonna start! hmmp. haha. i dun wanna get my results also. okie. i lied. i realli want to get my results. i better do well. haha. if not i'd be very very disappointed in myself. but erm, not for malay, gp and geog cuz i noe i didnt put in any effort in it. so whatever i get i will accept-for now. must chiong ar. two years so short. and malay a lvl oral is coming nearer and nearer. i think mine is next week. omg. i'm super scared that i wun be able to speak fluently. FIZA! i dun care. from tmr onwards must speak in perfect malay. haha. so lame. i dun think i will in a hundred thousand years. oh well. i need to go for my external mentoring thing now. bb


    1:43 AM

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    for the last few weeks, i've been doing intensive research on the various universities and its courses. omg. its soooooo not an easy process. realli requires hard work man. now i noe y everyone wanna go to NUS. haha.

    hmm. in my search, i'm specifically trying to find colleges or univerisities in the UK or europe side. dun ask me y. i just have the mentality that it wud be easier to get in a UK uni than in other countries. maybe cuz of A lvls and stuff but sadly, the system is constantly changing and A lvl doesnt realli count anymore-ESPECIALLY FOR MY FIRST CHOICE COLLGE(for now).

    i've actually come down to 3 uni's that i wanna go to even though i dun realli noe which course i want. there;s so many to choose from. i practically want/dont want everything. its like everytime i see a course that i like, i have to weigh the entry requirements and everything. it gives me a headache. haha.

    anw, enuf of the suspence.the three uni's according to preferance are
    1. Imperial College London
    2. The London School of Economics and Political Science
    3. University College London.

    i guess imperial appeals more to me cuz i'm looking for a science/math school but the entry requirements...ARGHH!! i hate physics la. always out to destroy my life. cant leave me alone for once? haha. so angry. I NEED PHYSICS! omg omg omg. but one course i really really like is the 'business mathematics and statistics' at the london school of econs. i think that course is super cool man! like there are so many options after graduating frm there. and they definately dun need further math to get in. haix. i need to go research more.

    anw, fa, i wud realli love to go UCL. but ICL is onli 15 mins away from UCL. hahaha. i hope u dun mind. we can still stay together. and take the london bus or chase william(square) together. haha. we'll study damn hard and get a scholarship okie? i'm so happie. LONDON HERE I COME!


    5:30 AM

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    oops. sorrie i skipped a day. i wanted to post yesterday but there was something wrong with my internet connection. it just wudnt load. hmm.

    i shall try and remember what happened yesterday.
    common test day 2: econs AND chem.
    i remember i didnt feel like studying yesterday. i read thru the notes in the morning-hoping that what i studied wud be enuf. but the horror- taxes came out and i didnt study. thank god for my memory, i was surprised i had one, it kinda saved me. haha. pays to pay attention in class. the case study was okie la. i mean, i dunno if my answers were good enuf to score well but i hope it was. essay was shit. i hate cambridge!. no no no. i dun hate cambrigde(haha. i have this farnie dream where i want to study there) but i dun like the person who came up with the time thing man. like wtf. if i had enuf time, i cud have done well and gotten at least a B la. but f the time limit man. i didnt even have time to evaluate the context properly. and worst still, no time to write conclusion for BOTH essay(part A and B). so my essay was just left hanging. omg omg.i'm super worried for econs. there is nuthing more frustrating than knowing your facts yet u cannot write it down and the marker will think that u dunno it. get it? haix.

    chemistry was better. i cant realli say that i did well cuz i'd be bound to careless mistakes but i hope i wud be able to get at least a B(when i say at least a B means got possibility to get A. repeat-GOT POSSIBILITY. but also got possibility that i can get C and below. hmm. anything's POSSIBLE). to me, the paper standard was managable to easy. i noe people hate me now but realli, its just my opinion. and if i didnt do well i wud be realli upset cuz there's gonna be many many more topics and concepts to learn and if i dun grasp this, i will die later.

    after chem, still had time to go shopping. hahaha. and guess where fiza and i went? we went to THIS FASHION at potong pasir mrt startion! haha. so lame la. i bought a skirt. its nice. but i realise that its quite short. and i shudnt have chosen white. but its okie.

    common test day 3: Maths
    MATH IS OVER! woohooo! i realli realli hope i can maintain my A. please please please. its like i study so hard and if i dun get it, i'll be realli realli upset. i think i did ok. not as well as i wanted to but i always think that way so no difference.i didnt do like 8 marks worth of question(which is so sad). so the highest i can get is like 62/70. haix. minus careless mistake. omg. i dun wanna think abt it. haix. i shud have studied harder. i dunno y i dun feel like studying today and yesterday. and i definately dun feel like studying for geog on friday. haix. the studying mood is just gone. haha. ya, its too earlie i noe.

    anw, i've been doing a lot of research on universities that i wud try to get into after JC. for now, imperial college london is my best choice. but i'll continue researching. i'll post on this another day. good bye and good luck for the remaining papers!


    3:50 AM

    Monday, June 23, 2008

    yes! both languages are over. so happie so happie. haha. just realised that next monday is holiday. i think i'm gonna use that to finish up pw so that it wun bother me anymore. and maybe do shopping for college day. haix. busy busy. wonder when its gonna stop.

    i dunno how to comment abt todays exam. it was.. okie i guess. i seriously cant gauge how well i've done. i guess a large portion of it is the opinion of the marker cuz its a language paper. i chose qn 5(which almost half did too) cuz it was a relatively easy qn to answer compared to the rest. hope my language was okie and that it made sense. haha. i miss narative. i miss writing my life stories. hahahaha! omg omg. i used to love compo so much then. hahahaha. siao.

    no comments for malay exam just that i received my malay homework today when the exam is like.. today. haha. i find that very farnie. not that it wud have made any difference. no offence luqman. its not ur fault. just find it very farnie. malay A lvl oral is coming. i'm gonna die. so freaking scared la. my second a lvl exam-after chem spa. omg omg. sucks la. haha. i soooo dun wan it to come.

    haix. i lost my mood to study sia. omg omg. how can i say that?! i better go do my revision now. erm, good luck to everyone!! especially to me.


    2:17 AM

    Thursday, June 19, 2008

    3 more days to common test(not counting today-which is ending) and i'm still lost. especially for chemistry and apgp/summation. omg omg. i'm gonna die. i wish i have a sidekick that will always be able to clarify any doubts i have no matter where i go or when i need it. haix. i miss mr. rizal. i miss secondary schoooollllllll! haha. its times like this that makes secondary school so enjoyable.

    anw, today i went to the cerebral palsy centre with my pw grp. i tot it was super useless. dont really help us i think. instead by going there, it may even have backfired cuz a lot of this we proposed have already been done but haix. i shall not worry abt that now. haha. i cant believe that i even have to prioritise what to worry abt first. oh, i realli wanna volunteer with the cp centre but i dun think i have the time cuz they dun have any volunteer activities in the weekends. hmm. too bad.

    went for consultation these few days. it realli helped. wish i had gone earlier though so i dun have to cramp everything in the last minute. i havent studied geog, gp and malay at all. maybe a bit of geog la. but yea. what are the chances. i dun think i'd be able to post until common test is over. so dun bother coming. i'm so stressseddddddddddddddddddddd.


    its so obvious. yet u cant see. loser.

    5:14 AM

    Monday, June 16, 2008

    i just did math mock paper 2008 and i'm definately NOT happie with how i just did it. sorrie. haha. i had to put it in the first line. v stressed la. alamak.i also dunno y i study so hard. i got a blardy 64% of the paper. thats like a freaking B(or C) whatever. its not an A!! hahaha. i'm so obssessed. seriously. i noe many want me to go die now. for those who havent try the paper-good luck. for those who did and did it better, dun talk to me. HAHAHA. JK la. i wud want to exchange my brain with them more like it.

    anw, its less than 1 week to the common tests. and i'm not quite ready yet. i feel damn guilty going to vivo after class yesterday. i shud have gone home instead. but haix. i guess i made the wrong choice. i always do. :(

    I WANNA EXERCISE BUT NO ONE WANTS TO EXERCISE WTH ME! toots. haha. seriously, anyone who wanna go play tennis, badminton, swimming or go to the gym, please call me or mail me at nurulimma@hotmail.com. doesnt matter who u are but u have to have an extra tennis racket if u wanna play tennis cuz i dun have any. ok. i do. but it sucks and i wun use it. haha.

    anw, i cannot forget.


    ps: I LOVE JANNAH! haha

    6:48 PM

    Friday, June 13, 2008

    i cant believe i'm back so fast. omg. i havent updated what i did in the last week of boston.
    maybe i'll just post pictures so it can be like a picture journal. basically, i went from boston to washington dc to philidephia during the last few days. went to see many famous buildings. actually, to see where i realli went, u shud watch "national treasure: book of secrets". yea, the one with nicholas cage in it. cuz they started off in new york(i started in NY), then they went to washington(i went there), then they went to philidephia(haha. my second last stop), before going back to NY(i went back to NY to take the plane from JFK airport). the onli thing different is that i spent a lot of days in boston. which is like the best state in my opinion. haha. best weather. best shopping. best people. best everything la. omg.! i am sooooo in lov with boston! haha.

    boston was mostly shopping. but i went to eat lobsters! haha. boston is famous for its seafood erm, cuz its realli a bay actually. so ya. surrounded by seas and rivers. the lobster was good! but the price wasnt. haha. not like i was paying la. but yea. i feel for my bro's wallet. hmmm.

    washington.... was like HOT! 40 degress man. the heat was just biting my skin. haha. u can see from my photos later that i sweat like siao. haha. i was like 'i'm gonna die (x infinity)' haha. but yea. i managed to see the lincoln memorial, the washington monument, the white house, the house of treasury, the capitol, the library of congress and the smithsonian. the smithsonian was cool man. there were like 1 million museums(including the national history museum- remember the show 'night at the museum' staring ben stiller?). but i went to the air and space museum instead. didnt think that i'd actually get to see the first aeroplane in the world.haha. and the jap zero fighter!! omg. so cool la. loved it. loved the tour.

    we spent two days in washington before going to philidephia (phili for short). no offence but to me, phili is the worst city that i've seen in the US-for those that i went la. its like super old. and super croweded and dirty and the ppl there are like kinda rowdy. NO OFFENCE ppl. thats just my opinion. we first went to look for apartments cuz my bro is gonna shift from boston to there and he and his gf and looking for an apartment. sad man. i sooo prefer boston(thats how much i love boston. haha.) erm, ya. then the next day, we went to my brother's new sch- temple university. he's taking a graduate course in music there to get his masters. its quite a good sch so ppl should go check that out. haha.

    then we went sightseeing AGAIN(damn tired la). saw the city hall and bell tower thing(in 'national treasure') then we went to the 'king of prussia'. its the biggest shopping mall in the east side of america. so u can imagine how big is it. SUPER HUGE. much much bigger than vivo. yea. haha. but of course we didnt finish all la. siao ar. my legs will drop off man.

    then went to the chinatown. i dun wanna talk abt chinatown. it just brings back... bad memories. haha. hahahahaha. sound so drama. i just dun like it cuz its super dirty la. thats how spoilt singaporeans are. ok fine. i am.

    I CANT BELIEVE ITS OVER SO FAST! haix. oh. i have to mention this. I MET HONG WAN ON THE PLANE! hahaha. from hong kong to singapore. like wtf. what a small world la. anw, hong wan is my jr. and he's reali cute. haahaha. of course francis was there too. omg. i was actually thinking/dreaming of seeing someone else in hk (hint: MW) but so sad. NVM. i was super happie to see hong wan too! should have taken photo. haix. haha

    now in singapore. must chiong liao. common test. omg la. i see all my friends blog. everyone studying. omg omg omg. i'm gonna die la. i dun wanna get U or S for anything. at least an E or D la. not so bad. haha. no U and S man! i will cry my shit out. haha. seriously. and PW... omg. is sooo not helping. i realli wish i was back... in BOSTON! haha. goooo celtics!! whoooo!!


    2:13 AM

    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

    here are the pictures so far. they're not in order. f blogger. i cant control it. haha.
    This is my first pic in US. this is in Central Park NYC. i love the trenchcoat.
    This bridge is cool
    random building. haha.

    My new york apartment sucks okie.? the rent was high so we were kinda budget.
    In the Manhattan Museum or something. haha. my knight in shining armor.!
    COOL! i wish i was living in their age!
    i went to narnia and back.
    the manhatan museum

    the mini castle in central park

    TIMES SQ entertainment district.
    CANDY PARADISE! there are like 12-15 times more of this.
    M&M's store in times sq.
    We had lunch bu the road side. but it was damn shiok.
    NYC Hilton Hotel. Wonder if Paris was ard.. ok. that was a lame caption.

    me and my mom at the empire state building.
    Broadway. wanted to watch a musical. but i was afraid it wud be too chim for me.
    TIMES SQ!!!! shopping! haha.
    darth vader in NYC toys'r'us. cool...
    My second house. hahaha.


    i love this building. its super nice. its like golden and damn shiny
    i cant believe i actually went up the ESB!!!!
    i cant remember which direction this it.

    Its very windy on top.

    Boston City hall. Haha. i think ours is nicer. =X

    The picture after this is all taken in Boston. no more new york.
    HILTON hotel. haha. who says i cant be a heiress?
    our bedroom!
    the kitchen.
    our dining area.

    i cant remember wad building. probably a church. damn nice.
    PIZZA! (sinful!)
    me and my guess wallet! hahahaha
    HAY market! this marker is full of vegetables.. and its super CHEAP! my mom cudnt get her hands of it.
    Hard Rock Cafe in downtown Boston

    me and george washington!
    in boston common. wish ECP was this beautiful.
    the girls in my family. haha
    outside the boston public park/boston common. windyyy!

    trinity church. haha. look at my hair. like model sia. haha. it was super windy. i love the weather!
    some random building.
    this squirel is soo cute. it came damn close. i wanted to touch it but i was afraid it was dirty. there were many of them. so adorable!
    the flowers are so beautiful!!!
    this flower is damn nice. we dun have it in singapore. so sad.

    my bro's car. v big. and the boston public library.
    there wasnt anyone so i secretly took this photo. hahaha.
    its summer so the flowers bloomed already. damn nice rite?
    Outside the Boston Public Library. Omg. i wished i had gone inside. it realli looked like hogwarts. haha. super nice la!

    I LOVE QUINCY MARKET. got lots of gift shops here. and many many tourist. so i dun feel so shy taking photos. haha. oh, i think i spent most of my money here. love it. its in downtown boston fyi.
    The TV in my bro's apartment is HUGE. love it. haha. got disney channel. =X
    My bro, his gf and our neighbour. he's very nice. treated us for this ice cream. quite ex eh.
    ICE CREAM! yummy. the ice cream was good man. look at how happie i am. haha.

    These were taken at the Boston Memorial Day Parade. their costumes were sooo interesting. haha. reminded me of the 1800s. so cool! oh! they had shotguns- but i hated it cuz everytime theu fired, i get a shock. haha.

    My mom and the Boston State House.
    oouh.. soldiers guarding the state house.
    Outside the Boston State House.
    Summore pictures from the momorial day parade.

    My mom and my future university-Harvard. hahahaha.
    Haha. can u see the harvard notebook? actually i bought that for someone. i'm not so poser la plz.. -______-"
    Harvard Train Station.
    John Harvard and me. :)
    How great it wud be if it was MY REAL graduation at Harvard? haha. dun worrie. i will be back after my A levels. omg. so bhb.

    7:26 AM