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Nurul Imma Wong
Griffith Primary [98]
Pasir Ris Primary [98-03]
Tanjong Katong Secondary School [04-07]
Saint Andrews Junior College [08-09]
National University of Singapore [10-]

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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    Monday, March 31, 2008

    haha. dun worrie. my title isnt for anyone. its inspired by chris crocker.
    you guys sud watch it. its damn farnie. the go watch the spoofs by seth green. damn lame la. haha. fa and i were thinking of making one for ourselves tmr so whoever that irritate us, BEWARE! haha.

    i'm still so freaking tired and i dunno y i;ve been getting frequent headaches. i hate JC life. study so hard still fail like mad. haiyoo. dunno how much i can take sia. i'm not exactly a v strong person. haha. i know its just the beginning. but yea! it is the beginning and i'm already so lost. oh man.. i'm gonna devote my whole life to studying these days. no more play. haix.
    anw, i weight myself today and i lost ~2kg. yay. i'm gonna monitor my weight everyday from now on and i'm gonna aim to lose at least 2kg in a month or the least 1kg. i realli need to lose weight. i know the consequences of being overweight-both for my health and social life. haiz.

    i've been so bitchy recently. guess i must have been realli tired. but its not my fault. being bitchy is so fun. haha. it realli helps me to forget all my worries abt school. haha. again, i'm realli sorrie but its not my fault. its kinda like the school culture. sorrie.

    i gotta go eat my fruit dinner now. so hungry after my jog just now. i guess my shoes realli worked. i dun feel so tired after jogging just now. yay me! haha. bb


    4:47 AM

    Friday, March 28, 2008

    i am so tiredddddddddddddd~~ i have no idea y. its not fair to say that i'm tired cuz of PE because honestly, i didnt do much there. and yes, I DID PE. oh man. haha

    i cant be more happie that today is a friday and u know what comes after friday? SATURDAY! haha. luckily my two CCA's doesnt involve saturday practices. i seriously need the rest. and if ppl who have cca's on sat, u go ppl! i have no idea how u can endure cuz jc life is seriously different from secondary school(to me). i thought being in TKband is like wow with practices almost everyday but here in jc, every single thing tires me. haha. i sound like i'm dying of a disease.

    anw, the reason y i'm posting so early today is cuz i have cca later at 4.30 and by the time i get home, i may not have the energy to do anything else. today's suppose to be a short day but i have last minute cca which i think ends at 6.30++. but its alright! i shall endure. =)

    i have nothing more to say. my mind is a blank now. maybe when i'm more rested, i'll think of something better to post abt.


    *reminder to myself: please read the econs book that ur itchy fingers have borrowed, study for econs/maths test and do GP homework.

    12:31 AM

    Thursday, March 27, 2008

    my second day of being seventeen is almost over. how sad! haha. the good thing is, i dun feel much older than 2 days ago yet(much to my relief). thank you so much to people who have made my birthday yesterday so sweet and memoriable. the birthday msgs realli made my day! :)

    thank you so much ayah for the durian cake and satay and thank you so much abang nasir for the wonderful pair of shoes!! i realli appreciate it and i love it!! thank u thank u thank u! its the best birthday present ever. he bought me the Nike Airmax 360(grey/pink) http://www.eastbay.com/images/products/large/15410162_l.jpg -->it looks like this. SO NICE!

    also, THANK YOU PAE 08S20 for the wonderful birthday cake. it was one of the most heavenly chocolate cake i've ever tasted! you guys are the best. i lurrrvveeeee you all!! muacks. haha. not forgetting 08S26 for the wonderful birthday song. haha.

    i love my life. and i love tofu. haha.


    5:04 AM

    Monday, March 24, 2008

    i cant believe my three days of "holiday" have passed so fast. school's already started and its back to the usual stuff. i really dun feel like chiong-ing anymore. haha. no inspiration la. everyone so slack. haix. its ok. its only term 2 rite? rite??????????????????

    anw, i went to eat pizza hut yesterday. totally yummy and totally spoilt my diet also. summore can eat the one with cheesy crust. oh man. i can really feel all the stuffed cheese in the crust going down my throat la. but i cant help it sia. it just taste damn goooooddd!! haha. mr rizal called us up to have a get together and also to give us the long over due reward of getting good math grades for o lvls!! yay. he said our batch had the best results in the 2000 batch. weeee!! haha. i ate two slices of pizza, ocean catch and supreme hawaian pizza(yes ppl, DROOLLL). yummy! haha. before that i went to montreux to get a slice of cake for mr rizal. i only met suhailah who was so kind to give me a free slice of chocolate truffle. haha. i realli miss working there. there are so many new flavours and choices of cakes there! haha.

    oh, at the pizza hut, there was this realli cute waiter who helped us light mr. rizal's birthday candle and HE TOUCHED MY FINGER(to pass me the candle). haha. my face was redder than a tomato la. but so sad. he looked so much younger than me(not that i'm super old la). hmmp. that was the only sad part. and oh, the part where i didnt get to see him b4 i left was also v sad. haha.

    MANCHESTER UNITED WON 3-0!! yayness! my darling ronaldo scored too!! wee!! he is soooooo hot! haha. so happie. i seriously think they won the title oready la. and now, chealsea is like above arsenal. yay yay yay! go man u! haha. haha fa! my team crashed yours. actually, i dun realli care. but the important thing is MY RONALDO SCORED!! haha. he seriously rocks la.

    i dun wanna talk abt today. i seriously hate PE. i have no idea how i survived outdoor but i still hate PE. enuf said.


    3:09 AM

    Friday, March 21, 2008

    yay. i baked again today. i had wanted to bake during the march hols last week but i had no time. i baked shortbread cookies today and it turned out very chrispy. very different from the chocolate chip cookie which i baked earlier this yr cuz the previous one was a chewy cookie which turned out rather disastrous. haha. not the taste but the shape. oh man. but i was glad that people liked the taste. S20 actually finished the whole container which i brought. yay! to be honest, this batch of shortbread cookies are a little too crispy for my liking. its very crumbly and it doesnt stick together when u bite it at all. oh well. i realli hope to bake again soon. :)

    i've basically spent the whole of today slacking. i didnt do any work yet. maybe i'll do some malay later. its just "bina ayat"so i'll try to tolerate it. i cant believe its already 6 and my good friday is over. oh man. i'm such a lazy bum. realli wish i can do something more meaningful in my life...

    i cant seem to change my blogskin. got some problems with the code thingy. it refused to show. hav no idea y. oh well. i think i'll just stick to this one for now. i wanna go play games already. bb


    2:59 AM

    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    i've just downloaded all my required applications into my graphic calculator. it was a pretty long process and i'm feeling realli tired now. i'm so happie tmr's a public holiday and i wish all christians a very good friday.. literally. haha. i've got no programmes up for tmr yet but i'm sure i'll be able to do something to keep myself occupied. if not, then i'll just sleep and grow sideways.
    hmmp. i just cant accept the fact that i've gained 1 kg. haha. i mean, i realli watch my diet and stuff and worst of all, i used to jog every evening before that day(PE lesson) when i found out that i actually gained weight instead of losing. it was such a blow to my self esteme. oh man.

    miraculasly, time passed super fast today. lectures ended when i least expected them to. i dun realli feel well though. i have to get some thoughts out of my head. i dun wan anything bad to happen. but omg. its just so difficult. i realli need the person to me patient cuz i may seem rather cold all of a sudden but its not my fault. i just need to change my thinking thats all. :(

    anw, when i was on my way hm, i saw cat porn. the cats were making out behind the lift la and everyone was looking. at first i didnt notice cuz i onli saw one of the cat. suddenly this other cat(which i suppose is the male), went on top of it and pressed itself of the other cat(which i realli hope is a female cat). Then all of a sudden, the male cat started "kissing" the female's neck and it got kind of angry and chased the male away. *tsk. i was realli hoping for something more. haha. i've always seen cats touching themselves awkwardly(i dun wanna use masterbate) but this is the first time i've actually seen two cats making out. woah! haha. i've only watched sparrow porn b4 but they too flew away cuz we were making too much noise. moral of the story... if animals dun wan people to disturb their love making session, please go somewhere private. thank u.


    5:15 AM

    Wednesday, March 19, 2008

    i think my title speaks a thousand words. i cant recall how many blogs i have started and deleted in the past. if i'm not mistaken, this would be around my 6-7th time starting a new one. To me, the first post is always the most difficult to write. I want to make it interesting yet I dun wanna put in too much information. ok, maybe i'll start by saying why i've bothered to start a new one all of a sudden. Firstly, I'M IN JUNIOR COLLEGE ppl! haha. No more the old secondary school days where i got into serious trouble for putting up some "information" on my blog. hopefully, i'll be able to learn from it.

    In this blog, i think i'll be posting more on my school matters than personal matters cuz my backward laptop does not have microsoft word and i have nowhere to do my typing(except backward notebook :( ). So if u happen to be in the same school, or worse, the same combi or class *hint hint*, please do not snatch my work. haha. If not we'll both end up in trouble (and that is the last thing i want). So yea. Feel free to come here if you need inspiration for work but i wun guarentee that wadever i write will be sensible. i think this is long enough for an intro. i'm not gonna regegitate wad happened in the first 3mths of my JC as it will bore the hell out of you and it wud also be impossible to finish by tonite. so, maybe i'll just start of with wad happened today :)

    Well, today, like all other school days is a hectic one. I only had two half our breaks in between and it was almost impossible to eat. I had math lecture in the morning and i'm so thankful that i got such a nice looking teacher. Fa(my bf-bestfriend la. wad were u thinking? [oh man. reminds me of lesbian pose]) said he's really blur and nice. so, lucky me. we started functions and took 1hr just to go through the definations. yay! no maths problems! During the break, was rushing to complete my GP plan. I think i'm realli screwed for the essay. I can honestly say that it wasnt my best. oh well. During the 2nd break, i was feeling realli hungry so delia,esther and i bought chicken porriage. i find the porriage so cool la! got raw egg at the bottom. haha. i havent eaten that kind b4 so i was actually feeling excited when i bought it. in the end, we were rushing to finish it cuz the break was too short and i was sweating like a pig. i didnt manage to finish it cuz we seriously had no time. We didnt wanna be late for econs lect cuz our form teacher, miss hon, will be there to mark attendence but to my horror, when i reached the cc, the lights were still off and many other saints were playing inside. oh man. i realli shud have eaten my porriage. the rest of the day went fine. i went home with fa, something which i have not done in a long time. it was fun. like durh, we laughed our heads of but luckily not as bad as yesterday.

    i've yet to complete my assignments. tomorrow's gonna be another long day, as in literally long cuz i'll end lessons at 4.30 tmr. i'm looking foward for tmr..........NOT!


    3:54 AM