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Nurul Imma Wong
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    Friday, May 30, 2008

    hellooooooo!! i finally got some time to post. haha. on the first day, had some problems getting the internet connection so i cudnt post. :( but i'm here posting now. haha.

    OMG! i think i had enuf of aeroplanes for the whole of my life man. 26 hours ++ in the air. no joke man. and i was all alone. i was so cukoo la. haha. the food in cathay pacific was good. i was wondering if restaurants can serve their serving of food. just nice even though it was v small. and the service was good. haha delia. got shuai steward eh. everytime he come i pretend to sleep. hahaha. anw, my plane got delayed in the air for abt 1.30hr. i was so irritated la. !! my butt already so pain still must sit so long. but it paid off. I ARRIVED IN NEW YORK SAFELY!

    the customs was another crazie part. the people there are all super nice. they'll just ask u abt ur day and all and i think we asians arent used to that. esp me. haha. but i got thru. :) oh, i almost lost my passport. super clumsy. lucky the police man v nice. he came to find me to return my passport. omg omg omg.

    anw, it was already very late by the time we reached our apartment in new york. it was abt 2am i think. the apartment was horrible ok. dun even have a door knob/lock. and the weather was super cold that nite. was freezing to my toe. haha. i wasnt realli that tired cuz i slept long in the plane. i got the shock of my life when i woke up, BRITE and early LITERALLY, to find that it was onli 5am. seriously, their 5am= singapore 7am. haha. super cold still.

    after that had a super long long day. my legs hurt a lot that day. we walked like 50 blocks? omg. haha. i myself cant believe it man. we cudnt drive the car becuz NYC is super crowded. I TOOK THE NYC SUBWAY. and i have a ticket to prove it. haha jk jk. it realli looked like the one on TV. dirty and smelly. erm, sorry. but yea. it was very convienient so i had no complain. oh, i forgot to say, I LIVED ON BROADWAY NYC. :))))) more specifically isham st. sounds really malay rite. i was super scared the first nite cuz the neighbourhood looked very rough. it was a black majority neightbourhood- u know, with all the hip hop people and all? haha. yea.

    continue with the 2nd day. first stop: new york city central park. i'm sure all Tk geog pure student will noe this park. i remember we had to do an essay on why the park is built there. haha. it was super big la. and i was freezing like mad. super cold and the americans still can wear singlet and run in the cold. omg. super sia. actually our purpose of going there is to go to the metropolitan museum of art. i dun realli like museums but my brother said there were many nice exhibits so i just follow. i'm glad i did. I SAW THE KNIGHT ARMOUR. damn cool. :) we took abt 3.5hrs just to finish the whole museum man. my legs were aching like crazie. was super hungry.

    from the museum, we walked down NYC cuz i wanted to go to times sq. haha. i saw many many of the famous building- broadway musical, hilton hotel, trump building etc. super nice. and i went SHOPPING! their mnm's store is like 4 stories can. the candy is like out of this world. and there was the toys'r'us. omg. SUPER BIG. 5 storeys. haha. i'll try post the photos asap.

    I WENT UP THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING! super nice view of NYC. its like i can see everything there. and its super cool up there. it only took abt 1 min to go up to the 86th floor. the lift was like turbo la. haha. I LOVE THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING! :) after that, we cudnt tahan oready. abt 12 hrs of walking. can die noe. my mum almost did. i almost did too. but it was all worth it. i love NYC. i really regretted not buying more gifts there. haix. i'm gonna buy a lot here in boston. i dun care.

    day 3: if u guys are still interested, this is my day 3. i woke up at abt 5 again. i guess i'm not used to the briteness and all. i keep thinking its already late. my mum and bro were still sleeping. i cudnt continue so i did FUNTIONS revision instead. haha. after i did, i felt so good. like i can go shopping the whole day without feeling guilty. :) and i did. I WAS SUPER CLOSE TO DAVID ARCHULETA AND DAVID COOK! WOHOOO!! they were at rockefella plaza and we drove past there. there were like millions of fans so we didnt stop. but i;m still super happie. my dream come true man. DAVID ARCHULETA! WHOOO!! we left for boston at abt 11. it was a long ride.
    went to yale university in connecticut but we didnt stop. I LOVE YALE building. super nice! like hogwarts man. i'm seriously blown away. haha. my new aim ar. YALE. damn nice. haha. regretted not stopping. :(

    on the way to boston, we stopped past the factory outlets. its actually near the highway and they sell all the wholesale stuff. abt 60++ stores ranging from nike, addidas, gap, coach, gucci, guess. i think delia will die of happiness if she's there. i seriously didnt noe where to start. sooo many shops. I BOUGHT A GUESS WALLET! literally. i love it. my mom bought a coach bag. haha. super poser. my aim was to collect all the bags. haha. we shopped for abt 3hrs. but not enuf. i think we're going back there soon. shopping paradise man.

    we got back to the apartment at abt 6? then my bro cooked steam fish. its a very simple dish. nuthing much to say. then watched 4 hrs of so u think u can dance. thats how i spent my first 3 days. i'm gonna go out soon. wanna go shop summore. haha. like big shot sia. whoo! i dun feel like going back oready. realli love the weather here. i think eunice will love it. it like the outside is colder than the buildings. haha. opposite. its like aircon everywhere. i lurrve!! this moment.


    6:20 AM

    Monday, May 26, 2008

    In This Moment
    David Archuleta

    Driving through the city for the first time you and me
    staring through windows at my own reflection
    how can a window encompass perfection
    now that I know what it's like to be living
    this beautiful world will never stop giving
    I can't return to a life with no vision
    born into eyes not by my own decision

    I wanna be in this moment, no one can take it from me
    I wanna stay in this moment, no one can take it away from me

    give me a chance and I'll show you what's real
    open your eyes and you'll see
    that I'm stuck in a moment and no one can take it from me

    I wanna be in this moment, no one can take it from me
    I wanna stay in this moment, no one can take it away from me

    OMG! this song is super super nice. very inspirational as well. i realli hope that he'll produce this song soon! I LOVE ARCHIE!! haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8mxeVXOzXs u can listen to his beautiful voice there. u wun get bored i promise. super nice!! haha.

    i hope i'll be in THE moment tmr. omg. i cant believe that i'd be leaving tmr. it was so still so long erm, not long ago. and tmr i'd be flying off. omg. i'm super nervous. haha. i havent realli packed finished yet. i've got to do so after this. realli scared i'd forget somethings. haix. i'm gonna miss my dad and brother here in singapore. especially my dad. i worry if he'd be lonely cuz my brother is hardly at home. i'm gonna miss him dearly. I LOVE YOU AYAH! haha. he was so sweet. he bought me durian yesterday cuz i was casually asking for it. AWWWW. not to mention, i'll miss my darling friends and the SINGAPORE FOOD! i will miss my favourite chinese food! hmmp. and i'm so sad that i wun be able to go to tkhomecoming. haix. cant see my friends again. reali miss them. realli hope to see them soon.

    i'm gonna miss singapore, although i'd be gone for abt 12-13 days onli. GOODBYE PEOPLE! i'll try to post in the US. now i have to focus on finding david archuleta! hahaa. jk jk.


    4:42 AM

    Saturday, May 24, 2008

    SINGAPORE WON PEDRA BRANCA!! yay. i'm super happie for my country. haha. now we have a lighthouse of our own. wooohooo! hahaha. i'm just so happie that we won. i wun say y. later kena sued. =X

    i cant believe i'd be going away in 3 days. haha. its like wow. omg omg omg. i cant wait man. i mean, I'D BE IN USA! hahaha. david archuleta, miley cyrus etc. omg. haha. so superficial. okie fine, havard, MIT etc. haha. OH MAN OH MAN! can u feel my excitedment? hahaha.

    as much as i'm excited, i'm still freaking worried abt my PW. the lady hasnt replied me yet. i realli hope i sent the email to the write person/email. haix. my group members are all going away on thursday and if they dun conduct the interview, i mite as well say bye bye to my written report becuz i really need to sustansiate my grps claims. GRRR! if they dun reply by tmr, i'll just barge into the centre and cause a chaos. hahaa. jk jk. i just realised that i've been kinda slack on pw these days. dun slack. dun slack. haha. hmm. please remind me that i've got to ask my grp members to call the bank and the PA on Monday. we need to get started on our written report if not we wun have the time to finish. i guess i'll start writing it tmr. today i'm bz with all the other subjects work. i've already finished econs essay from the tutorial worksheet and i'm halfway on the MJC data response. i need ms hon to help me mark so that i can get feedback from her the moment i come back. math and chem i'll practice later and in US. omg. i cant believe i just typed that.

    anw, yesterday i went to kovan to visit the kids again. it was kinda a total waste of time becuz they had no tuition session that day. it was just a briefing for a camp that will be held in june. and guess where their holding it? SAJC. like omg omg omg. haha. of all places. the MJ people were all complaining cuz i told them we had no aircon. hey, i'm not very happie either okie? haha. but nvm. at least i can make use of my locker. i love those kids. super playful. and i dunno if its me, but even the kids now call me AUNTY. omg omg. do i really look that old? ahaha. since secondary school okie? grrr. the camps going to be on the 16-18. got some games and outing to kent ridge and bukit chandu. its gonna be exciting. i cant wait. the kids are just super adorable. haha. till then. i'll try post in the US.


    1:41 AM

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    i cant believe tmr is the last day of the term and the holidays are finally here. haha. omg omg. my long awaited holidays! i cant wait for tuesday man. once its 9, i'll just switch off and no one can contact me until the 12. haha. yay yay yay. jk jk. i'll come online. i think i'll be too worried abt my PW to not come online la. haha.

    anw, had service learning to the land transport authority yesterday. very few people went. there were only 17 of us(including mr chua). it was okie la. at least we had a bus all to ourselves and we didnt have to squeeze like that time. haha. we were quite earlie so when we reached, we had to wait a while cuz there were other secondary school and kindergarten kids who were also going for the tour. honestly, i have the feeling that they behaved much better than us. hahaa. we were like so bz taking photos and not listening to the person taking us on the tour la. haha. yeah, we're proud to be JC students ok? i didnt learn much. thought the tour was okie. nothing fantastic yet nothing to make me hate it. i dun mind going to other service learning activities cuz i'd trade anyhing just so i dun have to see ur freaking face. realli spoils my day. i cant believe i have to see u tmr, on the most happy day for the term. haix. such rotten luck

    DAVID ARCHULETA I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U! even though u're not officially the american idol, u're THE american idol in my heart and in many other people's hearts as well. please continue singing cuz it realli makes people's day(especially mine. hehe). and congratulations david cook(although i was cursing and crying when i heard he won). haha. i dun mind both davids actually but archie is sooooo cute! haha. i'm so gonna dl ur songs.!!!

    oh, i saw someone i havent seen in the longest time/dont want to see just now. it realli makes me realise how fragile our friendship was and i'm beginning to think if i had made the rite choice being your friend. i'm sorrie. i was hoping to forget but u had to come and remind me.


    1:31 AM

    Tuesday, May 20, 2008

    I CANT BELIEVE THE 3 days of holiday is OVER! super fast la omg.
    it was a really quiet "holiday" without my mum. my bro and dad were both working so i was often left at home alone.
    I WENT SWIMMING! haha. i've been wanting to go since like 2 months ago or something.
    we went there on saturday afternoon. haha. super hot la. my cousin and i were kinda dumb la. haha. but the good thing, there were very little people there. haha. so ya, we swam abt 1 hr. then it got super duper hot so we got out. haha. then i went shopping! yay!

    hmm. after that, the next 2 days i spent mugging. omg. i'm such a no lifer. haha. i cant believe wad will happen if i dun do well. i mean, people who dun mug noe that they're gonna do badly but imagine i do badly, i'll just shoot myself or something. haha. or suffer from servere depression. i think the only reason why i can maintain at this lvl is becuz i practice like hell. i'm not smart or clever or anything. seriously. there's a reason why i love maths and hate languages. and thats becuz i hate to think. i just love repetition. haha. super conservative la. not open to changes and thinking. haha. i may look hardworking but i'm actually super lazy. and i'm feeling exceptionally lazy now that i have to edit my mentoring worksheet. haiz. he wasnt happie with it again. wad can i say? the feeling is starting to get normal oready. i dun feel disappointed anymore. better change ur way of drilling me cuz the old one's not gonna work. :)

    anw, i had GP presentation today. haha. karan super farnie. omg! he may get on my nerves sometimes (ok, honestly, ALL THE TIME) but sometimes these are the people that can actually cheer me up. i'm a gonner got my chem class test. gonna fail like siao. haha. didnt study so i dun feel bad. i cant wait for my service learning tmr!! hehe.


    2:56 AM

    Friday, May 16, 2008

    i dunno wad i'm doing up so earlie in the morning. haha. i woke up like abt 7am! here's the catch... ITS A BLARDY SATURDAY MORNING. i guess my dream last nite was so horrible that it affected my whole nites sleep.. guess what i dreamt about?
    PROJECT WORK! omg. i was like wtf. in school not enuf is it? in my sleep also come and haunt me. haha. actually, i cant realli remember wad happened. i can onli recall vividly that i was super stressed up in my dream. hmmm.

    in reality, i kinda feel the same way. ANYONE WOULD if u have a friend beside u who does PW 24/7 okie. *HINTS*. haha. relax girl. u're making me super stressed la. even i'm getting more relaxed and trusting my group member (sometimes) haha. but i'm actually more stressed becuz i wun be here for the first 2 weeks of the holidays- read KARAN: NOTHING TO DO WITH MY GROUP MEMBERS. hahaha. karan is damn farnie. i shall have a blog post specially for him soon :) i'm sure he'd be damn honoured. haix. i'll find a way... somehow... haha

    anw,i'm so happie its a long break from school. as in, a day longer. haha. then i can afford to do a quick last min shopping before i fly of the the US. my mum's reached there safely so shudnt be a problem for me. haha. so evil. shhhh. anw, i shall update later


    5:05 PM

    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    okie. today is a much better day than it was yesterday. haha
    i'm so sorrie about the rant yesterday. realli dread doing the malay mentoring stuff. haha. like everyone in the world noes, i hate malay. it realli affects my mood severely. anw, i'm happie to say that there is nothing too 'malay' about today so i'm happie.

    i have to finish GP presentation soon. i realli hope that Anqi can negotiate with the teacher man. haix. gp is another subject that realli ruins my day. but hey, look on the brite side, its ENGLISH and i can actually understand some of the things taught. haha.

    oh! its a DAVID VERSUS DAVID showoff in the American Idol Finals on the 22nd of May. SO HAPPIE!. i mean, i dun even care who wins now la. but i realli realli hope that DAVID ARCHULETA will win. haha. HE IS SOOOOOOO CUTE! :))))) so happie.

    anw, the house is very quiet today. my mum left for USA oready. i was kinda sad that she left actually. i havent been realli separated from her for such a long time so i'm realli gonna miss her. i love my mum (and my family) more than anything else in the world although they annoy and piss me off sometimes. haha.

    i DUN wanna do GP. haix. i think i'll just do my street proposal thing first. then maybe i'll consider doing gp. i just wish the weekend would come soon....


    4:40 AM

    Wednesday, May 14, 2008

    although i'm not a christian, listening to more scripture reading and prayer somehow lightens me up. i mean, the way they say it, especially during their prayers, make me so thankful that i am able to live my life each day.
    today we talked about determination. something i realli need now. perserverance also. i'm in the phrase of my life that everything is happening so fast and life is just crazie. i dun even have the time to think properly sometimes. my mind is full of work work work. i dun even have the time to breathe freely anymore.
    yes, jc is realli being to be the time of my life.literally. i'm trapped with many many tutorials and proposals that i'm so afraid i wudnt be able to cope with anymore. like tutorials are not enuf, there's millions of make up lessons, CCA, PROJECT WORK and the latest one COLLEGE DAY. i noe i realli shudnt be comparing my work load to those who have realli tough sports cca but hey, my cca isnt that relaxed either. i have to come up with some malay worksheets that always get slammed into my face LITERALLY (ask lia what shitty treatment i receive). MALAY? are u kidding me? and it doesnt help that my senior is kinda rude. always treating me like a piece of shit. not even helping at all. all he does is to throw the worksheets back at my face and say its rubbish. do u noe how shitty that feels? its like, i put in so much effort, and all u say is "this is nonsense". and please dun give me the crap that u're suppose to go hard on us anymore. i realli dread CCA's cuz of that. mf MALAY! just has to ruin my life!

    i mean, the tired u feel when u do something u enjoy is totally different from the tired that u feel when u do something u dun enjoy. its more like a burden. and everyday i wake up with these burdens on my shoulders. i was so freaking happie that i cud actually just go home today and do my math tutorial but how wrong i was. i was forced to go to some college day meeting/briefing after school and they gave us this budget thing to do. and i dun even have the fucking paper. how the hell am i suppose to submit it tmr? oh yes, i have to go find how to get my products too. cheese sause and hotdog buns. where the hell am i gonna get those BY TOMORROW? i bet i have to do that ALONE. i wasnt even told la plz. i realli feel like i'm being used rite now but its so sad becuz in school, i have to keep smiling no matter how i dread doing something.


    i forgot how lurrve feels like. sorrie.

    4:38 AM

    Monday, May 12, 2008

    SAJC rugby team, u guys are champions no matter what happens (or have already happened).
    champions because you guys gave it your all.
    champions because you guys never once gave up.
    sometimes we dun get wad we want, but there are other more important things that just getting what we want, or some say winning.
    yes, winning is sweet. but the friendship and all the hard work u've put in to achieve such high standards are even sweeter becuz winning a championship doesnt last. friendship does.

    haha. i think being in TKband really taught me that winning isnt everything. yea, who could deny that we were best display band for 5 consecutive years? winning was definitely sweet. honestly, the feeling of 'not winning' sucks to the max. The scar from 2007 indoor competition will always be etched on my heart. but it made me stronger. 'not winning' still makes me cry(like mad).. but it makes me cry because i can reflect on the wonderful memories of the journey and how i can do better. giving up isnt an option so, to both TKband and SAJC rugby, stay strong and be proud! :)
    and to those still having their tournaments, strive on! you guys can do it! wooohooo!!

    anw, the saints spirit at the padang was fantastic. from where i was standing, i think we beat our opponents flat on cheering. haha. i've nv screamed so loud since the band com in april. haha. ok la. one month only. after the match, the saints spirit really showed. friends were going over to the rugby guys to cheer them up and it was realli a very nice sight in the sunset. haha. 08S26 waited for jeg all the way. so happie with my class. i dun think anyone left earlie. haha. that shows how united we are in supporting our fellow classmates. i reali dun wanna comment on the match cuz i have no idea how it is played. (dun wanna say the wrong things. later get into trouble) GO SA GO! haha. oh, joel got to touch the ball twice. haha. stupid hamster super happie la. haha.

    my back realli hurts like crazie. i dunno if its because of the cramps or becuz my posture sucks. honestly, i cant tell. someone please help me.

    P.S.: Pictures are with Delia.

    6:21 AM

    Friday, May 9, 2008

    oh man. i love kids. and i'm no paedophile. i mean, i realli like interacting/socialising with them. (even though they can be plain rude and irritating at times) teaching and mentoring them gives me a sense of accomplishment and this feeling which i cant decribe in words. after mentoring today(which ended at ard 7pm), i went to kovan to meet up with some then unknown people to go to this place where i can volunteer to teach primary 1-4 kids. i actually cant believe i did that. haha. on my own. i had no friends accompanying me at all. i was scared stiff and.. I WAS LATE. i mean, i didnt expect mentoring to finish so late. but luckily, vicky's friend was very nice and patient and he waited for me. all of them were from MJC so i was kinda out (even though our uniforms were blue)

    when we reached the place(i cant remember wad its called), i felt super lost. all the kids knew the other volunteers and i was the odd one out. but nicholas(vicky's friend) was super nice. he made me feel like i'm there and not invisible. haha. thanks so much. all i can say is only he bothered to explain things and talk to me. :)

    i was super relieved when i saw miao ying la. haha. at least there was sumone i know there. ya. throughout the session, i was trying very hard to blend in and let the kids accept me. some did. but some just refused to. but haix. kids are kids. overall, i can say that it was a very meaningful experience for me. i didnt regret going neither do i enjoy going there as much as i thought i would. i wud definately continue on mentoring and teaching these kids but i realli ought to find an organisation which is closer to my home. haha. kovan is realli very far.



    8:07 AM

    Thursday, May 8, 2008

    omg. "celebrate me home" is such a super nice and meaningful song.
    i'm so happie david archuleta was the first to be safe this week in American idol. he is so super cute! haha. realli hope he can win this year. hmm. maybe either him or david cook bah. haha. battle of the davids. :) i'm sooo looking forward to that.

    hmm. i havent posted in almost a week. thats abt how long i havent come online. so freaking bz this week. events after events. haix. anw, this morning i realli made a mistake. i realli pity myself. hmm. i'll just take it as a lesson learnt. anw, i got back 3 tests today. out of which i failed one. I CANT BELIEVE I FAILED GEOGRAPHY! omg. i've nv failed geography since abt sec 2? i wa so freaking sad ok. and its all because i didnt arrange my essay in order. haix. failed by 1/2 mark. damn sad rite? at least if fail by 5 marks also nvm la. wun feel so bad. but 1/2 mark eh. i feel like all my efforts wasted sia. my other two tests were well done. i was very happie with myself. :) hehe. realli hope i can keep it up. than i dun have to worrie so much.

    i dun wanna do my malay lisan(for mentoring). haix. i mean, i realli like mentoring-interacting with kids, coming up with worksheets and all but y MALAY?!! haix. i realli hope my senior will be happie with the new worksheet i came up with. i realli wish to change committee man. haix.
    but then again, i'd just have to learn to accept it cuz i have to blame myself for coming to a school with so little malay students. haha.


    PS: i seriously cant wait for the weekend.

    3:36 AM

    Monday, May 5, 2008

    i'm so happie and proud that SAJC won in the semifinals of the rugby competition against ACJC just now at CCAB. i know that was a very important game for them and for them to qualify for the finals is a remarkable acheivement and a very very proud moment not just for the rugby boys i mean, guys but for the whole school as well.
    The journey to CCAB was horrible ok? haha. D.I.E had to share two seats on the bus as there wasnt enuf seats for all. eunice and i were squeezing in as much as we cud until our butts bang into each other(sorrie eunice, i had to emphasize my BIG butt. haha) and delia CUDNT even get her butt on the seat. haha. super farnie. delia got butt sore after that.
    when we reached the stadium, the atmosphere wasnt realli there yet. people were just sitting around not knowing what to expect. Delia and i were super dumb ok. i cant believe we did this. when the AC guys were walking out of the gallery thing, we were so blur that we didnt realise we were cutting them la. haha. we just walked through them like we owned the place like that. omg. so embarrassing. and delia didnt even noticed. haha. aiyoo. blur-ness to the max sia.

    then all of a sudden, the match started oready. haha. i didnt even noe it started la. then suddenly people were all cheering so i just joined in not knowing anything abt the game. i dun even noe the point system so when i see people clap, i clap. people stop, i also stop lo. but it was fun. the game became more and more exciting with every second. During the first half interval, SA was trailing by a score of 8-5. but when the second half started, everything just fell into place. they became more aggresive and started to attack and defend better. luqman was super vulgar la. now i noe how to bring out the vulgar side of luqman. just bring him to a rugby match. haha.

    OH! JEGGA IS SOOOOOO SEXYYYYYYYYYYYY!(haha. i promised jannah i will write this in my blog). his legs are like wow. haha. not fair. i want his legs..... i mean, A GIRL VERSION of his legs. haha. thats it ar jeg. u die. hahaha. and oh jannah, I WANT THE PHOTOS! dun give delia! hahahahahaha. i'm so evil....... hehe.


    4:26 AM

    Friday, May 2, 2008

    ok. maybe ppl in my class wud noe y my blog title is such. oh man. i've never thought a mere 5 seconds cud have affected me so much la. i cud describe it as "life changing". haha. oh man. today is sooo not a good day to start with but luckily it ended ok-well.

    Eunice scared me for a moment in the CC. i shall not dictate wad happen as i wanna repect her privacy. haha. hang in there darling! its their problem seriously. not yours.(if that makes u feel better cuz it definitely made ME feel better). Let them realise that its their own responsibility and the results that they're gonna get is that of how much they put in into the project. and remember... DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN! haha.

    5 seconds. blardy 5 seconds. i admit i was super duper disappointed at my 2.4km timing. yea. i failed-by 5 seconds. omg! i still cant believe it la. super unlucky can? i mean, i've never come so close to passing in my life. in fact, throughout secondary school, i NEVER RAN. so many can say that its an achievement for me but WTF. i've been training like mad. jogging almost everday just to improve my stamina. and wad do i get? A FAIL. grrr! i DUN WANNA RERUN! hmmmp!. so sad. :(( oh, i'm realli sorrie Mr. Chua for asking u to lie for me and also cuz i was kinda rude when u called me. thanks for the advise and words of encouragement after the run. i wun give up. I MUST PERSERVERE and achieve my goals and not stop halfway no matter how tough it gets. haha. wth, onli 2.4 noe. and also, thank u sin yee. for cheering me and spurring me on the last few meters of the run. it realli helped me. thank u. thank u. thank u.


    PS: to my group members, plz finish up ur GPP tasks by tmr evening. like u, i want my REST. and for those who can IMPROVE on ur research, please do so also. thank u. :) oh, happie belated birthday NITIN!. :)

    5:54 AM

    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    i thought labour day was a day for the people to rest?! grr. i want my rest! i dun care if they need to have like 10 labour days in a month or something. haha. super childish. this is how i'd be when i'm super shag. actually, i think my holiday is more hectic than a normal schooling day.haix.
    i remember feeling super pissed and angry when i was awaken by the ringing of my bedside table phone. like wtf. its a holiday and u guys are calling at like 8 in the morning. hello? can u please give me some peace? after that i found it realli hard to go back to sleep. so i decided to do a lil bit of planning of how i wan to spend my day. haha. i took abt 45 mins to do so. so by the time i ended it was already abt 9. then my cousin kept bugging me to go to her hse cuz she needed me to teach her some math b4 her mid yrs tmr. haix. imagine the shock when i arrived at her house. she is soooo behind time in her work la. omg. i realli wanna wish her gd luck for exam tmr. realli. we studied until abt 1.30pm. initially, i had planned to do my graphing techniques tutorial when she is doing her work but she bombarded me with so many questions that i had no time to even do one full qn! haix. luckily on the journey home i read some econs notes. if not i'd be super guilty.

    when i came home, i tried to do my GPP. i was constantly worrying if my grp members wud do it. i was quite happie to see samuel online actually. haha. get this ppl, there is no more bad blood between us. firstly cuz he apologized(haha. so sweet) and he even did his GPP. haha. super happie that at least someone did. haix. but sadly, my happiness was shortlived. we shall all noe y when we see our GPP tmr. NITIN, U OWE ME!

    ps: Bring lots of white paper tmr. thanks.


    7:06 AM