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    Tuesday, April 29, 2008

    Horoscope for Aries, 29th March 2008
    -The Bottom Line
    You'll have a great time working in groups today -- just treat everyone equally.
    -In Detail
    You'll have a great time working in groups today -- whether they are social groups or work groups. Of course, the line between these two groups in your life is staring to blur a little bit as you get friendlier with coworkers, but this doesn't have to complicate things. All you need to do is make sure that you treat everyone equally -- playing favorites will only get you backed into a corner, and it could tag you with a less than ideal reputation.

    its either i'm not fated to be an aries, or horoscopes are just freaking bullshit. haha. yeah rite i had fun working in grps. especially when one member is always missing(but i dun blame u. at least got official reasons) and another cant be bothered at all. i seriously hope that pw wud be fun and enjoyable but with such irresponsible people like you, it totally spoils the mood ok. u can sms and sleep all u want in other lessons but u jolly well stay awake and contribute during grp discussions or i swear i will make PW hell for u. and trust me, i can be super biased and i am very capable of doing things that will make u hate me twice of how i hate u. but at the same time, i'm not that heartless, i'll give u a last chance to prove ur "capabilities" during the next meeting.

    anw, i got the shock of my life during the middle of PW lesson when i realised that my phone was missing. haha. then i remembered that eunice borrowed my phone to play puzzle bobble. haiyoo. then she accidentally forgot to take it from under the table. so we rushed all the way back to the previous classroom where we had chem but to our horror, the phone wasnt there oready. eunice kept saying she has an unused phone. super farnie. haha. so we went all the way to the general office. surprisingly, i think i was the calmer one. haha. but when the man at the G.O. told us that no phone had been reported, i started panicking like hell ok. felt like crying on the spot. but luckily i didnt. cuz we were damn stupid. on the way up, we SUDDENLY thought of calling my phone. so dumb la. we didnt think of it sooner. that was how panic we were. then got this guy answered my phone and asked me to go to G203. but he was having lessons and eunice and i didnt dare to go in. finally when we did take it(i left halfway during GP), i realised it was Fiza's PAE OG friend. I WAS SUPER RELIEVED. cannot thank him enuf. haha. at least still got a kind soul in SA. hehe. THANK U FIZA'S PAE OG FRIEND!

    hmm. i gotta do my GPP rite now. wanna brainstorm oready. bb


    8:49 PM

    Monday, April 28, 2008

    yay! there's no PE again today! Mr Chua is away for some course i think. wooohooo! haha. i'm so happie. no NAPFA. no standing broad jump. no inclined pull ups! I HATE MOTHER TONGUE. if i didnt have mt, today wud have been a kinda slack day for me. and i wud end my day happily but thanks to !@#$%^&*() MALAY LESSON, I'M SUPER ANGRY. wads up with the teacher man. i dun even wanna mention her name ok. every thing abt her makes my blood cold. its that bad. i'm not kidding. REALLI. She knows all her malay students hate her blardy subject and all she does is make us HATE it more to the extent that we actually DESPISE malay lessons. i for one, DESPISE MALAY LESSONS TO THE BLACK HOLE(infinity times further than the core). i'm not even gonna give a freaking damn abt malay shit starting from 12pm just now. i'm not going to $%^& learn my peribahasa or do anything that u ask me too. %^&. I AM SUPER PISSED. i reali regretted not taking chinese. at least, even if i do suck at chinese, i can use it to talk to my friends or even attend lessons with them. and look at all the freaking job application forms. "... able to liason with chinese speaking clients ..." CHINESE IS SUPER USEFUL. and chinese lessons look so much more fun compared to malay lessons. u dun have to be separated from ur class and during other periods, u can discuss what happened in chinese class without feeling so left out. unlike in malay lessons. if the guys pon, i'll be alone. just sitting there-stonning ALL BY MYSELF. ARGHHH! i'm super pissed with my malay lessons. AND DONT WE ALL KNOW Y. ponti sia.

    i have no inspiration to continue my story today. maybe i'll try write it later. haix. the weather is so unpredictable. it was unbearably hot just now but just b4 i wanted to go jogging, IT HAS TO RAIN. haix. i guess i'll just go for morning run tmr. confirm i gain weight. haha.

    haha.look at eunice. so busy eating. dun be deceived by her size!
    LOOK AT ALL THE FOOD SHE ATE. i told u not to be deceived.!
    we had to leave our signature mark there. imagine if u were the cleaner. i'd be thinking "wah, life in JC so stressful ar. every one wanna commit suicide" HAHA~

    3:33 AM

    Sunday, April 27, 2008

    " After a horrible first year in secondary school, Maiya Lim was determined to start her second year afresh. New accessories, new shoes and a new hairstyle. On the first day of school, her teacher, Mrs Chong, announced a new member in the class- the hunky, funny and cute Kyle Ryan. As time goes by, they became the best of friends- until Maiya realises that she had developed feelings for Kyle. The problem was: Kyle wasnt the least interested in the nerdy, uncool and chubby Maiya. Instead, he fell for the class belle- the sweet and beautiful Sharon Tan. Would this put a strain on Maiya and Kyle's friendship? Would Maiya eventually express her true feelings for Kyle? With the important streaming examinations coming up, Maiya's beginning to wonder if her sacrifises were worth it.

    haha. super cheesy. but b4 i start, let me say that the above has no resemblence to anything dead or alive and are purely fictional. ok fine, maybe a lil bit non-fictional. erm, some(alot) of parts here and there. its easier to write after i experience it for myself. sorrie for the poor english. i hope to finish writing this story. HOPE TO. i remember in sec 3, i wrote another story similar to this one but it didnt turn out well cuz i had to imagine being an adult. so now i'm trying to make it more real by trying to relate the story to wad happened in my life. hope u enjoy it. :)


    5:32 AM

    Saturday, April 26, 2008

    so sorrie i post this one day late. i was too tired to post it after the play yesterday. so i'm realli sorrie if i forget any details. haha. i dun have the photo's also so this is just gonna be a words description of what happened yesterday.

    before the play, i knew i wud be super guilty if i didnt at least do a bit of revision. i wud have considered it a weekend wasted. but i ended up just doing chem summary. just like secondary school. onli that this is not a compulsary thing and i onli did so cuz i dun understand the previous topics. still got a long way more to go but a lil bit is better than nothing rite? the remaining time i spent reading the book i borrowed the day before. its titled "my friend leonard". the onli reason why i borrowed it is cuz i find the title vey familliar. then i remembered that i saw it in SAJC popular. haha. the book is getting interesting but i dun reali like the way the writer writes. no punctuation so its kinda difficult to read but every write has his/her own style so i just have to adapt to it.

    before i realised it was already 3 pm and i was super sleepy after reading. while debating if i shud take off my contacts b4 i sleep, i fell asleep WITH the contacts on. lucky me, i woke up in an hr- just nice for me to dress up and all. I WASNT LATE. haha. something i havent achieved for v long. haha. then went to nydc cuz the guys were hungry. i just had an "ice manhanttan mocha". v nice. hehe. after filling our stomachs,(finally) we made our way to the lee foundation building at NAFA.

    overall, i guess the drama club did a pretty good job. i kinda enjoyed the play and it realli sparked my interest in theater. haha. now all i wanna do is go catch a "real" theater show. (when i say real, i mean those acted by professionals. i have no intention at all to belittle the drama club). anw, the play was called "travelling light" by Bryan Tan. the actors and actresses were good. hmm. like i said, overall, i enjoyed it so congratulations to the drama club for the great play! :)

    i shall pester delia to give me the pics soon. :)


    6:24 PM

    Friday, April 25, 2008

    "if i cud have any powers i want, it wud be?" this was a question delia, eunice and i were trying to answer yesterday. i cudnt realli come up with an answer on the spot becuz there were so many powers that i wanted.. invisibility, strength, speed, fire, ice, teleportation etc.

    since secondary sch, ever since i watched incredibles, i realli liked violets power- which is invisibility and force field but seriously, at my age, i dun think these powers are very useful. haha. i mean, there's no way i'll use much of my force field cuz there's not a high chance ppl will come and physically attack me or throw a bomb at me so i'dnot be using it v often. secondly, invisibility. hmm. maybe i can use it to spy on guys that i like? haha. or look at teachers answers for tests? hahaha. quite useful ar? but still not very practical.

    for now, i'd realli like a power where i'd be able to transform myself to anything or anyone i like. then i can be beautiful,rich and famous or anyone that i wanna be. haha. that wud be so cool. i can so imagine myself transforming into a top model or someone real smart. haha. and maybe i can experience being someone i care for one day. hmm. so ya. if i cud have powers, i'd like to be able to transform myself into anything and anyone that i like. its like mystique from xmen(minus the blue-ness). haha

    anw, i gotta go get ready soon. i'll be going out for class outing to watch the SAJC drama production at NAFA(bugis). so yea, see u later. i'll try force delia to snap a few pictures later. tata!


    10:09 PM

    sorrie. the pics are not arranged in order. i dunno how to. haha. so its v random.

    Our SAJC aspiring sportsmen/women!

    I love this cat. i have been taking care of it even before it gave birth to its kitten. its always at the staircase outside my hse. even my mum has grown fond of it. its like our pet but not our pet. get it? i give it fish crackers sumtimes. it realli loves it. anw, i call her meow.

    haha. i dun dare to kiss her in case she wakes up and scratches me.

    i was seriously invading her privacy la.

    Can u see her sagging tummy? thats cuz she's just given birth but i have no idea where her kittens are. but its just as well. if not i'll focus all my attention on the kittens and not her. hehe

    Cheryl and I during the band competition. SUPER ACT CUTE!

    HAHA. this pic is damn farnie!

    1st try: delia v out. haha. i focussed too much on myself

    take 2: slightly better. i look happie also. haha.



    2:48 AM

    wad can i say? after many many many weeks of delaying, i finally did my five stations today. and i'm sooo not surprised i didnt pass. haha. i mean, there's nuthink to be embarressed at for me. i've accepted the fact that i cant pass napfa ever since it started in primary school. its just something i cant do and i realised that there's no use brooding over it. hmm. there's some things in life that a person cant do and napfa is one of them for me. haha. sound so deep. lame la. anw, kudoos to mr chua for keeping the mood light. he's so freaking lame. haha. i'm just so happie that i got two super nice/hip/lame/cool teachers. yay me!

    I HAVE NO CCA TODAY! weeee! so happie. haha. and guess wad? i had no GP so my weekend actually started at 11.30am. but sadly, we cudnt leave the school so earlie cuz the gate wud onli open at 1pm so d.i.e.(shortform for delia, imma, and eunice. so sad rite? i noe. haha) went to the com lap to do our GP, ok, actualli onli delia and eunice did. i didnt. cant be bothered. hate GP to the core. if i have the mood, i'll do it later. or maybe i wun at all. hmm. then did ipw. my group chose my idea through a vote. but honestly, i think my idea is damn hard to establish on becuz its seriously not very feasible to work with disabled kids. especially making them cook and manage their own finances. its so risky. they cuz burn or use up all their money in a second. hmm. but i wanted to leave the school quite badly so i agreed. hmm, PW members. please give this suggestion a thought. thanks.

    eunice wanted to go somewhere in the east so we decided to bring her to parkway cuz tampines is just too freaking far. i'd 100 times prefer tampines la. hmm. i was freaking tired by then and my legs were kinda sore. eunice and i wanted to buy eyeliner but i backed out in the last min cuz it was expensive and i cudnt bring myself to part with my money. in the end, we just ended up walking around after eating pasta mania. the chicken bolognaise was ok la. but it was worth the money. onli $5 cuz got student special. haha. next time must go there more often sia. 15 was such a long ride hm. i slept for like 1hr? and the bus was freaking stuffy. haix.

    WAD SHUD I WEAR TMR?!! hahaha. i cant decide sia. i scared i wear too minah then later the class change their perception of me. hmm. haha. maybe i shall go out shopping later. feel like wearing a skirt. haix. see my mood first. anw, i'll upload some photo's later. :)


    2:18 AM

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    i have no idea y every single time i start my day so happily and energetically, that it has to end with me feeling the opposite. luckily i've cooled down if not this post will be full of all the bad words. hmm. but its ok. i've cooled down now. (for people who are reading this, i may just be venting my anger here so i may not be in the right state of mind. dun worrie, i HOPE i will be ok by tmr. haha.)

    firstly, during math class test, a person came to sit beside me hoping to copy my test answers. like wtf. u know how hard i studied even though its for a mere 10 marks? if u dun noe oready, i hate sharing. especially something i've worked so hard for. i'm a very stingy person and i prefer to keep all the glory to myself. so, i'm so sorrie but u can FO if u wanna copy from me in the future. and better still, u're in my PW grp. good luck to u.

    secondly, i was realli blardy pissed with the class just now and i'm not shy to say it. ok, maybe its not realli their fault cuz the teacher cuz have let those who were earlie to remain in their seats. i know they dun have the mentality to get the whole class in trouble. but plz. have some responsibility. i mean, imagine if u were me(something very hard to do), yes, i admit, i'm very into my studies and many may think that i'm a nerd. but i'm doing this cuz i wanna do well and no one is gonna stop me. when i stand, i can hardly take down notes and concentrate with some of u planning how to come up with excuses. i was earlie yet i cud just shut up and TRY to concentrate. but sadly, some of u just cudnt. i'm sorrie S26, but if i just keep it to myself, i'll be more angry when i see u guys but again, i'm not angry with u guys anymore cuz i noe u dun mean to get the class into trouble. i'm sorrie for the ranting but its just something i must do.

    thirdly, i cant seem to change my blogskin. i've tried so many blardy times but i just cant. blogger has some issues that it shud settle man. i realli need to change. can a kind soul plz help me change it? ur help wud realli be appreciated! haha. thanks.


    ps: joel, relax. if i can cool down, u can too! :))))) go hamster! haha.

    11:33 PM

    like vanessa hudgen said in HSM, dreams are meant for sleeping. i totally agree.i'm broke. AGAIN. and AGAIN, i feel that its not my fault i'm in this state. i've been saving every single cent that i can save. sacrifising almost everything that i want. (with the exception of the food i buy during breaks). there are so many things that i want to buy. but i cant. and it feels realli sad becuz i see my friends with them and all i can do is helplessly watch them use it. i dun think its my fault that i've to pay my handphone bill every month. everytime i save, i have to fork out money to pay my monthly handphone bill(of average $32- a super freaking low amt. the standard fee is $25+5(caller ID)) and buy my contact lenses every three months(ave $10 cuz it costs $30 for 3 pairs). every month, i get so happie when i have 5 red notes in my wallet but every month, i feel a double amt of pain when i part with the money. rite now, i have zero money in my wallet(fine, $1.55) to be exact cuz i just paid my hp bill. i promised myself not to use my ATM anymore or i'll break it. haha. there are so many things that i wanna buy still... hmm. i'll list them to keep track(its gonna be a super long list so u may wanna skip the below part and stop reading here.)

    MY DREAMS(refer to post title)
    [no particular order]
    1) pencil case- i stained my pencil case real badly cuz i forgot to cover my purple marker. hmm. it was totally my fault.
    2) wallet- my cheapo wallet is beginning to show its true colours.the bottom is starting to get ripped off even though my wallet is always empty. and its stained with chocolate at some parts. it got stained when i was eating my strawberry fondue. opps.
    3) someone to pay my monthly handphone bill- i think if this problem is solved, i'd have no problem getting my other wants cuz i'd have save enuf money to purchase what i want. hmm. i guess this is the ultimate problem.
    4) a TRENDY/ GOOD BATTERY LIFE/ WIDE LCD digital camera (eg, Sony-Cybershot DSC-W55 [reasonable price and trendy]) - my close friends will realise that i get damn excited and quiet after that everytime i see a digital camera. haha. excitement of holding a digicam followed by jealousy? hahahha. dun let me see a camera!!
    5) nintendo ds- ok. my bro actually gave me $200 to get one when i got my olvl results but i cant get myself to spend it and ended up saving it instead. but i still long for it.... haha.
    6) tops- i realli have to get some b4 i fly off to the US. if not i have nuthink nice to wear. the clothes i usually wear are school tees. even during the weekends. how sad!
    7) jeans/capri pants- firstly, one of my jeans tore from over-wearing. the second one is getting super short cuz i bought that in sec 1. hmm. i dun have capri pants(1/2 pants not 3/4 pants). i realli realli want one now!!

    of course i wish to get many more things but they're all minor. hmm. i got to go. i've spent so much time here. i shud study. and get good grades. and get a good job. and get lots of money. so i can buy wad i want and live happily. know that typical story that EVERYONE tells u? well, to me, its not a story. its a DREAM. and dreams onli happen when u sleep.


    5:00 AM

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    The significance of the date
    -April 22 was the birthday of actor Eddie Albert. Because of Eddie Albert's early work with environmental causes and groups, when International Earth Day was created, it was decided it must be held on April 22 because that is his birthday. [15]
    -April 21 was the birthday of John Muir, who founded the Sierra Club. This is not lost on organizers who thought that April 22 was Muir's birthday.
    -April 22, 1970 was the 100th birthday of Vladimir Lenin. Time reported that some suspected the date was not a coincidence, but a clue that the event was "a Communist trick," and quoted a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution saying, "Subversive elements plan to make American children live in an environment that is good for them."[9] J. Edgar Hoover, director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, may have found the Lenin connection intriguing; it was alleged the FBI conducted surveillance at the 1970 demonstrations.[16] The idea that the date was chosen to celebrate Lenin's centenary still persists in some quarters,[17][18] although Lenin was never noted as an environmentalist.
    -April 22 is also the birthday of Julius Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day, a national tree-planting holiday started in 1872. Arbor Day became a legal holiday in Nebraska in 1885, to be permanently observed on April 22. According to the National Arbor Day Foundation "the most common day for the state observances is the last Friday in April . . . but a number of state Arbor Days are at other times to coincide with the best tree planting weather."[19] It has since been largely eclipsed by the more widely observed Earth Day, except in Nebraska, where it originated.
    taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day

    in my effort to save the earth, i'll sleep without air con today.
    hmm. have YOU done something to save the earth?


    4:58 AM

    omg. i'm so super duper bz this week (and last week). i cant believe that i hardly have time for myself. and the farnie thing is, i'm not even joking.
    life is starting to become so monotonous and seriously boring. realli wanna end this soon. as in, this stress and all. not end my life la dammit. haha.
    i'm gonna have a chem test straight after i post this but i hardly have the energy to flip thru my notes. oh well. i cant remember the time where i can understand chem anymore. maybe during the first week of PAE? i dunno. but i'm not gonna give up. i'm gonna try my best for this test and if i do pass, i realli dun deserve it.(realli contradicting rite?) i'd be lying to say that i studied when all i did was try to cramp everything into my tiny/pitiful brain at the last min.
    as everyone can see, even the blind if someone reads this to them, I AM NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME IN JC! all i can remember now is tutorials, lectures, tests, proposals etc. haha. such a no lifer. i noe.
    even PW isnt going too well. i realli have to make things work. MY GROUP realli have to make it work. i dun wanna suffer for the rest of the year just to get a freaking C starring back at my face earlie next yr. but like eunice said, i wud onli suffer and work if my team suffers and work together. no one is gonna blardy slack while some of us slog day and nite just to get the A that onli we deserve. oh man. this is gonna be the start of many many more horrible journeys to come. i want my life back!


    12:14 AM

    Friday, April 18, 2008

    i just came back from the temasek youth forum held at the tjc auditorium earlier this morning.
    at first i was very reluctant to go becuz firstly, i already have a bad impression of it cuz it was organised by the malay department. haha. not a valid reason rite? i was very scared that i wudnt be able to understand the forum but luckily, it was held in english(at least most of the time).

    i had to drag myself out of the hse at as early as 7.40am. i was kinda late but my classmates were nice enuf to wait for me. a lot of ppl were also late so it wasnt such a big thing. when i first stepped into tjc auditorium, forgive me for saying this, the first thing i thought was, "huh? lecture theater?" haha. i dunno y. but the audi was v v v small compared to SA's. the size of their audi was very comparable to SA's lecture theather 1. hmm. guess every sch is unique in their own way.

    anw, the programme started with a pantun(poem). it was a good start i shud say. then the speakers/panelist went up on stage. there were four of them. hmm.. let me try and recall. ms oni(krayon), mr. mohammad khair, mr ismail and Dr Jazlan! haha. everytime i see dr jazlan, i'll just see him as a hunky tkband ex-drum major but i havent realli seen him talk(like in forums and stuff) so that realli got my attention. surprisingly(or not), he behaves exactly like how he always does during band practices. haha. he's the onli one that kept taking out his handphone in the middle of the talk and kept looking at it. haha. i thought ms oni was an exceptionally good speaker. she was v confident and had this special aura ard her. the other two were old and erm, quite boring. haha. sorrie.

    anw, the theme was abt youths so it was quite relevant and i realli enjoyed the talk. it wasnt that formal so we could laf joke ard. haha. from this, i learn not to judge something before going for the thing itself. i realli enjoyed it and would wanna go back again if they were to have it again. kudoo's to tjc for the great session.

    i'm feeling realli tired even though i havent done anything much today. i have to be at ecp soon for my S20 dinner. we're celebrating nikki's bdae and christina's farewell. not realli celebrating her farewell but actually bidding her farewell. i think i'll come back and do my college day planning and oral(malay) tonite. i realli have to devote myself to study chemistry tmr if not i'll confirm get a big fat zero. chem is so alien nowadays. i realli wish i cud enjoy it as much as i did in tk. haiz. i am definately NOT borned to be a science student!!


    11:47 PM

    Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    the day started of ok. it felt kinda weird coming to sch by public transport suddenly. i'm not really that used to going by car(becuz i have been using public transport to school almost the whole of my life) but it felt kinda weird after a week of not going to school by bus and train. haha.


    haha. look at wad our initials spell. i cant believe we're so unlucky la. haha. delia, i want the pics! we started taking lots of pictures that day cuz we were damn bored while waiting for GP to start. haha. still got time to put self-timer sia. omg. and nitin, i am so not a loner. seriously, even if u consider me one, i'm realli nt the worst. i realli pity some people. and i'm glad its not me.

    anw, mentoring was as wild as a roller-coaster ride. not a teeny weeny one but a huge one. the children were so wild la. hahaha. i have no time to elaborate. i realli have to go bathe now. bb


    5:26 AM

    Saturday, April 12, 2008

    although tk band didnt get wad we wanted, we did not fail
    although tk band didnt get wad we wanted, we're stars
    although tk band didnt get wad we wanted, we're still champions.
    and we will be forever and ever....

    to my juniors, i'm so proud of every single one of you. especially so for my section because i believe that you have improved tremendously throughout this competion. You grew from someone so young and immature to someone of such high standards and quality. To Ming Wei and Firza, having both majors from the section is the biggest honour that any member in the section can have. may tbone continue to shine and bring the band this wonderful honour always.

    secondly, congratulation deyi band for clinching all 3 prestigious awards. i believe that u will be awarded wad u truly deserve so congratulations. the feel so winning is nice huh? enjoy it.

    i just cant bring myself to sleep. i dunno y. my eye hurts but i just cant shut them.
    I LOVE TK BAND-my pride and honour!


    9:33 AM

    Thursday, April 10, 2008

    I'd lie-Taylor Swift
    I don’t think that passenger seat
    Has ever looked this good to me
    He tells me about his night
    I count the colors in his eyes

    He’ll never fall in love he swears
    As he runs his fingers through his hair
    I'm laughing cause I hope he’s wrong
    I don’t think it ever crossed his mine
    He tells a joke, I fake a smile
    But I know all his favorite songs

    And I could tell you
    His favorite color’s green
    He loves to argue
    Born on the seventeenth
    His sister’s beautiful
    He has his father’s eyes
    And if you ask me if I love him
    I’d lie

    He looks around the room
    Innocently overlooks the truth
    Shouldn’t a light go on?
    Doesn’t he know that I’ve had him memorized for so long?

    He sees everything in black and white
    Never lets no body see him cry
    And I don’t let no body see me wishing he was mine

    I could tell you
    His favorite color’s green
    He loves to argue
    Born on the seventeenth
    His sister’s beautiful
    He has his father’s eyes
    And if you ask me if I love him
    I’d lie

    He stands there then walks away
    My God if I could only say
    I’m holding every breath for you

    He’d never tell you
    But he can play guitar
    I think he can see through
    Everything but my heart

    First thought when I wake up
    Is my God he’s beautiful
    So I put on my make-up
    And pray for a miracle

    Yes And I could tell you
    His favorite color's green
    He loves to argue
    Oh and it kills me
    His sister's beautiful
    He has his father's eyes
    And if you asked me if I love him
    Don't you ask me if I love him
    Cause I’d lie

    obviously i cant publish to the whole world wad those words behind the strike realli is. haha. it wud be realli obvious. haha. i realli dun understand y things turn out this way. but maybe i do. i knew it wud end up like this sumday. i guess i realli have to give up. oh man, imma and her love problems.

    oh well, i'm realli not looking foward to tmr. NAPFA 5 stations eh. grrrrrr..


    6:12 AM

    Wednesday, April 9, 2008

    i was so freaking nervous during the mentoring interview just now. i felt like i was going for dsa or something. haha. when i went in, there were 4 of them, one teacher(ms chia), and 3 exco members sitting in a row and there was this one chair which was away from the table. i was so nervous i took a long time to sit. however, when the questions started coming in, i began to feel more relaxed and relieved. haha. i think i answered ok... but i shud have thought of better answers. haix. as i thought, i will be put into the malay grp. :(
    i was surprised that my interview took v short. even though i went in b4 sharlene, i ended b4 her. i was kinda scared but i realised that i got the better of the two interview rooms. oh man. i realli cant imagine how i will do if i go to a 'real' interview. i realli hope i wud do as well.. or even better...

    haha. i think i affected many of my sec school friends with my previous post. suddenly linda changed her pm to i miss batch 2007. haha. talk abt influence. i cant wait for this sat. i have a feeling that something good is gonna come out of it. i realli hope it does!


    6:08 AM

    Tuesday, April 8, 2008

    haha. i admit. i was kinda bitchy today. haha. but sadly, people see this 'bitchy imma' as someone not me but haiz.. i bet my sec sch friends would wildly disagree. haha. its just as well then.
    sometimes playing the good and innocent girl can be quite fun. but seriously. i dun think its me at all. haha. i was quite happie in the morning cuz i completed 6 rounds around the track during morning run. enthu sia. even though i dun have to go. hmmm.. was freaking wet during morning assembly. oh man. SAJC shower sucks to the core ok. the force of the water on ur body like like claws ok. it hurts like hell and i had to use my hand to cover my head when i was bathing. haha. someone shud realli do something abt it. honestly...

    anw, school started and i realli felt refreshed. i dunno y. i was still happie that i got to meet my secondary last sunday. i feel so me again. like i was being myself. u noe that feeling? when u're with ur grp of friends who have gone thru thick and thin with u? hmm.. being in tk was so wonderful. i had friends, fun and lafter. but SA just wudnt give me that. i realli wonder y time passes so quickly. i dun even have the time to tell my tk friends that they mean the world to me. fiza, zhafir and linda(the powerpuffs), cherie, cheryl, hilma, px, jia jun, wei rong, jie rong. especially the first 3, i wud nv have gone pass sec sch without the 3 of u. sure, we had some tough times but that onli made our friendships stronger.i feel so emo now. i wanna be happie. but sadly, i think i will remain sad. hmm..

    i just wish i can turn back time and tell my friends that i realli treasure them. I LOVE U GUYS!


    4:38 AM

    Sunday, April 6, 2008

    i finally went to see tkband today. and i can honestly say i'm damn impressed.
    suddenly, the tkband aura just came back. i missed my juniors sooooo much.
    haha. i'm so happie. anw, the venue of the band com has been finalised. its gonna be at the NATIONAL STADIUM! yay! i can go support the band and ming wei! hahaha. i'm also damn happie cuz i got to meet my sec sch friends. i reali miss the times before/during/after band where we crapped non-stop. if onli we dun have to be separated. i dun mind being together forever. haha. so mushy. anw, to sum up the visit, i'll leave sum photo's behind. enjoy!
    [I TOOK PHOTO'S WITH MING WEI!! haha. dun jealous la.]

    this was taken before i went to MJ to see the band. haha. had lots of time so decided to cam hore abit. haha

    ME AND MING WEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    haha. one picture was not enuf. i had to take more. who cud resist? omg. i realli hope he'll be best drum major. if not i scared i'll have mental block for the next one week or so. GOOD LUCK MING WEI!

    what ever happened to bff? oh man. i miss the times we spent together. mamak, u still owe me a birthday present. idiot. haha.

    haha. met jr who just came back from odac. miss him sooo much!

    PPG forever.! i miss her crap so much i can cry.

    my sec 2 girls. the one on the right had a realli "good" time when i was the SL. i'm sorrie i was so mean. its not my fault!!

    i used to bully him like crazie when he was in sec 1. haha. look at how serious he is. must be realli hating me inside. sorrie kay rui but i love all my juniors no matter wad. :)

    the batch is my heart and soul of tk. without them, i wudnt be me. i love them to bits and pieces. seriously, one band, one sound.


    6:19 AM

    Wednesday, April 2, 2008

    i cant think of a significant title for my post today. maybe becuz nothing significant has happened yet(for today). i'm waiting for ms hon to arrive for pw and i'm so freaking bored. i realli shud be using this time more wisely but heck. haha. i need a break too ok? haha

    i was damn angry yesterday(which explains the short/angry/emo post). but i'm ok now. haha. i'm gonna lose weight the healthy way. haha. i think i've tried like infinity methods to lose weight and becuz of that, i've got infinity results. haha. but all didnt work too well.

    i have to put this in. there is this guy sitting behind me who has a very nice slang and voice. but i dunno how he looks like. and i dun wanna noe. i like listening to him talk(abt soccer, coincidentally). yay! the weekend is coming again. and there's no PE tmr. woots!

    oh, i was very sad in the morning cuz i cudnt get tickets to watch the display band competition at hwa chong institution next sat. hmmp. i realli hope tk band will show the rest who we realli are-simply the best. haha. its gonna be a realli tough fight. GO MING WEI! my best drum major no matter wad. haha. i miss them sooooo much!! i realli have to go and see them soon if not i'll just die. haha. i realli wanna curse the people who took all the tickets but haix.. i shall not waste my breath.


    10:39 PM

    yeah. i'm a fatty and i hate it.
    i just wish one day i can wake up leaving my fats behind.
    i just wish to be normal for one day.
    i hate me.

    5:12 AM